baseURL: copyright: CC-BY, see title: theme: datacoop2020 defaultContentLanguage: da enableGitInfo: true markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true # See: languages: da: title: weight: 1 # First Hugo looks in your post front matter for an images value (images: [""]) # Then Hugo searchs for image page resources with feature, cover or thumbnail in their name. These are images files under a directory that matches the post (e.g. content\posts\first-post) # If not images are found, Hugo looks for images (images: [""]) in your site config # If no image if found, then an image-less Twitter summary card is used instead of summary_large_image # images: ["/static/img/some_card_preview_large_da.png"] LanguageName: Dansk menu: nav: - name: "Bliv Medlem" url: "membership/" weight: 1 - name: "Om os" url: "about/" weight: 2 - name: "Tjenester" url: "services/" weight: 3 - name: "Vedtægter" url: "rights/" weight: 4 en: title: weight: 2 images: ["/static/img/some_card_preview_large_en.png"] LanguageName: English menu: nav: - name: "Membership" url: "en/membership/" weight: 1 - name: "About us" url: "en/about/" weight: 2 - name: "Services" url: "en/services/" weight: 3 - name: "Statutes" url: "en/rights/" weight: 4 params: description: "Et datakollektiv, der passer på dine data."