# # This file is autogenerated by hatch-pip-compile with Python 3.12 # # - coverage[toml]==7.3.0 # - pytest==7.2.2 # - pytest-cov # - pytest-django==4.5.2 # - mypy==1.1.1 # - django-stubs==1.16.0 # - pip-tools==7.3.0 # - django-debug-toolbar==4.2.0 # - django-browser-reload==1.7.0 # - model-bakery==1.17.0 # - django-allauth~=0.63 # - django-money~=3.5 # - django-oauth-toolkit~=2.4 # - django-registries==0.0.3 # - django-view-decorator==0.0.4 # - django-zen-queries~=2.1 # - django~=5.0 # - environs[django]<12,>=11 # - psycopg[binary]~=3.2 # - uvicorn~=0.30 # - whitenoise~=6.7 # asgiref==3.8.1 # via django attrs==23.2.0 # via pytest babel==2.15.0 # via py-moneyed build==1.2.1 # via pip-tools certifi==2024.7.4 # via requests cffi==1.16.0 # via cryptography charset-normalizer==3.3.2 # via requests click==8.1.7 # via # pip-tools # uvicorn coverage==7.3.0 # via # hatch.envs.dev # coverage # pytest-cov cryptography==42.0.8 # via jwcrypto dj-database-url==2.2.0 # via environs dj-email-url==1.0.6 # via environs django==5.0.7 # via # hatch.envs.dev # dj-database-url # django-allauth # django-browser-reload # django-debug-toolbar # django-money # django-oauth-toolkit # django-registries # django-stubs # django-stubs-ext # django-view-decorator # django-zen-queries # model-bakery django-allauth==0.63.6 # via hatch.envs.dev django-browser-reload==1.7.0 # via hatch.envs.dev django-cache-url==3.4.5 # via environs django-debug-toolbar==4.2.0 # via hatch.envs.dev django-money==3.5.2 # via hatch.envs.dev django-oauth-toolkit==2.4.0 # via hatch.envs.dev django-registries==0.0.3 # via hatch.envs.dev django-stubs==1.16.0 # via hatch.envs.dev django-stubs-ext==5.0.2 # via django-stubs django-view-decorator==0.0.4 # via hatch.envs.dev django-zen-queries==2.1.0 # via hatch.envs.dev environs==11.0.0 # via # hatch.envs.dev # environs h11==0.14.0 # via uvicorn idna==3.7 # via requests iniconfig==2.0.0 # via pytest jwcrypto==1.5.6 # via django-oauth-toolkit marshmallow==3.21.3 # via environs model-bakery==1.17.0 # via hatch.envs.dev mypy==1.1.1 # via # hatch.envs.dev # django-stubs mypy-extensions==1.0.0 # via mypy oauthlib==3.2.2 # via django-oauth-toolkit packaging==24.1 # via # build # marshmallow # pytest pip-tools==7.3.0 # via hatch.envs.dev pluggy==1.5.0 # via pytest psycopg==3.2.1 # via # hatch.envs.dev # psycopg psycopg-binary==3.2.1 # via psycopg py-moneyed==3.0 # via django-money pycparser==2.22 # via cffi pyproject-hooks==1.1.0 # via build pytest==7.2.2 # via # hatch.envs.dev # pytest-cov # pytest-django pytest-cov==5.0.0 # via hatch.envs.dev pytest-django==4.5.2 # via hatch.envs.dev python-dotenv==1.0.1 # via environs pytz==2024.1 # via django-oauth-toolkit requests==2.32.3 # via django-oauth-toolkit sqlparse==0.5.1 # via # django # django-debug-toolbar tomli==2.0.1 # via django-stubs types-pytz==2024.1.0.20240417 # via django-stubs types-pyyaml== # via django-stubs typing-extensions==4.12.2 # via # dj-database-url # django-stubs # django-stubs-ext # jwcrypto # mypy # psycopg # py-moneyed urllib3==2.2.2 # via requests uvicorn==0.30.1 # via hatch.envs.dev wheel==0.43.0 # via pip-tools whitenoise==6.7.0 # via hatch.envs.dev # The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file: # pip # setuptools