--- title: "Solutions" --- ## Choosing us You should work with us because you like Open Source, and you are motivated to go for proven technical solutions - whether because you want to avoid complexity in digital projects or in order to reduce environmental impact. We solve problems and build solutions using our [Values and Methods]({{< ref "/#methods" >}}). * We are creative and curious. We want to figure out something that works for you, which probably isn't just "the usual old routine". * We use rapid methods. This means that we *need* to spend your time and your users' time to gather feedback and continuously iterate on the product until everyone is happy. * We use Open Source, and if your project is also Open Source, we are happy to help it [become a successful open source project](/blog/venn-diagram-of-open-source). ## Ongoing projects We are currently working with others on a number of projects: ### Zetkin App Building new prototypes and comparive studies for Python API backend design. https://zetkin.org/ ### django-consent > (...) Ideally, we should step back from our immediate short-term development issues and imagine how we would want our own data to be handled. By assuming the real user's perspective, we can identify better models and solutions for consent management where the management part is seen as the user's ability to manage their own consent. https://github.com/django-denmark/django-consent ### WIP: "ilovedocs" > Ilovedocs is an experiment to dream up a new documentation language and framework. It's a fresh take on documentation, based on experiences from other frameworks. > > With Ilovedocs, we can address shortcomings of popular documentation frameworks by borrowing successful concepts and avoiding unsuccessful concepts, such as shortcomings in markup language and bundled features. We do this by open sourcing the "software specification" or "design docs" for what we want, before someone will hopefully go and build it. ## Previous projects ### Digitala Ombudsvalet (Zetkin Foundation) 16 Swedish districts voted in a digital election made possible by a voting system tailored to 1) increase awareness among political party members to their party candidates and their politics, 2) increase voter participation, 3) be a trust-worthy voting system, tamper-proof etc. We designed new features for the system and worked hand-in-hand with election organizers and committees throughout the election and until the final results were in. ### GovStack Consent Building Block We participated in GovStack's Consent Building Block by facilitating the technical tools to move quickly from architectural decisions to OpenAPI spec and to a CRUD-based reference implementation. We build CI and consulted on API endpoint and data models. > The Consent Building Block enables services for individuals to approve the use of their Personal Data by defining the principles, functions, and architecture of an information system. For organisations that process Personal Data​,​ it provides the ability to know the ​individual's will and legitimately process such Personal Data. https://govstack.gitbook.io/bb-consent [More...](https://overtag.dk/v2/projects/)