I was wondering if anyone would disagree with this, but I think that when we choose between user convenience and privacy, then privacy will probably always win :)
Unfortunately Stripe also…
Yes, it's one of the unsolved issues but will arrive together with the emails that can send out a payment link for an order.
But to answer the question: Yes, Stripe does support this: https://docs.stripe.com/api/checkout/sessions/create#create_checkout_session-customer_email
It's a feature: If we shared people's email address with Stripe, we would need a privacy policy that stated this + a checkbox to agree because 1) an email is PII, 2) people cannot reasonably…
Jeg har været i gang med at lave nogle forsøg, men jeg tænker at #218 skal fikses, før det kommer videre....
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
on Mastodon
Are you getting ready to deploy? I'm on parental duties today, but I'll have some time in the evening if there's something bork'ed.
In case it deploys and works well, I can start to put data in…