# What is it --- Cryptoaarhus is a series of informal get-togethers the second Sunday of every month in Aarhus. There is a similar event in [Copenhagen][cryptohagen] ## Who is it for The meetup is for everyone who uses the Internet in one form or another. - You might be studying and needing to research sensitive topics - Perhaps you live in a problematic relationship and need a way to get help without your partner being alerted - You may be a journalist and need some tools to help protect a source - Or maybe you're a future whistle blower We can all find ourselves in a situation where we need ways to protect our privacy. We are a friendly group of "nerds" who get together and are ready to start the conversation with you about how you can get better at protecting yourself online. We'll have a talk about your specific needs and come up with some ideas to help you get started. ## What else is Cryptoaarhus Cryptoaarhus is also a friendly community that provides a space to discuss topics like privacy, online safety and security or encryption or any other subject among like-minded people. So come on down and say hi, have a chat and a good cup of coffee. All you need to bring is a friendly smile and the wish to get to know some nice people in a relaxed environment. ## Get in touch We have a [Twitter account][twitter]. Feel free to write us there, a few of us have access to it so we'll be sure to reply as soon as we can. [cryptohagen]:https://cryptohagen.dk/index_en.html [twitter]:https://twitter.com/cryptoaarhus