- danish_title: "Søndag d. 26. april 2020"
danish_text: "Virtuelt Cryptohagen
Grundet COVID-19 mødes vi til april Cryptohagen på Jitsi Meet. Det kommer til at foregå på https://meet.graffen.io/cryptohagenapril i det sædvanlige tidsrum. Vi håber selvfølgelig at se mange af Jer!"
english_title: "Sunday April 26th 2020"
english_text: "strong>Virtual Cryptohagen
Due to the COVID-19 situation, we will do a virtual Cryptohagen in April. We will use Jitsi Meet at https://meet.graffen.io/cryptohagenapril and it'll take place during our normal hours. We hope to see many of you there!"
time: "13:00-17:00"
current: true
- danish_title: "Søndag d. 31. maj 2020"
danish_text: "Vi afventer situationen men vil evt. holde virtuelt Cryptohagen igen i maj."
english_title: "Sunday May 31st 2020"
english_text: "We'll see how the situation evolves but will likely do a virtual Cryptohagen in May also."
time: "13:00-17:00"
current: false
- danish_title: "Søndag d. 28. juni 2020"
danish_text: "Vi afventer situationen men vil evt. holde virtuelt Cryptohagen igen i juni."
english_title: "Sunday June 28th 2020"
english_text: "We'll see how the situation evolves but will likely do a virtual Cryptohagen in June also."
time: "13:00-17:00"
current: false