- danish_title: "Søndag d. 28. marts 2021" danish_text: "På grund af Covid-19 prøver vi igen at afholde #cryptohagen virtuelt fra klokken 13 og nogle timer frem. Hvis der eventuelt er brug for hjælp, kan en af de frivillige oprette separat rum til det. Vi ses på Jitsi Meet" english_title: "Sunday March 28th 2021" english_text: "Due to the Covid-19 situation, we'll try doing virtual #cryptohagen from 13:00 and a few hours onwards. If 1:1 help is needed, we can easily split out into separate chat rooms. See you at Jitsi Meet" time: "13:00-17:00" current: true - danish_title: "Søndag d. 25. april 2021" danish_text: "Følg med på Twitter, IRC eller Matrix for opdateringer vedr. Covid-19 situationen i relation til Cryptohagen." english_title: "Sunday April 25th 2021" english_text: "Follow along on Twitter, IRC or Matrix for updates regarding the Covid-19 situation and Cryptohagen." time: "13:00-17:00" current: false - danish_title: "Søndag d. 30. maj 2021" danish_text: "Følg med på Twitter, IRC eller Matrix for opdateringer vedr. Covid-19 situationen i relation til Cryptohagen." english_title: "Sunday May 30th 2021" english_text: "Follow along on Twitter, IRC or Matrix for updates regarding the Covid-19 situation and Cryptohagen." time: "13:00-17:00" current: false