import { dbPromise, getDatabase } from './databaseLifecycle' import { ACCOUNTS_STORE, NOTIFICATION_TIMELINES_STORE, NOTIFICATIONS_STORE, PINNED_STATUSES_STORE, RELATIONSHIPS_STORE, STATUS_TIMELINES_STORE, STATUSES_STORE, THREADS_STORE, TIMESTAMP } from './constants' import debounce from 'lodash-es/debounce' import { mark, stop } from '../_utils/marks' import { deleteAll } from './utils' import { createPinnedStatusKeyRange, createThreadKeyRange } from './keys' import { getKnownInstances } from './knownInstances' import noop from 'lodash-es/noop' const BATCH_SIZE = 20 export const TIME_AGO = 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // five days ago const DELAY = 5 * 60 * 1000 // five minutes function batchedGetAll (callGetAll, callback) { function nextBatch () { callGetAll().onsuccess = function (e) { const results = callback(results) if (results.length) { nextBatch() } } } nextBatch() } function cleanupStatuses (statusesStore, statusTimelinesStore, threadsStore, cutoff) { batchedGetAll( () => statusesStore.index(TIMESTAMP).getAllKeys(IDBKeyRange.upperBound(cutoff), BATCH_SIZE), results => { results.forEach(statusId => { statusesStore.delete(statusId) deleteAll( statusTimelinesStore, statusTimelinesStore.index('statusId'), IDBKeyRange.only(statusId) ) deleteAll( threadsStore, threadsStore, createThreadKeyRange(statusId) ) }) } ) } function cleanupNotifications (notificationsStore, notificationTimelinesStore, cutoff) { batchedGetAll( () => notificationsStore.index(TIMESTAMP).getAllKeys(IDBKeyRange.upperBound(cutoff), BATCH_SIZE), results => { results.forEach(notificationId => { notificationsStore.delete(notificationId) deleteAll( notificationTimelinesStore, notificationTimelinesStore.index('notificationId'), IDBKeyRange.only(notificationId) ) }) } ) } function cleanupAccounts (accountsStore, pinnedStatusesStore, cutoff) { batchedGetAll( () => accountsStore.index(TIMESTAMP).getAllKeys(IDBKeyRange.upperBound(cutoff), BATCH_SIZE), results => { results.forEach(accountId => { accountsStore.delete(accountId) deleteAll( pinnedStatusesStore, pinnedStatusesStore, createPinnedStatusKeyRange(accountId) ) }) } ) } function cleanupRelationships (relationshipsStore, cutoff) { batchedGetAll( () => relationshipsStore.index(TIMESTAMP).getAllKeys(IDBKeyRange.upperBound(cutoff), BATCH_SIZE), results => { results.forEach(relationshipId => { relationshipsStore.delete(relationshipId) }) } ) } export async function cleanup (instanceName) { console.log('cleanup', instanceName) mark(`cleanup:${instanceName}`) const db = await getDatabase(instanceName) const storeNames = [ STATUSES_STORE, STATUS_TIMELINES_STORE, NOTIFICATIONS_STORE, NOTIFICATION_TIMELINES_STORE, ACCOUNTS_STORE, RELATIONSHIPS_STORE, THREADS_STORE, PINNED_STATUSES_STORE ] await dbPromise(db, storeNames, 'readwrite', (stores) => { const [ statusesStore, statusTimelinesStore, notificationsStore, notificationTimelinesStore, accountsStore, relationshipsStore, threadsStore, pinnedStatusesStore ] = stores const cutoff = - TIME_AGO cleanupStatuses(statusesStore, statusTimelinesStore, threadsStore, cutoff) cleanupNotifications(notificationsStore, notificationTimelinesStore, cutoff) cleanupAccounts(accountsStore, pinnedStatusesStore, cutoff) cleanupRelationships(relationshipsStore, cutoff) }) stop(`cleanup:${instanceName}`) } function doCleanup (instanceName) { // run in setTimeout because we're in a worker and there's no requestIdleCallback setTimeout(() => cleanup(instanceName)) } async function scheduledCleanup () { console.log('scheduledCleanup') const knownInstances = await getKnownInstances() for (const instance of knownInstances) { doCleanup(instance) } } // we have unit tests that test indexedDB; we don't want this thing to run forever export const scheduleCleanup = process.browser ? debounce(scheduledCleanup, DELAY) : noop