import { restoreMastodonData } from './restore-mastodon-data' import pify from 'pify' import childProcessPromise from 'child-process-promise' import path from 'path' import fs from 'fs' import { waitForMastodonUiToStart, waitForMastodonApiToStart } from './wait-for-mastodon-to-start' import mkdirpCB from 'mkdirp' const exec = childProcessPromise.exec const spawn = childProcessPromise.spawn const mkdirp = pify(mkdirpCB) const stat = pify(fs.stat.bind(fs)) const writeFile = pify(fs.writeFile.bind(fs)) const dir = __dirname const GIT_URL = '' const GIT_BRANCH = 'for-pinafore' const DB_NAME = 'pinafore_development' const DB_USER = 'pinafore' const DB_PASS = 'pinafore' const envFile = ` PAPERCLIP_SECRET=foo SECRET_KEY_BASE=bar OTP_SECRET=foobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobar DB_HOST= DB_PORT=${process.env.PGPORT || 5432} DB_USER=${DB_USER} DB_NAME=${DB_NAME} DB_PASS=${DB_PASS} ` const mastodonDir = path.join(dir, '../mastodon') let childProc async function cloneMastodon () { try { await stat(mastodonDir) } catch (e) { console.log('Cloning mastodon...') await exec(`git clone ${GIT_URL} --branch ${GIT_BRANCH} --single-branch --depth 1 "${mastodonDir}"`) await writeFile(path.join(dir, '../mastodon/.env'), envFile, 'utf8') } } async function setupMastodonDatabase () { console.log('Setting up mastodon database...') try { await exec(`psql -d template1 -c "CREATE USER ${DB_USER} WITH PASSWORD '${DB_PASS}' CREATEDB;"`) } catch (e) { /* ignore */ } try { await exec(`dropdb -h -U ${DB_USER} -w ${DB_NAME}`, { cwd: mastodonDir, env: Object.assign({PGPASSWORD: DB_PASS}, process.env) }) } catch (e) { /* ignore */ } await exec(`createdb -h -U ${DB_USER} -w ${DB_NAME}`, { cwd: mastodonDir, env: Object.assign({PGPASSWORD: DB_PASS}, process.env) }) let dumpFile = path.join(dir, '../fixtures/dump.sql') await exec(`psql -h -U ${DB_USER} -w -d ${DB_NAME} -f "${dumpFile}"`, { cwd: mastodonDir, env: Object.assign({PGPASSWORD: DB_PASS}, process.env) }) let tgzFile = path.join(dir, '../fixtures/system.tgz') let systemDir = path.join(mastodonDir, 'public/system') await mkdirp(systemDir) await exec(`tar -xzf "${tgzFile}"`, {cwd: systemDir}) } async function runMastodon () { console.log('Running mastodon...') let cmds = [ 'gem install bundler foreman', 'bundle install', 'yarn --pure-lockfile' ] for (let cmd of cmds) { console.log(cmd) await exec(cmd, {cwd: mastodonDir}) } const promise = spawn('foreman', ['start'], {cwd: mastodonDir}) const log = fs.createWriteStream('mastodon.log', {flags: 'a'}) childProc = promise.childProcess childProc.stdout.pipe(log) childProc.stderr.pipe(log) } async function main () { await cloneMastodon() await setupMastodonDatabase() await runMastodon() await waitForMastodonApiToStart() await restoreMastodonData() await waitForMastodonUiToStart() } function shutdownMastodon () { if (childProc) { console.log('killing child process') childProc.kill() } } process.on('SIGINT', function () { shutdownMastodon() process.exit(0) }) main().catch(err => { console.error(err) shutdownMastodon() process.exit(1) })