/* global describe, it */ import { replaceEmoji } from '../../src/routes/_utils/replaceEmoji' import assert from 'assert' const mindBlown = String.fromCodePoint(0x1F92F) const elephant = String.fromCodePoint(0x1F418) const womanBowing = [0x1f647, 0x200d, 0x2640, 0xfe0f].map(_ => String.fromCodePoint(_)).join('') describe('test-emoji.js', function () { it('does emoji replacement correctly', function () { const replacer = _ => `
` assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji('hello world', replacer), 'hello world' ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`${mindBlown}`, replacer), `
` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`${mindBlown} ${elephant}`, replacer), `
` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`${elephant} woot ${mindBlown}`, replacer), `
` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`woot ${mindBlown}`, replacer), `woot
` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`${mindBlown} woot`, replacer), `
woot` ) }) it('handles multi-code emoji', function () { const replacer = _ => `
` assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`hello ${womanBowing}`, replacer), `hello
` ) }) it('handles emoji mixed with custom emoji', function () { const replacer = _ => `
` assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`hello ${womanBowing} and :blobpats: and ${elephant}`, replacer), `hello
and :blobpats: and
` ) }) it('handles sequential emoji', function () { const replacer = _ => `
` assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`${elephant}${elephant}${womanBowing}${mindBlown}`, replacer), `
` ) }) it('does not replace non-emoji characters', function () { const replacer = _ => `
` assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`it's over #9000`, replacer), `it's over #9000` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`woot !@#$%^&*()~` + '`' + `{[}]:;"'<,>.?/£™℠®`, replacer), `woot !@#$%^&*()~` + '`' + `{[}]:;"'<,>.?/£™℠®` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`woot !@#$%^&*()~` + '`' + `{[}]:;"'<,>.?/£™℠®`, replacer), `woot !@#$%^&*()~` + '`' + `{[}]:;"'<,>.?/£™℠®` ) // hidden VARIATION SELECTOR character is in here assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji("

It's shapes™️ ... continued

", replacer), "

It's shapes™️ ... continued

" ) }) it('does not replace emoji inside HTML tags', function () { const replacer = _ => `
` assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`check this cool link: link`, replacer), `check this cool link: link` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji( `link and link`, replacer ), `link and link` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji( `link and ${mindBlown}`, replacer ), `link and
` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji( `link and ${mindBlown} and ` + `link`, replacer ), `link and
and ` + `link` ) }) it('removes emoji', function () { const replacer = _ => '' assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`woot ${mindBlown}`, replacer), `woot ` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`woot ${mindBlown} woot`, replacer), `woot woot` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`woot ${mindBlown}${elephant}`, replacer), `woot ` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`woot ${mindBlown}${elephant} woot`, replacer), `woot woot` ) }) it('can handle a dangling left angle bracket for some reason', function () { const replacer = _ => `
` assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`woot ${mindBlown} <`, replacer), `woot
<` ) assert.strictEqual( replaceEmoji(`woot ${mindBlown} ${mindBlown}