import { getKnownDbs } from './knownDbs' import debounce from 'lodash/debounce' import { TIMELINE_STORE, getTimelineDatabase } from './timelines' const MAX_NUM_STORED_STATUSES = 1000 const CLEANUP_INTERVAL = 60000 async function cleanup(instanceName, timeline) { const db = await getTimelineDatabase(instanceName, timeline) return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const tx = db.transaction(TIMELINE_STORE, 'readwrite') const store = tx.objectStore(TIMELINE_STORE) const index = store.index('pinafore_id_as_negative_big_int') store.count().onsuccess = (e) => { let count = if (count <= MAX_NUM_STORED_STATUSES) { return } let openKeyCursor = index.openKeyCursor || index.openCursor, null, 'prev').onsuccess = (e) => { let cursor = if (--count < MAX_NUM_STORED_STATUSES || !cursor) { return } store.delete(cursor.primaryKey).onsuccess = () => { cursor.continue() } } } tx.oncomplete = () => resolve() tx.onerror = () => reject( + ' ' + tx.error.message) }) } export const cleanupOldStatuses = debounce(async () => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log('cleanupOldStatuses') } let knownDbs = await getKnownDbs() let instanceNames = Object.keys(knownDbs) for (let instanceName of instanceNames) { let knownDbsForInstance = knownDbs[instanceName] || [] for (let knownDb of knownDbsForInstance) { let {type, dbName} = knownDb if (type !== 'timeline') { continue } await cleanup(instanceName, dbName) } } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log('done cleanupOldStatuses') } }, CLEANUP_INTERVAL)