#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -x PATH="$PATH:./node_modules/.bin" # need to build to update vercel.json yarn run build # set up robots.txt if [[ "$DEPLOY_TYPE" == "dev" ]]; then printf 'User-agent: *\nDisallow: /' > static/robots.txt else rm -f static/robots.txt fi # if in travis, use the $NOW_TOKEN DEPLOY_COMMAND="vercel --scope nolanlawson" if [[ ! -z "$NOW_TOKEN" ]]; then DEPLOY_COMMAND="$DEPLOY_COMMAND --token $NOW_TOKEN" fi # launch URL=$($DEPLOY_COMMAND --confirm -e SAPPER_TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s%3N)) # fixes issues with now being unavailable immediately sleep 60 # choose the right alias DEPLOY_ALIAS="dev.pinafore.social" if [[ "$DEPLOY_TYPE" == "prod" ]]; then DEPLOY_ALIAS="pinafore.social" fi # alias $DEPLOY_COMMAND alias "$URL" "$DEPLOY_ALIAS" # cleanup $DEPLOY_COMMAND rm pinafore --safe --yes