import svgs from '../bin/svgs.js' const inlineSvgs = svgs.filter(_ => _.inline).map(_ => `#${}`) const mode = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production' const dev = mode === 'development' const resolve = { extensions: ['.js', '.json', '.html'], mainFields: ['svelte', 'module', 'browser', 'main'], alias: { // All browsers we target support Intl.PluralRules (or it's polyfilled). // So format-message-interpret can fall back to that. This file is pretty big (9.83kB) and it's not needed. './plurals': '@stdlib/utils-noop', 'lookup-closest-locale': '@stdlib/utils-noop', // small, but also not needed 'svelte/store.umd.js': 'svelte/store.js' // have to use UMD for Mocha, but in Webpack we can use the ESM version } } export { mode, dev, resolve, inlineSvgs }