import { restoreMastodonData } from './restore-mastodon-data' import childProcessPromise from 'child-process-promise' import fs from 'fs' import { waitForMastodonUiToStart, waitForMastodonApiToStart } from './wait-for-mastodon-to-start' import cloneMastodon from './clone-mastodon' import installMastodon from './install-mastodon' import { mastodonDir, env } from './mastodon-config' const spawn = childProcessPromise.spawn let childProc async function runMastodon () { console.log('Running mastodon...') const cwd = mastodonDir const promise = spawn('foreman', ['start'], { cwd, env }) // don't bother writing to mastodon.log in CI; we can't read the file anyway const logFile = process.env.CIRCLECI ? '/dev/null' : 'mastodon.log' const log = fs.createWriteStream(logFile, { flags: 'a' }) childProc = promise.childProcess childProc.stdout.pipe(log) childProc.stderr.pipe(log) promise.catch(err => { console.error('foreman start failed, see mastodon.log for details') console.error(err) shutdownMastodon() process.exit(1) }) } async function main () { await cloneMastodon() await installMastodon() await runMastodon() await waitForMastodonApiToStart() await restoreMastodonData() await waitForMastodonUiToStart() } function shutdownMastodon () { if (childProc) { console.log('killing child process') childProc.kill() } } process.on('SIGINT', function () { shutdownMastodon() process.exit(0) }) main().catch(err => { console.error(err) shutdownMastodon() process.exit(1) })