import { database } from '../_database/database' import { store } from '../_store/store' import { search } from '../_api/search' import { SEARCH_RESULTS_LIMIT } from '../_static/autosuggest' import { concat } from '../_utils/arrays' import uniqBy from 'lodash-es/uniqBy' import { scheduleIdleTask } from '../_utils/scheduleIdleTask' import { PromiseThrottler } from '../_utils/PromiseThrottler' const DATABASE_SEARCH_RESULTS_LIMIT = 30 const promiseThrottler = new PromiseThrottler(200) // Mastodon FE also uses 200ms function byUsername (a, b) { let usernameA = a.acct.toLowerCase() let usernameB = b.acct.toLowerCase() return usernameA < usernameB ? -1 : usernameA === usernameB ? 0 : 1 } function byAccountId (a) { return } export function doAccountSearch (searchText) { let canceled = false let localResults let remoteResults let { currentInstance, accessToken } = store.get() let controller = typeof AbortController === 'function' && new AbortController() function abortFetch () { if (controller) { controller.abort() controller = null } } async function searchAccountsLocally (searchText) { localResults = await database.searchAccountsByUsername( currentInstance, searchText.substring(1), DATABASE_SEARCH_RESULTS_LIMIT) } async function searchAccountsRemotely (searchText) { // Throttle our XHRs to be a good citizen and not spam the server with one XHR per keystroke await if (canceled) { return } remoteResults = (await search( currentInstance, accessToken, searchText, false, SEARCH_RESULTS_LIMIT, controller && controller.signal )).accounts } function mergeAndTruncateResults () { // Always include local results; they are more likely to be relevant // because the user has seen their content before. Otherwise, sort by username. let results = (localResults || []) .slice() .sort(byUsername) .slice(0, SEARCH_RESULTS_LIMIT) if (results.length < SEARCH_RESULTS_LIMIT) { let topRemoteResults = (remoteResults || []) .sort(byUsername) .slice(0, SEARCH_RESULTS_LIMIT - results.length) results = concat(results, topRemoteResults) results = uniqBy(results, byAccountId) } return results } function onNewResults () { if (canceled) { return } let results = mergeAndTruncateResults() store.setForCurrentAutosuggest({ autosuggestType: 'account', autosuggestSelected: 0, autosuggestSearchResults: results }) } scheduleIdleTask(() => { if (canceled) { return } // run the two searches in parallel searchAccountsLocally(searchText).then(onNewResults).catch(err => { console.error('could not search locally', err) }) searchAccountsRemotely(searchText).then(onNewResults).catch(err => { console.error('could not search remotely', err) }) }) return { cancel: () => { canceled = true abortFetch() } } }