import { loginAsFoobar } from '../roles' import { getNthStatus, getNthStatusContent, getUrl, getNthReplyButton, getNthComposeReplyInput, sleep, getAriaSetSize, getNthComposeReplyButton, goBack, goForward } from '../utils' import { postAs, postReplyAs } from '../serverActions' fixture`122-replies-in-threads.js` .page`http://localhost:4002` const TIMEOUT = 1500 async function goBackAndForward (t) { await goBack() await t.expect(getUrl()).eql('http://localhost:4002/') await goForward() await t.expect(getUrl()).match(/statuses/) } async function verifyAriaSetSize (t, size) { await sleep(TIMEOUT) await t.expect(getAriaSetSize()).eql(size) await goBackAndForward(t) await sleep(TIMEOUT) await t.expect(getAriaSetSize()).eql(size) } // You click on status B, which is a reply to status A. // Now status C comes in, which is a response to status A. // Status C is inserted automatically, even though it shouldn't be in that thread. test('reply to non-focused parent status in a thread', async t => { const { id } = await postAs('admin', 'here is my awesome thread') await postReplyAs('admin', 'and here it is continued', id) await loginAsFoobar(t) await t .hover(getNthStatus(0)) .expect(getNthStatusContent(0).innerText).contains('and here it is continued') .click(getNthStatus(0)) .expect(getUrl()).match(/statuses/) .click(getNthReplyButton(0)) .typeText(getNthComposeReplyInput(0), 'haha I totally agree', { paste: true }) .click(getNthComposeReplyButton(0)) await verifyAriaSetSize(t, '2') }) // In this case it's the same as the previous, except the focused status is status A. test('reply to focused status in a thread', async t => { const { id } = await postAs('admin', 'whoa here is my other awesome thread') await postReplyAs('admin', 'whoa and here it is probably continued', id) await loginAsFoobar(t) await t .hover(getNthStatus(0)) .expect(getNthStatusContent(0).innerText).contains('whoa and here it is probably continued') .hover(getNthStatusContent(1)) .click(getNthStatus(1)) .expect(getUrl()).match(/statuses/) .click(getNthReplyButton(0)) .typeText(getNthComposeReplyInput(0), 'haha I totally agree', { paste: true }) .click(getNthComposeReplyButton(0)) await verifyAriaSetSize(t, '3') }) // In this case the thread is A-B-C, the focused status is C, // and the replied-to status is A. test('reply to non-focused grandparent status in a thread', async t => { const { id: id1 } = await postAs('admin', 'cool thread 1/3') const { id: id2 } = await postReplyAs('admin', 'cool thread 2/3', id1) await postReplyAs('admin', 'cool thread 3/3', id2) await loginAsFoobar(t) await t .hover(getNthStatus(0)) .expect(getNthStatusContent(0).innerText).contains('cool thread 3/3') .click(getNthStatus(0)) .expect(getUrl()).match(/statuses/) .hover(getNthStatus(2)) .hover(getNthStatus(1)) .hover(getNthStatus(0)) .click(getNthReplyButton(0)) .typeText(getNthComposeReplyInput(0), 'this is sweet', { paste: true }) .click(getNthComposeReplyButton(0)) await verifyAriaSetSize(t, '3') }) // Thread is A-B-C, focused status is A, replied-to status is C. test('reply to non-focused grandchild status in a thread', async t => { const { id: id1 } = await postAs('admin', 'sweet thread 1/3') const { id: id2 } = await postReplyAs('admin', 'sweet thread 2/3', id1) await postReplyAs('admin', 'sweet thread 3/3', id2) await loginAsFoobar(t) await t .hover(getNthStatus(0)) .expect(getNthStatusContent(0).innerText).contains('sweet thread 3/3') .hover(getNthStatusContent(1)) .hover(getNthStatus(2)) .click(getNthStatus(2)) .expect(getUrl()).match(/statuses/) .hover(getNthStatus(0)) .hover(getNthStatus(1)) .hover(getNthStatus(2)) .click(getNthReplyButton(2)) .typeText(getNthComposeReplyInput(2), 'this is sweet', { paste: true }) .click(getNthComposeReplyButton(2)) await verifyAriaSetSize(t, '4') })