// A store where you can divide data into "realms" that are backed with an LRU cache. // Each realm has self-contained data that you can set with setForRealm() and compute // with computeForRealm(). The maxSize determines how many realms to keep in the LRU cache. import { Store } from 'svelte/store.js' import QuickLRU from 'quick-lru' import { mark, stop } from './marks' import { requestPostAnimationFrame } from './requestPostAnimationFrame' export class RealmStore extends Store { constructor (init, maxSize) { super(init) this.set({ realms: new QuickLRU({ maxSize: maxSize }) }) this._batches = {} } setCurrentRealm (realm) { this.set({ currentRealm: realm }) } setForRealm (obj) { const { currentRealm, realms } = this.get() realms.set(currentRealm, Object.assign(realms.get(currentRealm) || {}, obj)) this.set({ realms: realms }) } computeForRealm (key, defaultValue) { this.compute(key, ['realms', 'currentRealm'], (realms, currentRealm) => { const realmData = realms.get(currentRealm) return (realmData && realmData[key]) || defaultValue }) } /* * Update several values at once in a realm, assuming the key points * to a plain old javascript object. */ batchUpdateForRealm (key, subKey, value) { const { currentRealm } = this.get() let realmBatches = this._batches[currentRealm] if (!realmBatches) { realmBatches = this._batches[currentRealm] = {} } let batch = realmBatches[key] if (!batch) { batch = realmBatches[key] = {} } batch[subKey] = value requestPostAnimationFrame(() => { const batch = this._batches[currentRealm] && this._batches[currentRealm][key] if (!batch) { return } const updatedKeys = Object.keys(batch) if (!updatedKeys.length) { return } mark('batchUpdate') const obj = this.get()[key] for (const otherKey of updatedKeys) { obj[otherKey] = batch[otherKey] } delete this._batches[currentRealm][key] const { realms } = this.get() realms.set(currentRealm, Object.assign(realms.get(currentRealm) || {}, { [key]: obj })) this.set({ realms: realms }) stop('batchUpdate') }) } }