import difference from 'lodash-es/difference' import times from 'lodash-es/times' import { cloneForStorage } from '../helpers' import { dbPromise, getDatabase } from '../databaseLifecycle' import { accountsCache, notificationsCache, setInCache, statusesCache } from '../cache' import { scheduleCleanup } from '../cleanup' import { ACCOUNTS_STORE, NOTIFICATION_TIMELINES_STORE, NOTIFICATIONS_STORE, STATUS_TIMELINES_STORE, STATUSES_STORE, THREADS_STORE } from '../constants' import { createThreadId, createThreadKeyRange, createTimelineId } from '../keys' import { cacheStatus } from './cacheStatus' export function putStatus (statusesStore, status) { statusesStore.put(cloneForStorage(status)) } export function putAccount (accountsStore, account) { accountsStore.put(cloneForStorage(account)) } export function putNotification (notificationsStore, notification) { notificationsStore.put(cloneForStorage(notification)) } export function storeAccount (accountsStore, account) { putAccount(accountsStore, account) } export function storeStatus (statusesStore, accountsStore, status) { putStatus(statusesStore, status) putAccount(accountsStore, status.account) if (status.reblog) { putStatus(statusesStore, status.reblog) putAccount(accountsStore, status.reblog.account) } } export function storeNotification (notificationsStore, statusesStore, accountsStore, notification) { if (notification.status) { storeStatus(statusesStore, accountsStore, notification.status) } storeAccount(accountsStore, notification.account) putNotification(notificationsStore, notification) } async function insertTimelineNotifications (instanceName, timeline, notifications) { for (let notification of notifications) { setInCache(notificationsCache, instanceName,, notification) setInCache(accountsCache, instanceName,, notification.account) if (notification.status) { setInCache(statusesCache, instanceName,, notification.status) } } const db = await getDatabase(instanceName) let storeNames = [NOTIFICATION_TIMELINES_STORE, NOTIFICATIONS_STORE, ACCOUNTS_STORE, STATUSES_STORE] await dbPromise(db, storeNames, 'readwrite', (stores) => { let [ timelineStore, notificationsStore, accountsStore, statusesStore ] = stores for (let notification of notifications) { storeNotification(notificationsStore, statusesStore, accountsStore, notification) timelineStore.put(, createTimelineId(timeline, } }) } async function insertTimelineStatuses (instanceName, timeline, statuses) { for (let status of statuses) { cacheStatus(status, instanceName) } const db = await getDatabase(instanceName) let storeNames = [STATUS_TIMELINES_STORE, STATUSES_STORE, ACCOUNTS_STORE] await dbPromise(db, storeNames, 'readwrite', (stores) => { let [ timelineStore, statusesStore, accountsStore ] = stores for (let status of statuses) { storeStatus(statusesStore, accountsStore, status) timelineStore.put(, createTimelineId(timeline, } }) } async function insertStatusThread (instanceName, statusId, statuses) { for (let status of statuses) { cacheStatus(status, instanceName) } const db = await getDatabase(instanceName) let storeNames = [THREADS_STORE, STATUSES_STORE, ACCOUNTS_STORE] await dbPromise(db, storeNames, 'readwrite', (stores) => { let [ threadsStore, statusesStore, accountsStore ] = stores threadsStore.getAllKeys(createThreadKeyRange(statusId)).onsuccess = e => { let existingKeys = let newKeys = times(statuses.length, i => createThreadId(statusId, i)) let keysToDelete = difference(existingKeys, newKeys) for (let key of keysToDelete) { threadsStore.delete(key) } } statuses.forEach((otherStatus, i) => { storeStatus(statusesStore, accountsStore, otherStatus) threadsStore.put(, createThreadId(statusId, i)) }) }) } export async function insertTimelineItems (instanceName, timeline, timelineItems) { /* no await */ scheduleCleanup() if (timeline === 'notifications') { return insertTimelineNotifications(instanceName, timeline, timelineItems) } else if (timeline.startsWith('status/')) { let statusId = timeline.split('/').slice(-1)[0] return insertStatusThread(instanceName, statusId, timelineItems) } else { return insertTimelineStatuses(instanceName, timeline, timelineItems) } }