import { updateInstanceInfo } from '../../_actions/instances' import { createStream } from '../../_actions/streaming' import { getTimeline } from '../../_api/timelines' import { addStatusesOrNotifications } from '../../_actions/addStatusOrNotification' export function timelineObservers (store) { // stream to watch for local/federated/etc. updates. home and notification // updates are handled in timelineObservers.js let currentTimelineStream function shutdownPreviousStream () { if (currentTimelineStream) { currentTimelineStream.close() currentTimelineStream = null if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { window.currentTimelineStream = null } } } function shouldObserveTimeline (timeline) { return timeline && !( timeline !== 'local' && timeline !== 'federated' && !timeline.startsWith('list/') && !timeline.startsWith('tag/') ) } store.observe('currentTimeline', async (currentTimeline) => { if (!process.browser) { return } shutdownPreviousStream() if (!shouldObserveTimeline(currentTimeline)) { return } let currentInstance = store.get('currentInstance') let accessToken = store.get('accessToken') await updateInstanceInfo(currentInstance) let checkInstanceAndTimelineAreUnchanged = () => ( store.get('currentInstance') === currentInstance && store.get('currentTimeline') === currentTimeline ) if (!checkInstanceAndTimelineAreUnchanged()) { return } let timelineItemIds = store.getForTimeline(currentInstance, currentTimeline, 'timelineItemIds') let firstTimelineItemId = timelineItemIds && timelineItemIds[0] if (firstTimelineItemId) { // fill in the "streaming gap" – i.e. fetch the most recent 20 items so that there isn't // a big gap in the timeline if you haven't looked at it in awhile // TODO: race condition here, should start streaming while this request is ongoing let newTimelineItems = await getTimeline(currentInstance, accessToken, currentTimeline, null, firstTimelineItemId) if (newTimelineItems.length) { addStatusesOrNotifications(currentInstance, currentTimeline, newTimelineItems) } if (!checkInstanceAndTimelineAreUnchanged()) { return } } let instanceInfo = store.get('currentInstanceInfo') currentTimelineStream = createStream(instanceInfo.urls.streaming_api, currentInstance, accessToken, currentTimeline) if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { window.currentTimelineStream = currentTimelineStream } }) }