import { composeInput, getActiveElementClass, getNthComposeReplyButton, getNthComposeReplyInput, getNthReplyButton, getNthStatus } from '../utils' import { foobarRole } from '../roles' fixture`111-focus.js` .page`http://localhost:4002` test('replying to a toot returns focus to reply button', async t => { await t.useRole(foobarRole) .typeText(composeInput, 'I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey', {paste: true}) .pressKey('ctrl+enter') .expect(getNthStatus(0).find('.status-content').innerText).contains('I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey') .click(getNthReplyButton(0)) .typeText(getNthComposeReplyInput(0), 'How strange was it?', {paste: true}) .click(getNthComposeReplyButton(0)) .expect(getActiveElementClass()).contains('status-toolbar-reply-button', {timeout: 20000}) })