Nolan Lawson 16e66346d7
fix!: remove esm package, use native Node ES modules (#2064)
BREAKING CHANGE: Node v12.20+, v14.14+, or v16.0+ is required

* fix!: remove esm package, use native Node ES modules

* fix: fix some CJS imports
2021-07-04 20:19:04 -07:00

77 lines
2 KiB

import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import { promisify } from 'util'
import { LOCALE } from '../src/routes/_static/intl.js'
import { getIntl, trimWhitespace } from './getIntl.js'
const __dirname = path.dirname(new URL(import.meta.url).pathname)
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile)
const writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile)
// Try 'en-US' first, then 'en' if that doesn't exist
const PREFERRED_LOCALES = [LOCALE, LOCALE.split('-')[0]]
// emojibase seems like the most "neutral" shortcodes, but cldr is available in every language
const PREFERRED_SHORTCODES = ['emojibase', 'cldr']
async function getEmojiI18nFile (locale, shortcode) {
const filename = path.resolve(__dirname,
try {
return JSON.parse(await readFile(filename, 'utf8'))
} catch (err) { /* ignore */ }
async function getFirstExistingEmojiI18nFile () {
for (const locale of PREFERRED_LOCALES) {
for (const shortcode of PREFERRED_SHORTCODES) {
const json = await getEmojiI18nFile(locale, shortcode)
if (json) {
return json
async function buildEmojiI18nFile () {
const json = await getFirstExistingEmojiI18nFile()
if (!json) {
throw new Error(`Couldn't find i18n data for locale ${LOCALE}. Is it supported in emoji-picker-element-data?`)
await writeFile(
path.resolve(__dirname, `../static/emoji-${LOCALE}.json`),
async function buildManifestJson () {
const template = await readFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/build/manifest.json'), 'utf8')
// replace {}
const output = template
.replace(/{intl\.([^}]+)}/g, (match, p1) => trimWhitespace(getIntl(p1)))
await writeFile(
path.resolve(__dirname, '../static/manifest.json'),
JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(output)), // minify json
async function main () {
await Promise.all([
main().catch(err => {