"use strict";

module.exports = {
        // Set the server mode.
        // Public servers does not require authentication.
        // Set to 'false' to enable users.
        // @type     boolean
        // @default  false
        public: false,

        // IP address or hostname for the web server to listen on.
        // Setting this to undefined will listen on all interfaces.
        // For UNIX domain sockets, use unix:/absolute/path/to/file.sock.
        // @type     string
        // @default  undefined
        host: undefined,

        // Set the port to listen on.
        // @type     int
        // @default  9000
        port: 9000,

        // Set the local IP to bind to for outgoing connections. Leave to undefined
        // to let the operating system pick its preferred one.
        // @type     string
        // @default  undefined
        bind: undefined,

        // Sets whether the server is behind a reverse proxy and should honor the
        // X-Forwarded-For header or not.
        // @type     boolean
        // @default  false
        reverseProxy: false,

        // Set the default theme.
        // Find out how to add new themes at https://thelounge.github.io/docs/plugins/themes.html
        // @type     string
        // @default  "example"
        theme: "example",

        // Prefetch URLs
        // If enabled, The Lounge will try to load thumbnails and site descriptions from
        // URLs posted in channels.
        // @type     boolean
        // @default  false
        prefetch: false,

        // Store and proxy prefetched images and thumbnails.
        // This improves security and privacy by not exposing client IP address,
        // and always loading images from The Lounge instance and making all assets secure,
        // which in result fixes mixed content warnings.
        // If storage is enabled, The Lounge will fetch and store images and thumbnails
        // in the `${THELOUNGE_HOME}/storage` folder.
        // Images are deleted when they are no longer referenced by any message (controlled by maxHistory),
        // and the folder is cleaned up on every The Lounge restart.
        // @type     boolean
        // @default  false
        prefetchStorage: false,

        // Prefetch URLs Image Preview size limit
        // If prefetch is enabled, The Lounge will only display content under the maximum size.
        // Specified value is in kilobytes. Default value is 2048 kilobytes.
        // @type     int
        // @default  2048
        prefetchMaxImageSize: 2048,

        // Display network
        // If set to false network settings will not be shown in the login form.
        // @type     boolean
        // @default  true
        displayNetwork: true,

        // Lock network
        // If set to true, users will not be able to modify host, port and tls
        // settings and will be limited to the configured network.
        // @type     boolean
        // @default  false
        lockNetwork: false,

        // Hex IP
        // If enabled, clients' username will be set to their IP encoded has hex.
        // This is done to share the real user IP address with the server for host masking purposes.
        // @type     boolean
        // @default  false
        useHexIp: false,

        // WEBIRC support
        // If enabled, The Lounge will pass the connecting user's host and IP to the
        // IRC server. Note that this requires to obtain a password from the IRC network
        // The Lounge will be connecting to and generally involves a lot of trust from the
        // network you are connecting to.
        // Format (standard): {"irc.example.net": "hunter1", "irc.example.org": "passw0rd"}
        // Format (function):
        //   {"irc.example.net": function(client, args, trusted) {
        //       // here, we return a webirc object fed directly to `irc-framework`
        //       return {username: "thelounge", password: "hunter1", address: args.ip, hostname: "webirc/"+args.hostname};
        //   }}
        // @type     string | function(client, args):object(webirc)
        // @default  null
        webirc: null,

        // Log settings
        // Logging has to be enabled per user. If enabled, logs will be stored in
        // the 'logs/<user>/<network>/' folder.
        // @type     object
        // @default  {}
        logs: {
                // Timestamp format
                // @type     string
                // @default  "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
                format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",

                // Timezone
                // @type     string
                // @default  "UTC+00:00"
                timezone: "UTC+00:00",

        // Maximum number of history lines per channel
        // Defines the maximum number of history lines that will be kept in
        // memory per channel/query, in order to reduce the memory usage of
        // the server. Setting this to -1 will keep unlimited amount.
        // @type     integer
        // @default  10000
        maxHistory: 10000,

        // Default values for the 'Connect' form.
        // @type     object
        // @default  {}
        defaults: {
                // Name
                // @type     string
                // @default  "Freenode"
                name: "Freenode",

                // Host
                // @type     string
                // @default  "chat.freenode.net"
                host: "chat.freenode.net",

                // Port
                // @type     int
                // @default  6697
                port: 6697,

                // Password
                // @type     string
                // @default  ""
                password: "",

                // Enable TLS/SSL
                // @type     boolean
                // @default  true
                tls: true,

                // Nick
                // @type     string
                // @default  "lounge-user"
                nick: "lounge-user",

                // Username
                // @type     string
                // @default  "lounge-user"
                username: "lounge-user",

                // Real Name
                // @type     string
                // @default  "The Lounge User"
                realname: "The Lounge User",

                // Channels
                // This is a comma-separated list.
                // @type     string
                // @default  "#thelounge"
                join: "#thelounge",

        // Set socket.io transports
        // @type     array
        // @default  ["polling", "websocket"]
        transports: ["polling", "websocket"],

        // Run The Lounge using encrypted HTTP/2.
        // This will fallback to regular HTTPS if HTTP/2 is not supported.
        // @type     object
        // @default  {}
        https: {
                // Enable HTTP/2 / HTTPS support.
                // @type     boolean
                // @default  false
                enable: false,

                // Path to the key.
                // @type     string
                // @example  "sslcert/key.pem"
                // @default  ""
                key: "",

                // Path to the certificate.
                // @type     string
                // @example  "sslcert/key-cert.pem"
                // @default  ""
                certificate: "",

                // Path to the CA bundle.
                // @type     string
                // @example  "sslcert/bundle.pem"
                // @default  ""
                ca: "",

        // Default quit and part message if none is provided.
        // @type     string
        // @default  "The Lounge - https://thelounge.github.io"
        leaveMessage: "The Lounge - https://thelounge.github.io",

        // Run The Lounge with identd support.
        // @type     object
        // @default  {}
        identd: {
                // Run the identd daemon on server start.
                // @type     boolean
                // @default  false
                enable: false,

                // Port to listen for ident requests.
                // @type     int
                // @default  113
                port: 113,

        // Enable oidentd support using the specified file
        // Example: oidentd: "~/.oidentd.conf",
        // @type     string
        // @default  null
        oidentd: null,

        // LDAP authentication settings (only available if public=false)
        // @type    object
        // @default {}
        // The authentication process works as follows:
        //   1. Lounge connects to the LDAP server with its system credentials
        //   2. It performs a LDAP search query to find the full DN associated to the
        //      user requesting to log in.
        //   3. Lounge tries to connect a second time, but this time using the user's
        //      DN and password. Auth is validated iff this connection is successful.
        // The search query takes a couple of parameters in `searchDN`:
        //   - a base DN `searchDN/base`. Only children nodes of this DN will be likely
        //     to be returned;
        //   - a search scope `searchDN/scope` (see LDAP documentation);
        //   - the query itself, build as (&(<primaryKey>=<username>) <filter>)
        //     where <username> is the user name provided in the log in request,
        //     <primaryKey> is provided by the config and <fitler> is a filtering complement
        //     also given in the config, to filter for instance only for nodes of type
        //     inetOrgPerson, or whatever LDAP search allows.
        // Alternatively, you can specify the `bindDN` parameter. This will make the lounge
        // ignore searchDN options and assume that the user DN is always:
        //     <bindDN>,<primaryKey>=<username>
        // where <username> is the user name provided in the log in request, and <bindDN>
        // and <primaryKey> are provided by the config.
        ldap: {
                // Enable LDAP user authentication
                // @type     boolean
                // @default  false
                enable: true,

                // LDAP server URL
                // @type     string
                url: "ldap://{{ ldap.domain }}",

                // LDAP connection tls options (only used if scheme is ldaps://)
                // @type     object (see nodejs' tls.connect() options)
                // @default {}
                // Example:
                //   You can use this option in order to force the use of IPv6:
                //   {
                //     host: 'my::ip::v6',
                //     servername: 'example.com'
                //   }
                tlsOptions: {},

                // LDAP base dn, alternative to searchDN
                // @type     string
                // baseDN: "",

                // LDAP primary key
                // @type     string
                // @default  "uid"
                primaryKey: "uid",

                // LDAP search dn settings. This defines the procedure by which the
                // lounge first look for user DN before authenticating her.
                // Ignored if baseDN is specified
                // @type     object
                searchDN: {

                        // LDAP searching bind DN
                        // This bind DN is used to query the server for the DN of the user.
                        // This is supposed to be a system user that has access in read only to
                        // the DNs of the people that are allowed to log in.
                        // @type     string
                        rootDN: "cn=admin,dc=data,dc=coop",

                        // Password of the lounge LDAP system user
                        // @type     string
                        rootPassword: "{{ ldap_admin_password }}",

                        // LDAP filter
                        // @type     string
                        // @default  "uid"
                        //filter: "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(memberOf=ou=members,dc=data,dc=coop)",
                        filter: "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)",

                        // LDAP search base (search only within this node)
                        // @type     string
                        base: "{{ ldap_dn }}",

                        // LDAP search scope
                        // @type     string
                        // @default  "sub"
                        scope: "sub",


        // Extra debugging
        // @type     object
        // @default  {}
        debug: {
                // Enables extra debugging output provided by irc-framework.
                // @type     boolean
                // @default  false
                ircFramework: false,

                // Enables logging raw IRC messages into each server window.
                // @type     boolean
                // @default  false
                raw: false,