
119 lines
2.6 KiB
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2014-11-22 07:42:28 +00:00
@set TMPVER=1
@set TMPPRJ=tidy5
@set TMPSRC=..\..
@set TMPINS=..\..\..\3rdParty
@set DOTINST=0
@set TMPLOG=bldlog-1.txt
@if "%~1x" == "x" goto GOTCMD
@goto RPT
@call chkmsvc %TMPPRJ%
@echo Build %DATE% %TIME% > %TMPLOG%
@echo Build source %TMPSRC%... all output to build log %TMPLOG%
@echo Build source %TMPSRC%... all output to build log %TMPLOG% >> %TMPLOG%
@if EXIST build-cmake.bat (
@call build-cmake >> %TMPLOG%
@if NOT EXIST %TMPSRC%\CMakeLists.txt goto NOCM
cmake %TMPSRC% %TMPOPTS% >> %TMPLOG% 2>&1
@if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERR1
cmake --build . --config Debug >> %TMPLOG% 2>&1
@if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERR2
cmake --build . --config Release >> %TMPLOG% 2>&1
@if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERR3
@fa4 "***" %TMPLOG%
@call elapsed %TMPBGN%
@echo Appears a successful build... see %TMPLOG%
@if "%DOTINST%x" == "0x" goto DNTINST
@echo Building installation zips... moment...
@call build-zips Debug
@call build-zips Release
@echo Done installation zips...
@echo No install at this time, but there is a updexe.bat to copy the EXE to c:\MDOS...
@goto END
@echo Continue with install? Only Ctrl+c aborts...
cmake --build . --config Debug --target INSTALL >> %TMPLOG% 2>&1
@if EXIST install_manifest.txt (
@copy install_manifest.txt install_manifest_dbg.txt >nul
@echo. >> %TMPINS%/installed.txt
@echo = %TMPRJ% Debug install %DATE% %TIME% >> %TMPINS%/installed.txt
@type install_manifest.txt >> %TMPINS%/installed.txt
cmake --build . --config Release --target INSTALL >> %TMPLOG% 2>&1
@if EXIST install_manifest.txt (
@copy install_manifest.txt install_manifest_rel.txt >nul
@echo. >> %TMPINS%/installed.txt
@echo = %TMPRJ% Release install %DATE% %TIME% >> %TMPINS%/installed.txt
@type install_manifest.txt >> %TMPINS%/installed.txt
@call elapsed %TMPBGN%
@echo All done... see %TMPLOG%
@goto END
@echo Can NOT locate source %TMPSRC%! *** FIX ME ***
@echo Can NOT locate source %TMPSRC%! *** FIX ME *** >> %TMPLOG%
@goto ISERR
@echo Can NOT locate %TMPSRC%\CMakeLists.txt!
@echo Can NOT locate %TMPSRC%\CMakeLists.txt! >> %TMPLOG%
@goto ISERR
@echo cmake configuration or generations ERROR
@echo cmake configuration or generations ERROR >> %TMPLOG%
@goto ISERR
@echo ERROR: Cmake build Debug FAILED!
@echo ERROR: Cmake build Debug FAILED! >> %TMPLOG%
@goto ISERR
@echo ERROR: Cmake build Release FAILED!
@echo ERROR: Cmake build Release FAILED! >> %TMPLOG%
@goto ISERR
@echo See %TMPLOG% for details...
@exit /b 1
@exit /b 0
@REM eof