If you are having trouble running console `Tidy`, or using the `LibTidy` API in your own project, then maybe the best places to get help is either via a comment in [Tidy Issues](https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5/issues), or on the [Tidy Mail Archive](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/html-tidy/) list.
In either place please start with a short subject to describe the issue. If it involves running Tidy on an html file, or if it’s an API question, make sure to include:
These data will make replication of your issue much simpler for us.
If you do add sample HTML input, then it can also be very helpful if that sample **passes** the W3C [validator](https://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_upload). Tidy attempts to follow all current W3C standards.
If you are able to build tidy from [source](https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5) (requires [CMake](https://cmake.org/download/)), and you can find the problem in the source code, then read on about how you can create a Pull Request (“PR”) to share your code and ideas.
If you have a more deeply-rooted problem with how the program is built or some of the stylistic decisions made in the code, it is best to [create an issue](https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5/issues/new) before putting the effort into a pull request. The same goes for new features - it might be best to check the project's direction, existing pull requests, and currently open and closed issues first.
Concerning the “Tidy Code Style,” checkout [CODESTYLE.md](CODESTYLE.md), but looking at existing code is the best way to get a good feel for the patterns we use.
other, it is better to use `branches`, and make sure you check the master branch back out before making more changes - that way we can take in each change seperately, otherwise Github has a tendancy to combine your requests into one.
If you are a continuing contributor then you will need to `rebase` your fork, to htacg `next`, **before** doing any more work, and likewise branches, otherwise we may not be able to cleanly merge your PR. This is a simple process: