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2015-05-14 13:02:46 +00:00
Description of tests
A brief description of most of the tests. Well mainly the header of the
original bug report. Namely https://sourceforge.net/p/tidy/bugs/#number/
The original list was generated by tidytests.pl, which scanned the
test/input folder, and extracted the title, if one found.
Then each was verified on the sourceforge site, and the current sf bug number
added. A few case were 'missing'.
426885 1 #1 Definition list w/Center crashes
427633 0 #3 Line endings not supported correctly
427662 1 #2 BLOCK/INLINE before TABLE parsed wrong
427664 1 #4 Missing attr values cause NULL segfault
427672 1 #10 Non-std attrs w/multibyte names segfault
427675 1 #12 Frameset followed by frame infinite loop
427676 2 #13 Missing = from attr value NULL segfault
427677 1 #14 TrimInitialSpace() can trim too much
427810 1 #15 Proprietary elements not reported as err
427811 1 #16 FRAME inside NOFRAME infinite loop
427813 1 #18 Missing = from attr value segfaults
427816 1 #19 Mismatched quotes for attr segfaults
427818 1 #20 Missing quotes cause segfaults
427819 1 #21 OPTION w/illegal FONT eats whitespace
427820 1 #22 indent config options ignored for BR
427821 0 #23 XHTML TRANSITIONAL doctype set wrongly
427822 1 #24 PopInLine() doesn't check stack
427823 1 #25 Multiple BODY's in NOFRAMES allowed
427825 1 #26 Problems nesting user defined inline tag
427826 0 #27 Script source needs escaping/CDATA section
427827 1 #28 Nested anchor elements allowed
427830 1 #29 Correct XHTML 1.0 Namespace ignored
427833 0 #30 Uppercase &#X; escape sequences ignored
427834 0 #31 Warning given for newline in DOCTYPE
427835 1 #32 DTD not inserted, but DTD URI Namespace
427836 1 #33 OBJECT should be wrapped in BODY
427837 0 #34 No encoding specified in XML output
427838 1 #35 Name Anchor thrown away
427839 0 #36 Output DOCTYPE/Namespace decl separately
427840 1 #37 Span causes infinite loop
427841 1 #38 Bad HTML in nested lists cause segfault
#39 End tags containing whitespace warning
427845 0 [ #427845 ] Doctypes are output on multiple lines
427846 1 #40 Blank char inserted after first char
#41 non-usascii element names not recognized
#42 attr.c:DeclareLiteralAttrib()assign NULL
431716 0 #43 -slides causes a seg fault
#44 HTML 3.2 Doctype not recognized correct
#45 Memory Leaks - FreeNode() not called
431721 1 #46 Cleaning list bullets for Word 2000
431731 1 #47 Inline emphasis inconsistent propagation
431736 1 #49 Doctype decl added before XML decl
431739 1 #51 Spaces carried into empty block tags
431874 1 #53 Nested anchors not detected
431889 1 #55 Config file options w/"param" don't work
431895 1 #56 gnu-emacs filename not set for XML or -q
431898 1 #57 Tidy messes up X(HT)ML documents
431958 0 #59 Comments always indented
431964 1 #60 table height="" not flagged as error
432677 0 #62 Null value changed to "value" for -asxml
433012 1 [ #433012 ] Illegal ampersands/character entities
433021 1 [ #433021 ] Identify attribute whose value is bad
433040 0 #64 Anchor tag without attributes deleted
433359 0 #65 Empty iframe elements trimmed
433360 1 #66 Tags with missing > can't be repaired
433604 0 #67 Tidy inserts   entity in -xml mode
433607 0 #68 No warning for omitted end tag with -xml
#69 Problem w/ ExpandTilde (config file)
#70 &apos not recognized as valid XML entity
433656 0 [ #433656 ] Improve support for PHP
433666 1 [ #433666 ] Attempt to repair duplicate attributes
433672 1 #71 Anchor enclosing Header tags is omitted
433856 1 #72 Access violation w/Word files w/font tag
434047 0 #74 Mixed content in 4.01 Strict not allowed
434100 2 #76 Error actually reported as a warning
#77 Doctype set to Transitional for Frameset
434940 0 [ #434940 ] --show-body-only: print only body contents
435903 1 #78 Script element w/body child to table bug>
435917 1 #80 <input onfocus=""> reported unknown attr
435919 1 #81 Nested <q></q>'s not handled correctly
435920 1 #82 Space inserted before </td> causes probs
435922 1 #83 Missing <form> around <input> no warning
#84 -clean demotes smart quotes to ascii
#85 Newline in URL attr value becomes space
#86 Missing / in title endtag makes 2 titles
435923 0 [ #435923 ] Preserve case of attribute names
437468 0 Test input file for iso-8859-1 character entities
438650 1 [ #438650 ] Newline in URL attr value becomes space
438658 1
438954 0 #87 Body tag w/attributes omitted w/hide-end
438956 1 #88 Bad head-endtag reported incorrectly
441508 1 #90 parser.c: BadForm() function broken
441568 0 #92 Font tags handling different
443362 1 #94 null-pointer except. for doctype in pre
443576 1 #96 End script tag inside scripts problem
443678 1 #98 Tidy breaks docs with unclosed <script> in <head>
445074 1 #101 XHTML requires form method="post" in lower case
445394 1
445557 1 [ #445557 ] Convert Symbol font chars to Unicode
449348 0 #103 Whitespace added/removed to inline tags (in -xml mode)
470663 1 Test Input For Bug #470663
473490 1 #115 Document Type Declaration for proprietary documents
480406 0 #119 Single document element discarded
480701 0 #121 -xml conflicts with -output-xhtml
487204 1 #122 Duplicate DIV style attribute generated
487283 1 #123 >/select< does not terminate >option<
500236 1 #127 Microsoft Access exported HTML files
501669 0 #130 width="n*" marked invalid on <COL>
503436 1
504206 1 #139 Tidy errors in processing forms.
505770 1 #146 Unclosed option tag causing problems
511243 0 #149 Punctuation wrap wraps on invalid places
511679 1 #150 Block level elements in a <pre> section
533233 0 #173 Extra newline around inline <script>
540571 1 #184 Inconsistent behaviour with span inline element
543262 0 #192 tidy eats all memory
545772 0 #197 --output-xhtml hangs on most files
553468 0 #204 XHTML strict accept <b><i> and <u> tags
566542 1 #214 parser hangs
586555 1 #229 Misplaced backslash caused by newline
; eof