lose the word 'experimental' and bring help text inot line with this fork

This commit is contained in:
Geoff McLane 2014-08-06 19:22:28 +02:00
parent ec9249f3ad
commit 18ef6b6aa2
2 changed files with 30 additions and 12 deletions

View file

@ -417,14 +417,27 @@ static void xml_help( void )
printf( "</cmdline>\n" );
static ctmbstr get_final_name( ctmbstr prog )
ctmbstr name = prog;
int c;
size_t i, len = strlen(prog);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
c = prog[i];
if ((( c == '/' ) || ( c == '\\' )) && prog[i+1])
name = &prog[i+1];
return name;
static void help( ctmbstr prog )
printf( "%s [option...] [file...] [option...] [file...]\n", prog );
printf( "\n");
printf( "%s [options...] [file...] [options...] [file...]\n", get_final_name(prog) );
printf( "Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML\n");
printf( "\n");
printf( "This is an HTML5-aware experimental fork of HTML Tidy.\n");
printf( "%s\n", tidyReleaseDate() );
printf( "This is an HTML5-aware fork of HTML Tidy, dated %s\n", tidyReleaseDate() );
printf( "\n");
@ -445,23 +458,28 @@ static void help( ctmbstr prog )
printf( "Single letter options apart from -f may be combined\n");
printf( "as in: tidy -f errs.txt -imu foo.html\n");
printf( "\n");
printf( "For more information on this HTML5-aware experimental fork of Tidy,\n" );
printf( "see http://w3c.github.com/tidy-html5/\n" );
printf( "For the source of this HTML5 fork see https://github.com/geoffmcl/tidy-fork\n" );
printf( "This fork started life as a clone of http://w3c.github.com/tidy-html5/\n" );
printf( "\n");
printf( "For more information on HTML, see the following:\n" );
printf( "\n");
printf( " HTML5: Introduction and tutorial (follow the chapters) from\n");
printf( " http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_intro.asp\n");
printf( "\n");
printf( " HTML: Edition for Web Authors (the latest HTML specification)\n");
printf( " http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view\n" );
printf( "\n");
/* ==============================
appears to be an INVALID link
printf( " HTML: The Markup Language (an HTML language reference)\n" );
printf( " http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/\n" );
printf( "\n");
printf( "File bug reports at https://github.com/w3c/tidy-html5/issues/\n" );
printf( "or send questions and comments to html-tidy@w3.org\n" );
============================== */
printf( "File bug reports at https://github.com/geoffmcl/tidy-fork/issues/\n" );
printf( "and/or send questions and comments to tidy _at_ geoffair _dot_ info\n" );
printf( "\n");
printf( "Validate your HTML documents using the W3C Nu Markup Validator:\n" );
printf( "\n");
printf( " http://validator.w3.org/nu/" );
printf( "Validate your HTML documents using the W3C Markup Validation Service:\n" );
printf( " http://validator.w3.org/ or http://validator.w3.org/nu/" );
printf( "\n");

View file

@ -1440,10 +1440,10 @@ Bool TY_(AddGenerator)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
if (head)
TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, sizeof(buf), "HTML Tidy for HTML5 (experimental) for "PLATFORM_NAME" %s",
TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, sizeof(buf), "HTML Tidy for HTML5 for "PLATFORM_NAME" dated %s",
TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, sizeof(buf), "HTML Tidy for HTML5 (experimental) %s", tidyReleaseDate());
TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, sizeof(buf), "HTML Tidy for HTML5 dated %s", tidyReleaseDate());
for ( node = head->content; node; node = node->next )