There were just 21 of 227 message text files changed,
and just 15 of 220 html outputs changed.
After reviewing each diff carefully it seems all changes
were 'better', thus all are deemed acceptable to be
included in this 'testbase' update.
See report-5.1.8.txt for a full list of the changes.
That is reordering windows includes per #234
In general the order of includes should be system <headers>,
then local "headers", except perhaps for the ocassional local
"version" or "config" header...
Resolved conflicts in src/pprint.c by reverting to current master, and in
version.txt by increasing the version.
Moved the <windows.h> include above the "streamio.h" include to fix compilation with the latest Windows SDK.
<winnt.h> now has the following struct. In particular the `CR` member of this struct conflicts with a define in streamio.h.
DWORD BeginAddress;
union {
DWORD UnwindData;
struct {
DWORD Flag : 2;
DWORD FunctionLength : 11;
DWORD RegF : 3;
DWORD RegI : 4;
DWORD H : 1;
DWORD CR : 2; // This line causes a compile error because CR is redefined in streamio.h
DWORD FrameSize : 9;
This was evidenced by an 'assert' failure, that the type was not an 'int'!
And also in the -xml-help output, thus effecting the tidy.1 manual page
for this new feature --vertical-space auto, which produces almost single
line html output.
This 'fix' began in the issue-228 branch - see Issue #231
This is a case where the lexer, in GetTokenfromStream, does NOT eat any
trailing newline after a LEX_STARTTAG: case...
So far have identified pre, script, style as NEEDING this user newline
character for later pprint output. Any others?