@setlocal @REM 20160324 - Change to relative, and use choice @set TMPPRJ=tidy @echo Build %TMPPRJ% project, in 64-bits @set TMPLOG=bldlog-1.txt @set BLDDIR=%CD% @set TMPROOT=..\..\.. @set SET_BAT=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat @if NOT EXIST "%SET_BAT%" goto NOBAT @REM if NOT EXIST %TMPROOT%\nul goto NOROOT @set TMPSRC=..\.. @if NOT EXIST %TMPSRC%\CMakeLists.txt goto NOCM @set DOPAUSE=1 @if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" EQU "AMD64" ( @set TMPINST=%TMPROOT%\software.x64 ) ELSE ( @if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" EQU "x86_64" ( @set TMPINST=%TMPROOT%\software.x64 ) ELSE ( @echo ERROR: Appears 64-bit is NOT available... aborting... @goto ISERR ) ) @if NOT EXIST %TMPINST%\nul goto NOINST @echo Doing build output to %TMPLOG% @echo Doing build output to %TMPLOG% > %TMPLOG% @echo Doing: 'call "%SET_BAT%" %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%' @echo Doing: 'call "%SET_BAT%" %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%' >> %TMPLOG% @call "%SET_BAT%" %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% >> %TMPLOG% 2>&1 @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERR0 @REM call setupqt64 @cd %BLDDIR% @REM :DNARCH @REM ############################################ @REM NOTE: SPECIAL INSTALL LOCATION @REM Adjust to suit your environment @REM ########################################## @REM set TMPINST=F:\Projects\software.x64 @set TMPOPTS=-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%TMPINST% @set TMPOPTS=%TMPOPTS% -G "Visual Studio 10 Win64" @REM set TMPOPTS=%TMPOPTS% -DTIDY_CONFIG_FILE="C:\MDOS\tidy5.cfg" @REM set TMPOPTS=%TMPOPTS% -DTIDY_USER_CONFIG_FILE="C:\MDOS\tidy5.cfg" @set TMPOPTS=%TMPOPTS% -DBUILD_SHARED_LIB:BOOL=OFF :RPT @if "%~1x" == "x" goto GOTCMD @if "%~1x" == "NOPAUSEx" ( @set DOPAUSE=0 ) else ( @set TMPOPTS=%TMPOPTS% %1 ) @shift @goto RPT :GOTCMD @call chkmsvc %TMPPRJ% @echo Begin %DATE% %TIME%, output to %TMPLOG% @echo Begin %DATE% %TIME% >> %TMPLOG% @echo Doing: 'cmake %TMPSRC% %TMPOPTS%' @echo Doing: 'cmake %TMPSRC% %TMPOPTS%' >> %TMPLOG% @cmake %TMPSRC% %TMPOPTS% >> %TMPLOG% 2>&1 @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERR1 @echo Doing: 'cmake --build . --config debug' @echo Doing: 'cmake --build . --config debug' >> %TMPLOG% @cmake --build . --config debug >> %TMPLOG% @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERR2 @echo Doing: 'cmake --build . --config release' @echo Doing: 'cmake --build . --config release' >> %TMPLOG% @cmake --build . --config release >> %TMPLOG% 2>&1 @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERR3 :DNREL @echo Appears a successful build @echo Note install location %TMPINST% @echo. @REM ############################################## @REM Check if should continue with install @REM ############################################## @if "%DOPAUSE%x" == "0x" goto DOINST @choice /? >nul 2>&1 @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto NOCHOICE @choice /D N /T 10 /M "Pausing for 10 seconds. Def=N" @if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto GOTNO @goto DOINST :NOCHOICE @echo Appears OS does not have the 'choice' command! @ask *** CONTINUE with install? *** Only y continues @if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto NOASK @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto DOINST @echo Skipping install to %TMPINST% at this time... @echo. @goto END :NOASK @echo 'ask' utility not found in path... @echo. @echo *** CONTINUE with install? *** Only Ctrl+c aborts... @echo. @pause :DOINST @echo Proceeding with INSTALL... @echo. @REM cmake -P cmake_install.cmake @echo Doing: 'cmake --build . --config debug --target INSTALL' @echo Doing: 'cmake --build . --config debug --target INSTALL' >> %TMPLOG% @cmake --build . --config debug --target INSTALL >> %TMPLOG% 2>&1 @echo Doing: 'cmake --build . --config release --target INSTALL' @echo Doing: 'cmake --build . --config release --target INSTALL' >> %TMPLOG% @cmake --build . --config release --target INSTALL >> %TMPLOG% 2>&1 @fa4 " -- " %TMPLOG% @echo Done build and install of %TMPPRJ%... @goto END :GOTNO @echo. @echo No install at this time, but there may be an updexe.bat to copy the EXE to c:\MDOS... @echo. @goto END :NOBAT @echo Can NOT locate MSVC setup batch "%SET_BAT%"! *** FIX ME *** @goto ISERR @REM :NOROOT @REM @echo Can NOT locate %TMPROOT%! *** FIX ME *** @REM @goto ISERR :NOCM @echo Can NOT locate %TMPSRC%\CMakeLists.txt! *** FIX ME *** @goto ISERR :NOINST @echo Can NOT locate directory %TMPINST%! *** FIX ME *** @goto ISERR :ERR0 @echo MSVC 10 setup error @goto ISERR :ERR1 @echo cmake config, generation error @goto ISERR :ERR2 @echo debug build error @goto ISERR :ERR3 @fa4 "mt.exe : general error c101008d:" %TMPLOG% >nul @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERR32 :ERR33 @echo release build error @goto ISERR :ERR32 @echo Stupid error... trying again... @echo Doing: 'cmake --build . --config release' @echo Doing: 'cmake --build . --config release' >> %TMPLOG% @cmake --build . --config release >> %TMPLOG% 2>&1 @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERR33 @goto DNREL :ISERR @endlocal @exit /b 1 :END @endlocal @exit /b 0 @REM eof