#ifndef __ATTRS_H__ #define __ATTRS_H__ /* attrs.h -- recognize HTML attributes (c) 1998-2007 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University See tidy.h for the copyright notice. */ #include "forward.h" /* declaration for methods that check attribute values */ typedef void (AttrCheck)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval); struct _Attribute { TidyAttrId id; tmbstr name; AttrCheck* attrchk; struct _Attribute* next; }; /* Anchor/Node linked list */ struct _Anchor { struct _Anchor *next; Node *node; char *name; }; typedef struct _Anchor Anchor; #if !defined(ATTRIBUTE_HASH_LOOKUP) #define ATTRIBUTE_HASH_LOOKUP 1 #endif #if ATTRIBUTE_HASH_LOOKUP enum { ATTRIBUTE_HASH_SIZE=178u }; struct _AttrHash { Attribute const* attr; struct _AttrHash* next; }; typedef struct _AttrHash AttrHash; #endif enum { ANCHOR_HASH_SIZE=1021u }; struct _TidyAttribImpl { /* anchor/node lookup */ Anchor* anchor_hash[ANCHOR_HASH_SIZE]; /* Declared literal attributes */ Attribute* declared_attr_list; #if ATTRIBUTE_HASH_LOOKUP AttrHash* hashtab[ATTRIBUTE_HASH_SIZE]; #endif }; typedef struct _TidyAttribImpl TidyAttribImpl; #define XHTML_NAMESPACE "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" AttrCheck TY_(CheckUrl); /* public method for finding attribute definition by name */ const Attribute* TY_(CheckAttribute)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval ); const Attribute* TY_(FindAttribute)( TidyDocImpl* doc, AttVal *attval ); AttVal* TY_(GetAttrByName)( Node *node, ctmbstr name ); void TY_(DropAttrByName)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, ctmbstr name ); AttVal* TY_(AddAttribute)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, ctmbstr name, ctmbstr value ); AttVal* TY_(RepairAttrValue)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, ctmbstr name, ctmbstr value); Bool TY_(IsUrl)( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr attrname ); /* Bool IsBool( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr attrname ); */ Bool TY_(IsScript)( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr attrname ); /* may id or name serve as anchor? */ Bool TY_(IsAnchorElement)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node ); /* In CSS1, selectors can contain only the characters A-Z, 0-9, and Unicode characters 161-255, plus dash (-); they cannot start with a dash or a digit; they can also contain escaped characters and any Unicode character as a numeric code (see next item). The backslash followed by at most four hexadecimal digits (0..9A..F) stands for the Unicode character with that number. Any character except a hexadecimal digit can be escaped to remove its special meaning, by putting a backslash in front. #508936 - CSS class naming for -clean option */ Bool TY_(IsCSS1Selector)( ctmbstr buf ); Bool TY_(IsValidHTMLID)(ctmbstr id); Bool TY_(IsValidXMLID)(ctmbstr id); /* removes anchor for specific node */ void TY_(RemoveAnchorByNode)( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr name, Node *node ); /* free all anchors */ void TY_(FreeAnchors)( TidyDocImpl* doc ); /* public methods for inititializing/freeing attribute dictionary */ void TY_(InitAttrs)( TidyDocImpl* doc ); void TY_(FreeAttrTable)( TidyDocImpl* doc ); void TY_(AppendToClassAttr)( TidyDocImpl* doc, AttVal *classattr, ctmbstr classname ); /* the same attribute name can't be used more than once in each element */ void TY_(RepairDuplicateAttributes)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, Bool isXml ); void TY_(SortAttributes)(Node* node, TidyAttrSortStrategy strat); Bool TY_(IsBoolAttribute)( AttVal* attval ); Bool TY_(attrIsEvent)( AttVal* attval ); AttVal* TY_(AttrGetById)( Node* node, TidyAttrId id ); uint TY_(NodeAttributeVersions)( Node* node, TidyAttrId id ); /* 0 == TidyAttr_UNKNOWN */ #define AttrId(av) ((av) && (av)->dict ? (av)->dict->id : TidyAttr_UNKNOWN) #define AttrIsId(av, atid) ((av) && (av)->dict && ((av)->dict->id == atid)) #define AttrHasValue(attr) ((attr) && (attr)->value) #define AttrValueIs(attr, val) (AttrHasValue(attr) && \ TY_(tmbstrcasecmp)((attr)->value, val) == 0) #define AttrContains(attr, val) (AttrHasValue(attr) && \ TY_(tmbsubstr)((attr)->value, val) != NULL) #define AttrVersions(attr) ((attr) && (attr)->dict ? (attr)->dict->versions : VERS_PROPRIETARY) #define AttrsHaveSameId(a, b) (a && b && a->dict && b->dict && a->dict->id && \ b->dict->id && a->dict->id == b->dict->id) #define attrIsABBR(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ABBR ) #define attrIsACCEPT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ACCEPT ) #define attrIsACCEPT_CHARSET(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ACCEPT_CHARSET ) #define attrIsACCESSKEY(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ACCESSKEY ) #define attrIsACTION(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ACTION ) #define attrIsADD_DATE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ADD_DATE ) #define attrIsALIGN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ALIGN ) #define attrIsALINK(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ALINK ) #define attrIsALT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ALT ) #define attrIsARCHIVE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARCHIVE ) #define attrIsAXIS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_AXIS ) #define attrIsBACKGROUND(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BACKGROUND ) #define attrIsBGCOLOR(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BGCOLOR ) #define attrIsBGPROPERTIES(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BGPROPERTIES ) #define attrIsBORDER(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BORDER ) #define attrIsBORDERCOLOR(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BORDERCOLOR ) #define attrIsBOTTOMMARGIN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BOTTOMMARGIN ) #define attrIsCELLPADDING(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CELLPADDING ) #define attrIsCELLSPACING(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CELLSPACING ) #define attrIsCHAR(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CHAR ) #define attrIsCHAROFF(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CHAROFF ) #define attrIsCHARSET(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CHARSET ) #define attrIsCHECKED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CHECKED ) #define attrIsCITE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CITE ) #define attrIsCLASS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CLASS ) #define attrIsCLASSID(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CLASSID ) #define attrIsCLEAR(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CLEAR ) #define attrIsCODE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CODE ) #define attrIsCODEBASE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CODEBASE ) #define attrIsCODETYPE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CODETYPE ) #define attrIsCOLOR(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_COLOR ) #define attrIsCOLS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_COLS ) #define attrIsCOLSPAN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_COLSPAN ) #define attrIsCOMPACT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_COMPACT ) #define attrIsCONTENT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CONTENT ) #define attrIsCOORDS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_COORDS ) #define attrIsDATA(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATA ) #define attrIsDATAFLD(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATAFLD ) #define attrIsDATAFORMATAS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATAFORMATAS ) #define attrIsDATAPAGESIZE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATAPAGESIZE ) #define attrIsDATASRC(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATASRC ) #define attrIsDATETIME(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATETIME ) #define attrIsDECLARE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DECLARE ) #define attrIsDEFER(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DEFER ) #define attrIsDIR(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DIR ) #define attrIsDISABLED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DISABLED ) #define attrIsENCODING(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ENCODING ) #define attrIsENCTYPE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ENCTYPE ) #define attrIsFACE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_FACE ) #define attrIsFOR(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_FOR ) #define attrIsFRAME(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_FRAME ) #define attrIsFRAMEBORDER(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_FRAMEBORDER ) #define attrIsFRAMESPACING(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_FRAMESPACING ) #define attrIsGRIDX(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_GRIDX ) #define attrIsGRIDY(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_GRIDY ) #define attrIsHEADERS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HEADERS ) #define attrIsHEIGHT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HEIGHT ) #define attrIsHREF(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HREF ) #define attrIsHREFLANG(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HREFLANG ) #define attrIsHSPACE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HSPACE ) #define attrIsHTTP_EQUIV(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HTTP_EQUIV ) #define attrIsID(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ID ) #define attrIsISMAP(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ISMAP ) #define attrIsITEMID(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ITEMID ) #define attrIsITEMPROP(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ITEMPROP ) #define attrIsITEMREF(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ITEMREF ) #define attrIsITEMSCOPE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ITEMSCOPE ) #define attrIsITEMTYPE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ITEMTYPE ) #define attrIsLABEL(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LABEL ) #define attrIsLANG(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LANG ) #define attrIsLANGUAGE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LANGUAGE ) #define attrIsLAST_MODIFIED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LAST_MODIFIED ) #define attrIsLAST_VISIT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LAST_VISIT ) #define attrIsLEFTMARGIN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LEFTMARGIN ) #define attrIsLINK(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LINK ) #define attrIsLONGDESC(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LONGDESC ) #define attrIsLOWSRC(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LOWSRC ) #define attrIsMARGINHEIGHT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_MARGINHEIGHT ) #define attrIsMARGINWIDTH(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_MARGINWIDTH ) #define attrIsMAXLENGTH(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_MAXLENGTH ) #define attrIsMEDIA(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_MEDIA ) #define attrIsMETHOD(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_METHOD ) #define attrIsMULTIPLE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_MULTIPLE ) #define attrIsNAME(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_NAME ) #define attrIsNOHREF(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_NOHREF ) #define attrIsNORESIZE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_NORESIZE ) #define attrIsNOSHADE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_NOSHADE ) #define attrIsNOWRAP(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_NOWRAP ) #define attrIsOBJECT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OBJECT ) #define attrIsOnAFTERUPDATE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnAFTERUPDATE ) #define attrIsOnBEFOREUNLOAD(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUNLOAD ) #define attrIsOnBEFOREUPDATE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUPDATE ) #define attrIsOnBLUR(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnBLUR ) #define attrIsOnCHANGE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnCHANGE ) #define attrIsOnCLICK(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnCLICK ) #define attrIsOnDATAAVAILABLE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnDATAAVAILABLE ) #define attrIsOnDATASETCHANGED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnDATASETCHANGED ) #define attrIsOnDATASETCOMPLETE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnDATASETCOMPLETE ) #define attrIsOnDBLCLICK(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnDBLCLICK ) #define attrIsOnERRORUPDATE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnERRORUPDATE ) #define attrIsOnFOCUS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnFOCUS ) #define attrIsOnKEYDOWN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnKEYDOWN ) #define attrIsOnKEYPRESS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnKEYPRESS ) #define attrIsOnKEYUP(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnKEYUP ) #define attrIsOnLOAD(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnLOAD ) #define attrIsOnMOUSEDOWN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEDOWN ) #define attrIsOnMOUSEMOVE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEMOVE ) #define attrIsOnMOUSEOUT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOUT ) #define attrIsOnMOUSEOVER(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOVER ) #define attrIsOnMOUSEUP(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEUP ) #define attrIsOnRESET(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnRESET ) #define attrIsOnROWENTER(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnROWENTER ) #define attrIsOnROWEXIT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnROWEXIT ) #define attrIsOnSELECT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnSELECT ) #define attrIsOnSUBMIT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnSUBMIT ) #define attrIsOnUNLOAD(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnUNLOAD ) #define attrIsPROFILE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_PROFILE ) #define attrIsPROMPT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_PROMPT ) #define attrIsRBSPAN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_RBSPAN ) #define attrIsREADONLY(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_READONLY ) #define attrIsREL(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_REL ) #define attrIsREV(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_REV ) #define attrIsRIGHTMARGIN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_RIGHTMARGIN ) #define attrIsROWS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ROWS ) #define attrIsROWSPAN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ROWSPAN ) #define attrIsRULES(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_RULES ) #define attrIsSCHEME(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SCHEME ) #define attrIsSCOPE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SCOPE ) #define attrIsSCROLLING(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SCROLLING ) #define attrIsSELECTED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SELECTED ) #define attrIsSHAPE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SHAPE ) #define attrIsSHOWGRID(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SHOWGRID ) #define attrIsSHOWGRIDX(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SHOWGRIDX ) #define attrIsSHOWGRIDY(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SHOWGRIDY ) #define attrIsSIZE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SIZE ) #define attrIsSPAN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SPAN ) #define attrIsSRC(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SRC ) #define attrIsSTANDBY(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_STANDBY ) #define attrIsSTART(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_START ) #define attrIsSTYLE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_STYLE ) #define attrIsSUMMARY(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SUMMARY ) #define attrIsTABINDEX(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TABINDEX ) #define attrIsTARGET(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TARGET ) #define attrIsTEXT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TEXT ) #define attrIsTITLE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TITLE ) #define attrIsTOPMARGIN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TOPMARGIN ) #define attrIsTYPE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TYPE ) #define attrIsUSEMAP(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_USEMAP ) #define attrIsVALIGN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VALIGN ) #define attrIsVALUE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VALUE ) #define attrIsVALUETYPE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VALUETYPE ) #define attrIsVERSION(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VERSION ) #define attrIsVLINK(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VLINK ) #define attrIsVSPACE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VSPACE ) #define attrIsWIDTH(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_WIDTH ) #define attrIsWRAP(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_WRAP ) #define attrIsXMLNS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_XMLNS ) #define attrIsXML_LANG(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_XML_LANG ) #define attrIsXML_SPACE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_XML_SPACE ) #define attrIsARIA_ACTIVEDESCENDANT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_ACTIVEDESCENDANT ) #define attrIsARIA_ATOMIC(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_ATOMIC ) #define attrIsARIA_AUTOCOMPLETE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_AUTOCOMPLETE ) #define attrIsARIA_BUSY(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_BUSY ) #define attrIsARIA_CHECKED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_CHECKED ) #define attrIsARIA_CONTROLS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_CONTROLS ) #define attrIsARIA_DESCRIBEDBY(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_DESCRIBEDBY ) #define attrIsARIA_DISABLED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_DISABLED ) #define attrIsARIA_DROPEFFECT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_DROPEFFECT ) #define attrIsARIA_EXPANDED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_EXPANDED ) #define attrIsARIA_FLOWTO(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_FLOWTO ) #define attrIsARIA_GRABBED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_GRABBED ) #define attrIsARIA_HASPOPUP(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_HASPOPUP ) #define attrIsARIA_HIDDEN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_HIDDEN ) #define attrIsARIA_INVALID(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_INVALID ) #define attrIsARIA_LABEL(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_LABEL ) #define attrIsARIA_LABELLEDBY(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_LABELLEDBY ) #define attrIsARIA_LEVEL(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_LEVEL ) #define attrIsARIA_LIVE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_LIVE ) #define attrIsARIA_MULTILINE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_MULTILINE ) #define attrIsARIA_MULTISELECTABLE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_MULTISELECTABLE ) #define attrIsARIA_ORIENTATION(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_ORIENTATION ) #define attrIsARIA_OWNS(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_OWNS ) #define attrIsARIA_POSINSET(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_POSINSET ) #define attrIsARIA_PRESSED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_PRESSED ) #define attrIsARIA_READONLY(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_READONLY ) #define attrIsARIA_RELEVANT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_RELEVANT ) #define attrIsARIA_REQUIRED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_REQUIRED ) #define attrIsARIA_SELECTED(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_SELECTED ) #define attrIsARIA_SETSIZE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_SETSIZE ) #define attrIsARIA_SORT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_SORT ) #define attrIsARIA_VALUEMAX(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUEMAX ) #define attrIsARIA_VALUEMIN(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUEMIN ) #define attrIsARIA_VALUENOW(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUENOW ) #define attrIsARIA_VALUETEXT(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUETEXT ) /* Attribute Retrieval macros */ #define attrGetHREF( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_HREF ) #define attrGetSRC( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_SRC ) #define attrGetID( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ID ) #define attrGetNAME( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_NAME ) #define attrGetSUMMARY( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_SUMMARY ) #define attrGetALT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ALT ) #define attrGetLONGDESC( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_LONGDESC ) #define attrGetUSEMAP( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_USEMAP ) #define attrGetISMAP( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ISMAP ) #define attrGetLANGUAGE( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_LANGUAGE ) #define attrGetTYPE( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_TYPE ) #define attrGetVALUE( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_VALUE ) #define attrGetCONTENT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_CONTENT ) #define attrGetTITLE( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_TITLE ) #define attrGetXMLNS( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_XMLNS ) #define attrGetDATAFLD( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_DATAFLD ) #define attrGetWIDTH( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_WIDTH ) #define attrGetHEIGHT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_HEIGHT ) #define attrGetFOR( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_FOR ) #define attrGetSELECTED( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_SELECTED ) #define attrGetCHECKED( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_CHECKED ) #define attrGetLANG( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_LANG ) #define attrGetTARGET( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_TARGET ) #define attrGetHTTP_EQUIV( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_HTTP_EQUIV ) #define attrGetREL( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_REL ) #define attrGetOnMOUSEMOVE( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEMOVE ) #define attrGetOnMOUSEDOWN( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEDOWN ) #define attrGetOnMOUSEUP( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEUP ) #define attrGetOnCLICK( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_OnCLICK ) #define attrGetOnMOUSEOVER( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOVER ) #define attrGetOnMOUSEOUT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOUT ) #define attrGetOnKEYDOWN( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_OnKEYDOWN ) #define attrGetOnKEYUP( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_OnKEYUP ) #define attrGetOnKEYPRESS( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_OnKEYPRESS ) #define attrGetOnFOCUS( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_OnFOCUS ) #define attrGetOnBLUR( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_OnBLUR ) #define attrGetBGCOLOR( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_BGCOLOR ) #define attrGetLINK( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_LINK ) #define attrGetALINK( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ALINK ) #define attrGetVLINK( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_VLINK ) #define attrGetTEXT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_TEXT ) #define attrGetSTYLE( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_STYLE ) #define attrGetABBR( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ABBR ) #define attrGetCOLSPAN( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_COLSPAN ) #define attrGetFONT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_FONT ) #define attrGetBASEFONT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_BASEFONT ) #define attrGetROWSPAN( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ROWSPAN ) #define attrGetARIA_ACTIVEDESCENDANT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_ACTIVEDESCENDANT ) #define attrGetARIA_ATOMIC( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_ATOMIC ) #define attrGetARIA_AUTOCOMPLETE( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_AUTOCOMPLETE ) #define attrGetARIA_BUSY( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_BUSY ) #define attrGetARIA_CHECKED( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_CHECKED ) #define attrGetARIA_CONTROLS( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_CONTROLS ) #define attrGetARIA_DESCRIBEDBY( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_DESCRIBEDBY ) #define attrGetARIA_DISABLED( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_DISABLED ) #define attrGetARIA_DROPEFFECT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_DROPEFFECT ) #define attrGetARIA_EXPANDED( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_EXPANDED ) #define attrGetARIA_FLOWTO( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_FLOWTO ) #define attrGetARIA_GRABBED( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_GRABBED ) #define attrGetARIA_HASPOPUP( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_HASPOPUP ) #define attrGetARIA_HIDDEN( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_HIDDEN ) #define attrGetARIA_INVALID( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_INVALID ) #define attrGetARIA_LABEL( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_LABEL ) #define attrGetARIA_LABELLEDBY( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_LABELLEDBY ) #define attrGetARIA_LEVEL( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_LEVEL ) #define attrGetARIA_LIVE( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_LIVE ) #define attrGetARIA_MULTILINE( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_MULTILINE ) #define attrGetARIA_MULTISELECTABLE( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_MULTISELECTABLE ) #define attrGetARIA_ORIENTATION( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_ORIENTATION ) #define attrGetARIA_OWNS( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_OWNS ) #define attrGetARIA_POSINSET( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_POSINSET ) #define attrGetARIA_PRESSED( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_PRESSED ) #define attrGetARIA_READONLY( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_READONLY ) #define attrGetARIA_RELEVANT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_RELEVANT ) #define attrGetARIA_REQUIRED( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_REQUIRED ) #define attrGetARIA_SELECTED( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_SELECTED ) #define attrGetARIA_SETSIZE( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_SETSIZE ) #define attrGetARIA_SORT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_SORT ) #define attrGetARIA_VALUEMAX( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUEMAX ) #define attrGetARIA_VALUEMIN( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUEMIN ) #define attrGetARIA_VALUENOW( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUENOW ) #define attrGetARIA_VALUETEXT( nod ) TY_(AttrGetById)( nod, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUETEXT ) #endif /* __ATTRS_H__ */