/* message.c -- General Message Writing Routines (c) 1998-2017 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University, University of Toronto, HTACG See tidy.h for the copyright notice. */ #include "message.h" #include "messageobj.h" #include "limits.h" #include "tidy-int.h" #include "lexer.h" #include "streamio.h" #include "tmbstr.h" #include "utf8.h" #if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER) #include "sprtf.h" #endif #include "version.h" /********************************************************************* * Release Information *********************************************************************/ ctmbstr TY_(ReleaseDate)(void) { return TY_(release_date); } ctmbstr TY_(tidyLibraryVersion)(void) { return TY_(library_version); } /********************************************************************* * General Message Utility Functions *********************************************************************/ /* Updates document message counts and compares counts to options to ** see if message display should go forward. */ static Bool UpdateCount( TidyDocImpl* doc, TidyReportLevel level ) { /* keep quiet after errors */ Bool go = ( doc->errors < cfg(doc, TidyShowErrors) ); switch ( level ) { case TidyInfo: doc->infoMessages++; break; case TidyWarning: doc->warnings++; go = go && cfgBool( doc, TidyShowWarnings ); break; case TidyConfig: doc->optionErrors++; break; case TidyAccess: doc->accessErrors++; break; case TidyError: doc->errors++; break; case TidyBadDocument: doc->docErrors++; break; case TidyFatal: /* Ack! */ break; default: break; } return go; } /* Returns the given node's tag as a string. */ static char* TagToString(Node* tag, char* buf, size_t count) { *buf = 0; if (tag) { if (TY_(nodeIsElement)(tag)) TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, count, "<%s>", tag->element); else if (tag->type == EndTag) TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, count, "", tag->element); else if (tag->type == DocTypeTag) TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, count, ""); else if (tag->type == TextNode) TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, count, "%s", tidyLocalizedString(STRING_PLAIN_TEXT)); else if (tag->type == XmlDecl) TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, count, "%s", tidyLocalizedString(STRING_XML_DECLARATION)); else if (tag->element) TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, count, "%s", tag->element); } return buf + TY_(tmbstrlen)(buf); } /* Convert an integer to a string. */ static void NtoS(int n, tmbstr str) { tmbchar buf[40]; int i; for (i = 0;; ++i) { buf[i] = (tmbchar)( (n % 10) + '0' ); n = n / 10; if (n == 0) break; } n = i; while (i >= 0) { str[n-i] = buf[i]; --i; } str[n+1] = '\0'; } /********************************************************************* * Message Writing Functions * These funtions provide final, formatted output to the output sink. *********************************************************************/ /* Writes messages to the output sink unless they are suppressed by one of the ** message callback filters, or suppressed by the configuration settings. ** Report messages are messages that are included in the "error table," and ** dialogue messages are any other output that Tidy traditionally emits. */ static void messageOut( TidyMessageImpl *message ) { TidyDocImpl *doc; Bool go; if ( !message ) return; doc = message->tidyDoc; /* The filter has had a chance to suppress *any* message from output. */ go = message->allowMessage; /* Allow UpdateCount a chance to suppress further report messages. */ if ( message->level <= TidyFatal ) { go = go & UpdateCount( doc, message->level ); } /* If suppressing TidyInfo/TidyDialogueInfo on Reports, suppress them. */ if ( message->level == TidyInfo || message->level == TidyDialogueInfo ) { go = go & (cfgBool(doc, TidyShowInfo) == yes); } /* If we're TidyQuiet and handling TidyDialogue, then suppress. */ if ( cfgBool(doc, TidyQuiet) ) { go = go & !(message->level > TidyFatal); } /* Output the message if applicable. */ if ( go ) { TidyOutputSink *outp = &doc->errout->sink; ctmbstr cp; byte b = '\0'; for ( cp = message->messageOutput; *cp; ++cp ) { b = (*cp & 0xff); if (b == (byte)'\n') TY_(WriteChar)( b, doc->errout ); /* for EOL translation */ else outp->putByte( outp->sinkData, b ); /* #383 - no encoding */ } /* Always add a trailing newline. Reports require this, and dialogue messages will be better spaced out without having to fill the language file with superflous newlines. */ TY_(WriteChar)( '\n', doc->errout ); } TY_(tidyMessageRelease)(message); } /********************************************************************* * High Level Message Writing Functions - General * When adding new reports to LibTidy, preference should be given * to one of these existing, general purpose message writing * functions, if at all possible. *********************************************************************/ void TY_(ReportNotice)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, Node *node, uint code) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; Node* rpt = ( element ? element : node ); char nodedesc[256] = { 0 }; char elemdesc[256] = { 0 }; ctmbstr tagtype; TagToString(node, nodedesc, sizeof(nodedesc)); switch (code) { case TRIM_EMPTY_ELEMENT: TagToString(element, elemdesc, sizeof(nodedesc)); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, element, code, TidyWarning, elemdesc ); break; case REPLACING_ELEMENT: TagToString(element, elemdesc, sizeof(elemdesc)); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyWarning, elemdesc, nodedesc ); break; case CUSTOM_TAG_DETECTED: TagToString(element, elemdesc, sizeof(elemdesc)); switch ( cfg( doc, TidyUseCustomTags ) ) { case TidyCustomBlocklevel: tagtype = tidyLocalizedString( TIDYCUSTOMBLOCKLEVEL_STRING ); break; case TidyCustomEmpty: tagtype = tidyLocalizedString( TIDYCUSTOMEMPTY_STRING ); break; case TidyCustomInline: tagtype = tidyLocalizedString( TIDYCUSTOMINLINE_STRING ); break; case TidyCustomPre: default: tagtype = tidyLocalizedString( TIDYCUSTOMPRE_STRING ); break; } message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, element, code, TidyInfo, elemdesc, tagtype ); break; case MOVED_STYLE_TO_HEAD: case FOUND_STYLE_IN_BODY: TagToString(element, elemdesc, sizeof(elemdesc)); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, element, code, TidyWarning, elemdesc); break; } messageOut( message ); } void TY_(ReportWarning)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, Node *node, uint code) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; Node* rpt = (element ? element : node); char nodedesc[256] = { 0 }; char elemdesc[256] = { 0 }; TagToString(node, nodedesc, sizeof(nodedesc)); switch (code) { case NESTED_QUOTATION: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyWarning ); break; case OBSOLETE_ELEMENT: TagToString(element, elemdesc, sizeof(elemdesc)); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyWarning, elemdesc, nodedesc ); break; case NESTED_EMPHASIS: case REMOVED_HTML5: case BAD_SUMMARY_HTML5: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyWarning, nodedesc ); break; case COERCE_TO_ENDTAG_WARN: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyWarning, node->element, node->element ); break; case XML_DECLARATION_DETECTED: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning ); break; } messageOut( message ); } void TY_(ReportError)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, Node *node, uint code) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; TidyMessageImpl *message2 = NULL; /* extra, when TidyShowWarnings */ char nodedesc[ 256 ] = {0}; char elemdesc[ 256 ] = {0}; Node* rpt = ( element ? element : node ); uint versionEmitted, declared, version; ctmbstr extra_string = NULL; TagToString(node, nodedesc, sizeof(nodedesc)); switch ( code ) { case MISSING_STARTTAG: case UNEXPECTED_ENDTAG: case TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS: case INSERTING_TAG: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, node->element ); break; case USING_BR_INPLACE_OF: case CANT_BE_NESTED: case PROPRIETARY_ELEMENT: case UNESCAPED_ELEMENT: case NOFRAMES_CONTENT: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, nodedesc ); break; case ELEMENT_VERS_MISMATCH_WARN: versionEmitted = doc->lexer->versionEmitted; declared = doc->lexer->doctype; version = versionEmitted == 0 ? declared : versionEmitted; extra_string = TY_(HTMLVersionNameFromCode)(version, 0); if (!extra_string) extra_string = tidyLocalizedString(STRING_HTML_PROPRIETARY); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, nodedesc, extra_string ); break; case ELEMENT_VERS_MISMATCH_ERROR: versionEmitted = doc->lexer->versionEmitted; declared = doc->lexer->doctype; version = versionEmitted == 0 ? declared : versionEmitted; extra_string = TY_(HTMLVersionNameFromCode)(version, 0); if (!extra_string) extra_string = tidyLocalizedString(STRING_HTML_PROPRIETARY); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyError, nodedesc, extra_string ); break; case MISSING_TITLE_ELEMENT: case INCONSISTENT_VERSION: case MALFORMED_DOCTYPE: case CONTENT_AFTER_BODY: case MALFORMED_COMMENT: case BAD_COMMENT_CHARS: case BAD_XML_COMMENT: case BAD_CDATA_CONTENT: case INCONSISTENT_NAMESPACE: case DOCTYPE_AFTER_TAGS: case DTYPE_NOT_UPPER_CASE: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyWarning ); break; case COERCE_TO_ENDTAG: case NON_MATCHING_ENDTAG: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyWarning, node->element, node->element ); break; case UNEXPECTED_ENDTAG_IN: case TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS_IN: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, node->element, node->element ); message2 = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, PREVIOUS_LOCATION, TidyInfo, element->element ); break; case ENCODING_IO_CONFLICT: case MISSING_DOCTYPE: case SPACE_PRECEDING_XMLDECL: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning ); break; case TRIM_EMPTY_ELEMENT: case ILLEGAL_NESTING: case UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE: case ELEMENT_NOT_EMPTY: TagToString(element, elemdesc, sizeof(elemdesc)); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, element, code, TidyWarning, elemdesc ); break; case MISSING_ENDTAG_FOR: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyWarning, element->element ); break; case MISSING_ENDTAG_BEFORE: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyWarning, element->element, nodedesc ); break; case DISCARDING_UNEXPECTED: /* Force error if in a bad form, or Issue #166 - repeated
element */ message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, doc->badForm ? TidyError : TidyWarning, nodedesc ); break; case TAG_NOT_ALLOWED_IN: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, nodedesc, element->element ); message2 = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, element, PREVIOUS_LOCATION, TidyInfo, element->element ); break; case REPLACING_UNEX_ELEMENT: TagToString(element, elemdesc, sizeof(elemdesc)); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyWarning, elemdesc, nodedesc ); break; case REMOVED_HTML5: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyError, nodedesc ); break; case ADDED_MISSING_CHARSET: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyInfo, nodedesc); break; } messageOut( message ); /* Although the callback is always executed for message2, it's only added to the output sink TidyShowWarnings is enabled. */ if (cfgBool( doc, TidyShowWarnings )) messageOut( message2 ); } void TY_(ReportFatal)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, Node *node, uint code) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; char nodedesc[ 256 ] = {0}; Node* rpt = ( element ? element : node ); switch ( code ) { case SUSPECTED_MISSING_QUOTE: case DUPLICATE_FRAMESET: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, rpt, code, TidyError ); break; case UNKNOWN_ELEMENT: case UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_LOOKS_CUSTOM: TagToString(node, nodedesc, sizeof(nodedesc)); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyError, nodedesc ); break; case UNEXPECTED_ENDTAG_IN: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyError, node->element, element->element ); break; case UNEXPECTED_ENDTAG: /* generated by XML docs */ message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyError, node->element ); break; } messageOut( message ); } /********************************************************************* * High Level Message Writing Functions - Specific * When adding new reports to LibTidy, preference should be given * to one of the existing, general pupose message writing functions * above, if possible, otherwise try to use one of these, or as a * last resort add a new one in this section. *********************************************************************/ void TY_(FileError)( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr file, TidyReportLevel level, uint code ) { TidyMessageImpl *message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, code, level, file); messageOut( message ); } void TY_(ReportAttrError)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *av, uint code) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; char const *name = "NULL", *value = "NULL"; char tagdesc[64]; uint version; ctmbstr extra_string; TagToString(node, tagdesc, sizeof(tagdesc)); if (av) { if (av->attribute) name = av->attribute; if (av->value) value = av->value; } switch (code) { case MISSING_ATTR_VALUE: case XML_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: case PROPRIETARY_ATTRIBUTE: case JOINING_ATTRIBUTE: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, tagdesc, name ); break; case ATTRIBUTE_IS_NOT_ALLOWED: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, tagdesc, name ); break; case MISMATCHED_ATTRIBUTE_WARN: version = doc->lexer->versionEmitted == 0 ? doc->lexer->doctype : doc->lexer->versionEmitted; extra_string = TY_(HTMLVersionNameFromCode)(version, 0); if (!extra_string) extra_string = tidyLocalizedString(STRING_HTML_PROPRIETARY); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, tagdesc, name, extra_string ); break; case MISMATCHED_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR: version = doc->lexer->versionEmitted == 0 ? doc->lexer->doctype : doc->lexer->versionEmitted; extra_string = TY_(HTMLVersionNameFromCode)(version, 0); if (!extra_string) extra_string = tidyLocalizedString(STRING_HTML_PROPRIETARY); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyError, tagdesc, name, extra_string ); break; case BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: case BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_REPLACED: case INVALID_ATTRIBUTE: case INSERTING_AUTO_ATTRIBUTE: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, tagdesc, name, value ); break; case ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_REPLACED: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyInfo, tagdesc, name, value); break; case UNEXPECTED_QUOTEMARK: case MISSING_QUOTEMARK: case ID_NAME_MISMATCH: case BACKSLASH_IN_URI: case FIXED_BACKSLASH: case ILLEGAL_URI_CODEPOINT: case ILLEGAL_URI_REFERENCE: case ESCAPED_ILLEGAL_URI: case NEWLINE_IN_URI: case WHITE_IN_URI: case UNEXPECTED_GT: case INVALID_XML_ID: case UNEXPECTED_EQUALSIGN: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, tagdesc ); break; case XML_ID_SYNTAX: case PROPRIETARY_ATTR_VALUE: case ANCHOR_NOT_UNIQUE: case ATTR_VALUE_NOT_LCASE: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, tagdesc, value ); break; case MISSING_IMAGEMAP: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, tagdesc ); doc->badAccess |= BA_MISSING_IMAGE_MAP; /* @todo: why is this here instead of calling function? */ break; case REPEATED_ATTRIBUTE: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyWarning, tagdesc, value, name ); break; case UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE_ATTR: /* on end of file adjust reported position to end of input */ doc->lexer->lines = doc->docIn->curline; doc->lexer->columns = doc->docIn->curcol; message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithLexer)(doc, code, TidyWarning, tagdesc ); break; } messageOut( message ); } /* lexer is not defined when this is called */ void TY_(ReportBadArgument)( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr option ) { TidyMessageImpl *message; assert( option != NULL ); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, STRING_MISSING_MALFORMED, TidyConfig, option ); messageOut( message ); } void TY_(ReportEncodingError)(TidyDocImpl* doc, uint code, uint c, Bool discarded) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; char buf[ 32 ] = {'\0'}; ctmbstr action = tidyLocalizedString(discarded ? STRING_DISCARDING : STRING_REPLACING); /* An encoding mismatch is currently treated as a non-fatal error */ switch (code) { case VENDOR_SPECIFIC_CHARS: NtoS(c, buf); doc->badChars |= BC_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_CHARS; break; case INVALID_SGML_CHARS: NtoS(c, buf); doc->badChars |= BC_INVALID_SGML_CHARS; break; case INVALID_UTF8: TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, sizeof(buf), "U+%04X", c); doc->badChars |= BC_INVALID_UTF8; break; #if SUPPORT_UTF16_ENCODINGS case INVALID_UTF16: TY_(tmbsnprintf)(buf, sizeof(buf), "U+%04X", c); doc->badChars |= BC_INVALID_UTF16; break; #endif case INVALID_NCR: NtoS(c, buf); doc->badChars |= BC_INVALID_NCR; break; } message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithLexer)(doc, code, TidyWarning, action, buf ); messageOut( message ); } void TY_(ReportEncodingWarning)(TidyDocImpl* doc, uint code, uint encoding) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; switch(code) { case ENCODING_MISMATCH: message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithLexer)(doc, code, TidyWarning, TY_(CharEncodingName)(doc->docIn->encoding), TY_(CharEncodingName)(encoding)); doc->badChars |= BC_ENCODING_MISMATCH; /* @todo: why not in calling function? */ break; } messageOut( message ); } void TY_(ReportEntityError)( TidyDocImpl* doc, uint code, ctmbstr entity, int ARG_UNUSED(c) ) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; ctmbstr entityname = ( entity ? entity : "NULL" ); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithLexer)(doc, code, TidyWarning, entityname); messageOut( message ); } void TY_(ReportMarkupVersion)( TidyDocImpl* doc ) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; if ( doc->givenDoctype ) { /* @todo: deal with non-ASCII characters in FPI */ message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, STRING_DOCTYPE_GIVEN, TidyInfo, doc->givenDoctype ); messageOut(message); } if ( ! cfgBool(doc, TidyXmlTags) ) { Bool isXhtml = doc->lexer->isvoyager; uint apparentVers; ctmbstr vers; apparentVers = TY_(ApparentVersion)( doc ); vers = TY_(HTMLVersionNameFromCode)( apparentVers, isXhtml ); if ( !vers ) { vers = tidyLocalizedString(STRING_HTML_PROPRIETARY); } message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, STRING_CONTENT_LOOKS, TidyInfo, vers ); messageOut(message); /* Warn about missing sytem identifier (SI) in emitted doctype */ if ( TY_(WarnMissingSIInEmittedDocType)( doc ) ) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, STRING_NO_SYSID, TidyInfo); messageOut(message); } } } void TY_(ReportMissingAttr)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, ctmbstr name ) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; char tagdesc[ 64 ]; TagToString(node, tagdesc, sizeof(tagdesc)); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, MISSING_ATTRIBUTE, TidyWarning, tagdesc, name ); messageOut(message); } void TY_(ReportSurrogateError)(TidyDocImpl* doc, uint code, uint c1, uint c2) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithLexer)(doc, code, TidyWarning, c1, c2); messageOut(message); } /* lexer is not defined when this is called */ void TY_(ReportUnknownOption)( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr option ) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; assert( option != NULL ); message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithLexer)(doc, STRING_UNKNOWN_OPTION, TidyConfig, option); messageOut(message); } /********************************************************************* * Output Dialogue Information * In addition to reports that are added to the table, Tidy emits * various dialogue type information. Most of these are specific to * exact circumstances, although `TY_(DialogueMessage)` should be * used instead of adding a new function, if possible. *********************************************************************/ void TY_(DialogueMessage)( TidyDocImpl* doc, uint code, TidyReportLevel level ) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, code, level); messageOut(message); } void TY_(ErrorSummary)( TidyDocImpl* doc ) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; ctmbstr encnam = tidyLocalizedString(STRING_SPECIFIED); int charenc = cfg( doc, TidyCharEncoding ); if ( charenc == WIN1252 ) encnam = "Windows-1252"; else if ( charenc == MACROMAN ) encnam = "MacRoman"; else if ( charenc == IBM858 ) encnam = "ibm858"; else if ( charenc == LATIN0 ) encnam = "latin0"; /* adjust badAccess to that it is 0 if frames are ok */ if ( doc->badAccess & (BA_USING_FRAMES | BA_USING_NOFRAMES) ) { if (!((doc->badAccess & BA_USING_FRAMES) && !(doc->badAccess & BA_USING_NOFRAMES))) { doc->badAccess &= ~(BA_USING_FRAMES | BA_USING_NOFRAMES); } } if (doc->badChars) { if (doc->badChars & BC_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_CHARS) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_VENDOR_CHARS, TidyDialogueDoc, encnam); messageOut(message); } if ((doc->badChars & BC_INVALID_SGML_CHARS) || (doc->badChars & BC_INVALID_NCR)) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_SGML_CHARS, TidyDialogueDoc, encnam); messageOut(message); } if (doc->badChars & BC_INVALID_UTF8) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_INVALID_UTF8, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } #if SUPPORT_UTF16_ENCODINGS if (doc->badChars & BC_INVALID_UTF16) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_INVALID_UTF16, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } #endif if (doc->badChars & BC_INVALID_URI) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_INVALID_URI, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } } if (doc->badForm & flg_BadForm) /* Issue #166 - changed to BIT flag to support other errors */ { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_BAD_FORM, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } if (doc->badForm & flg_BadMain) /* Issue #166 - repeated
element */ { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_BAD_MAIN, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } if (doc->badAccess) { /* Tidy "classic" accessibility tests */ if ( cfg(doc, TidyAccessibilityCheckLevel) == 0 ) { if (doc->badAccess & BA_MISSING_SUMMARY) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_M_SUMMARY, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } if (doc->badAccess & BA_MISSING_IMAGE_ALT) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_M_IMAGE_ALT, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } if (doc->badAccess & BA_MISSING_IMAGE_MAP) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_M_IMAGE_MAP, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } if (doc->badAccess & BA_MISSING_LINK_ALT) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_M_LINK_ALT, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } if ((doc->badAccess & BA_USING_FRAMES) && !(doc->badAccess & BA_USING_NOFRAMES)) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_USING_FRAMES, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } } if ( cfg(doc, TidyAccessibilityCheckLevel) > 0 ) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_ACCESS_ADVICE2, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } else { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_ACCESS_ADVICE1, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } } if (doc->badLayout) { if (doc->badLayout & USING_LAYER) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_USING_LAYER, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } if (doc->badLayout & USING_SPACER) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_USING_SPACER, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } if (doc->badLayout & USING_FONT) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_USING_FONT, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } if (doc->badLayout & USING_NOBR) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_USING_NOBR, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } if (doc->badLayout & USING_BODY) { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, TEXT_USING_BODY, TidyDialogueDoc); messageOut(message); } } } void TY_(ReportNumWarnings)( TidyDocImpl* doc ) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; if ( doc->warnings > 0 || doc->errors > 0 ) { uint code; if ( doc->errors > cfg(doc, TidyShowErrors) || !cfgBool(doc, TidyShowWarnings) ) { code = STRING_NOT_ALL_SHOWN; } else { code = STRING_ERROR_COUNT; } message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, code, TidyDialogueSummary, doc->warnings, tidyLocalizedStringN( STRING_ERROR_COUNT_WARNING, doc->warnings ), doc->errors, tidyLocalizedStringN( STRING_ERROR_COUNT_ERROR, doc->errors ) ); } else { message = TY_(tidyMessageCreate)( doc, STRING_NO_ERRORS, TidyDialogueSummary); } messageOut(message); TY_(WriteChar)( '\n', doc->errout ); } /********************************************************************* * Key Discovery *********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* * LibTidy users may want to to enable their own localization lookup * lookup methods. Because Tidy's errors codes are enums, the actual * values can change over time. This table will the LibTidy users * always have a static value available for use. * * For macro documentation, refer to the comments in `tidyenum.h`. *********************************************************************/ typedef struct tidyStringsKeyItem { ctmbstr key; int value; } tidyStringsKeyItem; static const tidyStringsKeyItem tidyStringsKeys[] = { FOREACH_TIDYCONFIGCATEGORY(MAKE_STRUCT) FOREACH_MSG_MISC(MAKE_STRUCT) FOREACH_DIALOG_MSG(MAKE_STRUCT) FOREACH_REPORT_MSG(MAKE_STRUCT) { "TIDYSTRINGS_FIRST", TIDYSTRINGS_FIRST }, #if SUPPORT_ACCESSIBILITY_CHECKS FOREACH_ACCESS_MSG(MAKE_STRUCT) #endif #if SUPPORT_CONSOLE_APP FOREACH_MSG_CONSOLE(MAKE_STRUCT) #endif { "TIDYSTRINGS_LAST", TIDYSTRINGS_LAST }, { NULL, 0 }, }; /** * Given an error code, return the string associated with it. */ ctmbstr TY_(tidyErrorCodeAsKey)(uint code) { uint i = 0; while (tidyStringsKeys[i].key) { if ( tidyStringsKeys[i].value == code ) return tidyStringsKeys[i].key; i++; } return "UNDEFINED"; } /** * Given an error code string, return its uint. */ uint TY_(tidyErrorCodeFromKey)(ctmbstr code) { uint i = 0; while (tidyStringsKeys[i].key) { if ( strcmp(tidyStringsKeys[i].key, code) == 0 ) return tidyStringsKeys[i].value; i++; } return UINT_MAX; } /** * Determines the number of error codes used by Tidy. */ static const uint tidyErrorCodeListSize() { static uint array_size = 0; if ( array_size == 0 ) { while ( tidyStringsKeys[array_size].key ) { array_size++; } } return array_size; } /** * Initializes the TidyIterator to point to the first item * in Tidy's list of error codes. Individual items must be * retrieved with getNextErrorCode(); */ TidyIterator TY_(getErrorCodeList)() { return (TidyIterator)(size_t)1; } /** * Returns the next error code. */ uint TY_(getNextErrorCode)( TidyIterator* iter ) { const tidyStringsKeyItem *item = NULL; size_t itemIndex; assert( iter != NULL ); itemIndex = (size_t)*iter; if ( itemIndex > 0 && itemIndex <= tidyErrorCodeListSize() ) { item = &tidyStringsKeys[itemIndex - 1]; itemIndex++; } *iter = (TidyIterator)( itemIndex <= tidyErrorCodeListSize() ? itemIndex : (size_t)0 ); return item->value; } /********************************************************************* * Accessibility Module * These methods are part of the accessibility module access.h/c. *********************************************************************/ #if SUPPORT_ACCESSIBILITY_CHECKS void TY_(ReportAccessError)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, uint code ) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; doc->badAccess |= BA_WAI; message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyAccess ); messageOut(message); } void TY_(ReportAccessWarning)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, uint code ) { TidyMessageImpl *message = NULL; doc->badAccess |= BA_WAI; message = TY_(tidyMessageCreateWithNode)(doc, node, code, TidyAccess ); messageOut(message); } #endif /* SUPPORT_ACCESSIBILITY_CHECKS */ /********************************************************************* * Documentation of configuration options * * Although most of the strings now come from the language module, * generating the documentation by the console application requires a * series of cross-references that are generated in this messaging * module. *********************************************************************/ #if SUPPORT_CONSOLE_APP /* Cross-references definitions. * Note that each list must be terminated with `TidyUnknownOption`. */ static const TidyOptionId TidyAsciiCharsLinks[] = { TidyMakeClean, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyBlockTagsLinks[] = { TidyEmptyTags, TidyInlineTags, TidyPreTags, TidyUseCustomTags, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyCharEncodingLinks[] = { TidyInCharEncoding, TidyOutCharEncoding, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyDuplicateAttrsLinks[] = { TidyJoinClasses, TidyJoinStyles, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyEmptyTagsLinks[] = { TidyBlockTags, TidyInlineTags, TidyPreTags, TidyUseCustomTags, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyErrFileLinks[] = { TidyOutFile, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyInCharEncodingLinks[] = { TidyCharEncoding, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyIndentContentLinks[] = { TidyIndentSpaces, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyIndentSpacesLinks[] = { TidyIndentContent, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyInlineTagsLinks[] = { TidyBlockTags, TidyEmptyTags, TidyPreTags, TidyUseCustomTags, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyMergeDivsLinks[] = { TidyMakeClean, TidyMergeSpans, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyMergeSpansLinks[] = { TidyMakeClean, TidyMergeDivs, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyNumEntitiesLinks[] = { TidyDoctype, TidyPreserveEntities, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyOutCharEncodingLinks[] = { TidyCharEncoding, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyOutFileLinks[] = { TidyErrFile, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyPreTagsLinks[] = { TidyBlockTags, TidyEmptyTags, TidyInlineTags, TidyUseCustomTags, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyUseCustomTagsLinks[] = { TidyBlockTags, TidyEmptyTags, TidyInlineTags, TidyPreTags, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyWrapAttValsLinks[] = { TidyWrapScriptlets, TidyLiteralAttribs, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyWrapScriptletsLinks[] = { TidyWrapAttVals, TidyUnknownOption }; static const TidyOptionId TidyXmlDeclLinks[] = { TidyCharEncoding, TidyOutCharEncoding, TidyUnknownOption }; /* Cross-reference assignments. * We can't build a complex array at compile time and we're not counting on * any type of initialization, so this two-stage building process is required. */ static const TidyOptionDoc docs_xrefs[] = { { TidyAsciiChars, TidyAsciiCharsLinks }, { TidyBlockTags, TidyBlockTagsLinks }, { TidyCharEncoding, TidyCharEncodingLinks }, { TidyDuplicateAttrs, TidyDuplicateAttrsLinks }, { TidyEmptyTags, TidyEmptyTagsLinks }, { TidyErrFile, TidyErrFileLinks }, { TidyInCharEncoding, TidyInCharEncodingLinks }, { TidyIndentContent, TidyIndentContentLinks }, { TidyIndentSpaces, TidyIndentSpacesLinks }, { TidyInlineTags, TidyInlineTagsLinks }, { TidyMergeDivs, TidyMergeDivsLinks }, { TidyMergeSpans, TidyMergeSpansLinks }, { TidyNumEntities, TidyNumEntitiesLinks }, { TidyOutCharEncoding, TidyOutCharEncodingLinks }, { TidyOutFile, TidyOutFileLinks }, { TidyPreTags, TidyPreTagsLinks }, { TidyUseCustomTags, TidyUseCustomTagsLinks }, { TidyWrapAttVals, TidyWrapAttValsLinks }, { TidyWrapScriptlets, TidyWrapScriptletsLinks }, { TidyXmlDecl, TidyXmlDeclLinks }, { N_TIDY_OPTIONS } }; /* Cross-reference retrieval. */ const TidyOptionDoc* TY_(OptGetDocDesc)( TidyOptionId optId ) { uint i = 0; while( docs_xrefs[i].opt != N_TIDY_OPTIONS ) { if ( docs_xrefs[i].opt == optId ) return &docs_xrefs[i]; ++i; } return NULL; } #endif /* SUPPORT_CONSOLE_APP */ /* * local variables: * mode: c * indent-tabs-mode: nil * c-basic-offset: 4 * eval: (c-set-offset 'substatement-open 0) * end: */