@setlocal @REM echo off @REM execute all test cases of the accessibility test suite @REM USER VARIABLES @REM ############## @REM set executable to be used @set TIDY=..\build\cmake\Release\tidy5.exe @REM set INPUT folder @set TIDYINPUT=accessTest @REM set OUTPUT folder @set TIDYOUT=tmp @REM set input test list file @set TIDYIN=accesscases.txt @set TIDYLOG=tempacc.txt @REM ############## @if NOT EXIST %TIDY% goto ERR1 @if NOT EXIST %TIDYINPUT%\cfg_default.txt goto ERR2 @if NOT EXIST %TIDYIN% goto ERR3 @REM Make sure output directory exists, or WARN of creation ... @if EXIST %TIDYOUT%\nul goto RUNTEST @echo NOTE: Folder %TIDYOUT% does not exist. It will be created ... @echo Ctrl+C to abort ... any other keyin to continue ... @pause @md %TIDYOUT% :RUNTEST @echo Running ACCESS TEST suite @echo Executable = %TIDY% @echo Input Folder = %TIDYINPUT% @echo Output Folder = %TIDYOUT% @echo Running ACCESS TEST suite > %TIDYLOG% @echo Executable = %TIDY% >> %TIDYLOG% @echo Input Folder = %TIDYINPUT% >> %TIDYLOG% @echo Output Folder = %TIDYOUT% >> %TIDYLOG% @set FAILEDACC= @for /F "skip=1 tokens=1,2*" %%i in (%TIDYIN%) do @(call onetesta.cmd %%i %%j %%k) @if "%FAILEDACC%." == "." goto SUCCESS @echo FAILED [%FAILEDACC%] ... @goto END :SUCCESS @echo Appears ALL tests ran fine ... @goto END :ERR1 @echo ERROR: Unable to locate executable - [%TIDY%] - check name and location ... @goto END :ERR2 @echo ERROR: Unable to locate input folder - [%TIDYINPUT%]! - check name and location ... @echo Specifically can not locate the file - [%TIDYINPUT%\cfg_default.txt] ... @goto END :ERR3 @echo ERROR: Can not locate file - [%TIDYIN%] - check name and location ... @goto END :END