@setlocal @REM alltestc.bat - execute all test cases @REM @REM ######################################################## @REM ### *** SET LOCATION OF TIDY EXE TO USE FOR TEST *** ### @REM ### (for MS compiler users) ### @REM ######################################################## @REM This is the location of the cmake build output using the MSVC Generator @set TMPEXE=..\build\cmake\Release\tidy5.exe @if NOT EXIST %TMPEXE% goto NOEXE @set TMPTEST=temptests.txt @if EXIST %TMPTEST% @del %TMPTEST% @echo Doing: 'alltest2 %TMPEXE% temp-5' @call alltest2 %TMPEXE% temp-5 @goto END :NOEXE @echo. @echo Error: Can NOT locate %TMPEXE%! Has it been built? @echo *** FIX ME *** setting the location of the EXE to use for the test :END