@if NOT EXIST %TMPEXE% goto NOEXE @if NOT EXIST %TMPFIL% goto NOFIL @echo Tests on %TMPFIL% using %TMPEXE%, output to %TMPINFO% @echo Tests on %TMPFIL% using %TMPEXE% > %TMPINFO% @echo ================================================ >> %TMPINFO% @echo Using configure DOCTYPE AND CLEAN >> %TMPINFO% @echo ================================================ >> %TMPINFO% @echo Doing: -c -i --doctype html5 -o temp1c.html --tidy-mark no %TMPSHOW% %TMPFIL% >> %TMPINFO% @%TMPEXE% -c -i --doctype html5 -o temp1c.html --tidy-mark no %TMPSHOW% %TMPFIL% >> %TMPINFO% 2>&1 @type temp1c.html >> %TMPINFO% @echo ================================================ >> %TMPINFO% @echo Using configure DOCTYPE but NO CLEAN >> %TMPINFO% @echo ================================================ >> %TMPINFO% @echo Doing: -i --doctype html5 -o temp1nc.html --tidy-mark no %TMPSHOW% %TMPFIL% >> %TMPINFO% @%TMPEXE% -i --doctype html5 -o temp1nc.html --tidy-mark no %TMPSHOW% %TMPFIL% >> %TMPINFO% 2>&1 @type temp1nc.html >> %TMPINFO% @echo ================================================ >> %TMPINFO% @echo Using configure CLEAN but NO DOCTYPE >> %TMPINFO% @echo ================================================ >> %TMPINFO% @echo Doing: -c -i -o temp1cndt.html --tidy-mark no %TMPSHOW% %TMPFIL% >> %TMPINFO% @%TMPEXE% -c -i -o temp1cndt.html --tidy-mark no %TMPSHOW% %TMPFIL% >> %TMPINFO% 2>&1 @type temp1cndt.html >> %TMPINFO% @echo ================================================ >> %TMPINFO% @echo Using configure NO CLEAN and NO DOCTYPE >> %TMPINFO% @echo ================================================ >> %TMPINFO% @echo Doing: -i -o temp1ncndt.html --tidy-mark no %TMPSHOW% %TMPFIL% >> %TMPINFO% @%TMPEXE% -i -o temp1ncndt.html --tidy-mark no %TMPSHOW% %TMPFIL% >> %TMPINFO% 2>&1 @type temp1ncndt.html >> %TMPINFO% @REM call ff -d -n %TMPINFo% -o-tempinf2.html @goto END :NOEXE @echo Error: Can NOT locate the EXE '%TMPEXE%' *** Fix setexe.bat accordingly @goto FAILED :NOFIL @echo Error: Can NOT locate the input file '%TMPFIL%' *** Fix test*.bat accordingly @goto FAILED :FAILED @echo Use Ctrl+C to abort and fix this situation @pause @goto FAILED :END @REM eof