@setlocal @set TMPEXE=..\..\build\cmake\Release\tidy5.exe @if NOT EXIST %TMPEXE% goto NOEXE @set TMPINP=temphtml5.cfg @if NOT EXIST %TMPINP% goto NOINP @set TMPDIR=tempout @if NOT EXIST %TMPDIR%\nul goto NODIR @if "%~1x" == "x" goto HELP @if NOT EXIST %1 goto NOFIL @set TMPOUT=%TMPDIR%\%~nx1 @%TMPEXE% -config %TMPINP% -o %TMPOUT% %1 @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto FAILED @echo Output to %TMPOUT% @goto END :FAILED @echo The test of %1 FAILED! @echo Output to %TMPOUT% @pause @goto END :NOEXE @echo Can NOT locate EXE %TMPEXE%! *** FIX ME *** @goto END :NOINP @echo Can NOT locate config %TMPINP%! *** FIX ME *** @goto END :NODIR @echo Can NOT locate output directory %TMPDIR%! *** FIX ME *** @goto END :NOFIL @echo Can NOT locate input file %1 :HELP @echo Give the name of a HTML5 file to tidy :END