HTML Tidy for HTML5

This repo is an experimental fork of the code from This source code in this version supports processing of HTML5 documents.

The changes for HTML5 support started from a patch developed by Björn Höhrmann. A copy of this patch is also maintained on this site, but naturally a LOT more has been changed in this fork.

For more information, also see

Building tidy with cmake

For all platforms, you can build and install the tidy command-line tool from the source code using the following steps.

Alternatively the CMake GUI can be used. CMake options can be read from their site, and/or running # cmake --help to get help, and view the 'generators' supported on your platform.
The build/cmake folder contains sample windows (batch) and unix (sh) scripts which can be adjusted to suit your choices.

This document has been tidied using tidy5.exe, using a configuration file, tidy5.cfg containing -

tidy-mark: no
indent: yes
break-before-br: yes
indent-attributes: yes
vertical-space: yes
indent-spaces: 1
indent-cdata: no
wrap-asp: no
wrap-attributes: no
wrap-jste: no
wrap-php: no
wrap-script-literals: no
wrap-sections: no
tab-size: 4
show-info: no

Using the following command
tidy5 -o README5.html -config tidy5.cfg README.html
then after checking README.html is deleted, and README5.html renamed to README.html

README.html 20141205