#!/bin/sh #< build-me.sh - 20150212 - 20140804 BN=`basename $0` TMPSRC="../.." BLDLOG="bldlog-1.txt" wait_for_input() { if [ "$#" -gt "0" ] ; then echo "$1" fi echo -n "Enter y to continue : " read char if [ "$char" = "y" -o "$char" = "Y" ] then echo "Got $char ... continuing ..." else if [ "$char" = "" ] ; then echo "Aborting ... no input!" else echo "Aborting ... got $char!" fi exit 1 fi # exit 0 } if [ -f "$BLDLOG" ]; then rm -f $BLDLOG fi TMPOPTS="" ############################################## ### ***** NOTE THIS INSTALL LOCATION ***** ### ### Change to suit your taste, environment ### ############################################## # TMPINST="$HOME/projects/install/tidy" # TMPOPTS="-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$TMPINST" ############################################# # To build SHARED library TMPOPTS="$TMPOPTS -DBUILD_SHARED_LIB:BOOL=TRUE" TMPINST="/usr" TMPOPTS="$TMPOPTS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$TMPINST" for arg in $@; do case $arg in VERBOSE) TMPOPTS="$TMPOPTS -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON" ;; DEBUG) TMPOPTS="$TMPOPTS -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DENABLE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS:BOOL=TRUE" ;; SHARED) TMPOPTS="$TMPOPTS -DBUILD_SHARED_LIB:BOOL=TRUE" ;; *) TMPOPTS="$TMPOPTS $arg" ;; esac done echo "$BN: Will do: 'cmake $TMPSRC $TMPOPTS' to $BLDLOG" wait_for_input echo "$BN: Doing: 'cmake $TMPSRC $TMPOPTS' to $BLDLOG" cmake $TMPSRC $TMPOPTS >> $BLDLOG 2>&1 if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "$BN: cmake confiuration, generation error" exit 1 fi echo "$BN: Doing: 'make' to $BLDLOG" make >> $BLDLOG 2>&1 if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "$BN: make error - see $BLDLOG for details" exit 1 fi echo "" echo "$BN: appears a successful build... see $BLDLOG for details" echo "" echo "$BN: Time for '[sudo] make install' IFF desired..." echo "" # eof