@echo off REM onetest.cmd - execute a single test case REM REM (c) 1998-2006 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University REM See tidy.c for the copyright notice. REM REM REM @if "%TIDY%." == "." goto Err1 @if NOT EXIST %TIDY% goto Err2 @if "%TIDYOUT%." == "." goto Err3 @if NOT EXIST %TIDYOUT%\nul goto Err4 @if NOT EXIST input\nul goto Err5 set TESTNO=%1 set EXPECTED=%2 set INFILES=input\in_%1.*ml set CFGFILE=input\cfg_%1.txt set TIDYFILE=%TIDYOUT%\out_%1.html set MSGFILE=%TIDYOUT%\msg_%1.txt set HTML_TIDY= REM If no test specific config file, use default. if NOT exist %CFGFILE% set CFGFILE=input\cfg_default.txt REM Get specific input file name @set INFILE= for %%F in ( %INFILES% ) do set INFILE=%%F @if "%INFILE%." == "." goto Err6 @if NOT EXIST %INFILE% goto Err7 REM Remove any pre-exising test outputs if exist %MSGFILE% del %MSGFILE% if exist %TIDYFILE% del %TIDYFILE% @REM Noisy output, or quiet @REM echo Testing %1 input %INFILE% config %CFGFILE% ... echo Testing %1 %TIDY% -f %MSGFILE% -config %CFGFILE% %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 --tidy-mark no -o %TIDYFILE% %INFILE% set STATUS=%ERRORLEVEL% if %STATUS% EQU %EXPECTED% goto done set ERRTESTS=%ERRTESTS% %TESTNO% echo *** Failed - got %STATUS%, expected %EXPECTED% *** type %MSGFILE% goto done :Err1 @echo ============================================================== @echo ERROR: runtime exe not set in TIDY environment variable ... @echo ============================================================== @goto TRYAT :Err2 @echo ============================================================== @echo ERROR: runtime exe %TIDY% not found ... check name, location ... @echo ============================================================== @goto TRYAT :Err3 @echo ============================================================== @echo ERROR: output folder TIDYOUT not set in environment ... @echo ============================================================== @goto TRYAT :Err4 @echo ============================================================== @echo ERROR: output folder %TIDYOUT% does not exist ... @echo ============================================================== @goto TRYAT :Err5 @echo ============================================================== @echo ERROR: input folder 'input' does not exist ... check name, location .. @echo ============================================================== @goto TRYAT :TRYAT @echo Try running alltest.cmd ..\build\msvc\Release\Tidy.exe tmp ... @echo ============================================================== @goto done :Err6 @echo ============================================================== @echo ERROR: Failed to find input matching '%INFILES%'!!! @echo ============================================================== @pause @goto done :Err7 @echo ============================================================== @echo ERROR: Failed to find input file '%INFILE%'!!! @echo ============================================================== @pause @goto done :done