line 1 column 1 - Warning: missing declaration line 7 column 1 - Warning:
isn't allowed in elements line 5 column 1 - Info: previously mentioned line 7 column 1 - Warning: inserting implicit
line 8 column 41 - Warning:
isn't allowed in
elements line 8 column 1 - Info:
previously mentioned line 11 column 1 - Warning: missing
  • line 11 column 1 - Warning: inserting implicit
    line 12 column 41 - Warning:
    isn't allowed in
    elements line 12 column 1 - Info:
    previously mentioned line 11 column 1 - Warning: missing
    before line 7 column 5 - Warning: lacks "alt" attribute line 8 column 5 - Warning: lacks "alt" attribute line 11 column 5 - Warning: lacks "alt" attribute line 12 column 5 - Warning: lacks "alt" attribute line 8 column 41 - Warning: trimming empty
    line 9 column 27 - Warning: trimming empty
    line 12 column 41 - Warning: trimming empty
    Info: Document content looks like HTML5 15 warnings, 0 errors were found! The alt attribute should be used to give a short description of an image; longer descriptions should be given with the longdesc attribute which takes a URL linked to the description. These measures are needed for people using non-graphical browsers. For further advice on how to make your pages accessible see About HTML Tidy: Bug reports and comments: Or send questions and comments to: Latest HTML specification: Validate your HTML documents: Lobby your company to join the W3C: