@echo off REM alltest1.cmd - execute all test cases REM REM (c) 1998-2006 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University REM See tidy.c for the copyright notice. REM REM REM REM $Author: arnaud02 $ REM $Date: 2006/12/28 10:01:44 $ REM $Revision: 1.1 $ @if "%1." == "." goto USE @if "%2." == "." goto USE REM check for input file @if NOT EXIST testcases.txt goto Err0 @if NOT EXIST onetest.cmd goto Err3 @if NOT EXIST input\nul goto Err4 REM set the runtime exe file set TIDY=%1 @if NOT EXIST %TIDY% goto ERR1 REM set the OUTPUT folder set TIDYOUT=%2 @if EXIST %TIDYOUT%\nul goto GOTDIR @echo Folder '%TIDYOUT%' does not exist ... it will be created? ... Ctrl+C to EXIT! @pause @md %TIDYOUT% @if NOT EXIST %TIDYOUT%\nul goto Err2 :GOTDIR @set ERRTESTS= for /F "tokens=1*" %%i in (testcases.txt) do call onetest.cmd %%i %%j @if "%ERRTESTS%." == "." goto END @echo ERROR TESTS [%ERRTESTS%] ... goto END :ERR0 echo ERROR: Can not locate 'testcases.txt' ... check name, and location ... goto END :ERR1 echo ERROR: Can not locate %TIDY% ... check name, and location ... goto END :ERR2 echo ERROR: Can not create %TIDYOUT% folder ... check name, and location ... goto END :ERR3 echo ERROR: Can not locate 'onetest.cmd' ... check name, and location ... goto END :ERR4 echo ERROR: Can not locate 'input' folder ... check name, and location ... goto END :USE @echo Usage of ALLTEST1.CMD ......................................... @echo AllTest1 tidy.exe Out_Folder @echo tidy.exe - This is the Tidy.exe you want to use for the test. @echo Out_Folder - This is the FOLDER where you want the results put. @echo This folder will be created if it does not already exist. @echo ================================== @echo ALLTEST1.CMD will run a battery of test files in the input folder @echo Each test name, has an expected result, given in testcases.txt @echo There will be a warning if any test file fails to give this result. @echo ================================== @echo But the main purpose is to compare the 'results' of two version of @echo any two Tidy runtime exe's. Thus after you have two sets of results, @echo in separate folders, the idea is to compare these two folders. @echo Any directory compare utility will do, or you can download, and use @echo a WIN32 port of GNU diff.exe from http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/ @echo ................................................................ @goto END :END