#ifndef __TIDYENUM_H__ #define __TIDYENUM_H__ /** @file tidyenum.h - Separated public enumerations header Simplifies enum re-use in various wrappers. e.g. SWIG generated wrappers and COM IDL files. (c) 1998-2016 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University See tidy.h for the full copyright notice. Created 2001-05-20 by Charles Reitzel Updated 2002-07-01 by Charles Reitzel - 1st Implementation */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Enumerate configuration options */ /** Categories of Tidy configuration options */ typedef enum { TidyMarkup, /**< Markup options: (X)HTML version, etc */ TidyDiagnostics, /**< Diagnostics */ TidyPrettyPrint, /**< Output layout */ TidyEncoding, /**< Character encodings */ TidyMiscellaneous /**< File handling, message format, etc. */ } TidyConfigCategory; /** Option IDs Used to get/set option values. These TidyOptionId are used throughout libtidy, and also have associated localized strings to describe them. Note this enum MUST start at zero due to historical design-time decisions that make assumptions about this starting value. */ typedef enum { TidyUnknownOption, /**< Unknown option! */ TidyIndentSpaces, /**< Indentation n spaces/tabs */ TidyWrapLen, /**< Wrap margin */ TidyTabSize, /**< Expand tabs to n spaces */ TidyCharEncoding, /**< In/out character encoding */ TidyInCharEncoding, /**< Input character encoding (if different) */ TidyOutCharEncoding, /**< Output character encoding (if different) */ TidyNewline, /**< Output line ending (default to platform) */ TidyDoctypeMode, /**< See doctype property */ TidyDoctype, /**< User specified doctype */ TidyDuplicateAttrs, /**< Keep first or last duplicate attribute */ TidyAltText, /**< Default text for alt attribute */ /* obsolete */ TidySlideStyle, /**< Style sheet for slides: not used for anything yet */ TidyErrFile, /**< File name to write errors to */ TidyOutFile, /**< File name to write markup to */ TidyWriteBack, /**< If true then output tidied markup */ TidyShowMarkup, /**< If false, normal output is suppressed */ TidyShowInfo, /**< If true, info-level messages are shown */ TidyShowWarnings, /**< However errors are always shown */ TidyQuiet, /**< No 'Parsing X', guessed DTD or summary */ TidyIndentContent, /**< Indent content of appropriate tags */ /**< "auto" does text/block level content indentation */ TidyCoerceEndTags, /**< Coerce end tags from start tags where probably intended */ TidyOmitOptionalTags,/**< Suppress optional start tags and end tags */ TidyHideEndTags, /**< Legacy name for TidyOmitOptionalTags */ TidyXmlTags, /**< Treat input as XML */ TidyXmlOut, /**< Create output as XML */ TidyXhtmlOut, /**< Output extensible HTML */ TidyHtmlOut, /**< Output plain HTML, even for XHTML input. Yes means set explicitly. */ TidyXmlDecl, /**< Add for XML docs */ TidyUpperCaseTags, /**< Output tags in upper not lower case */ TidyUpperCaseAttrs, /**< Output attributes in upper not lower case */ TidyMakeBare, /**< Make bare HTML: remove Microsoft cruft */ TidyMakeClean, /**< Replace presentational clutter by style rules */ TidyGDocClean, /**< Clean up HTML exported from Google Docs */ TidyLogicalEmphasis, /**< Replace i by em and b by strong */ TidyDropPropAttrs, /**< Discard proprietary attributes */ TidyDropFontTags, /**< Discard presentation tags */ TidyDropEmptyElems, /**< Discard empty elements */ TidyDropEmptyParas, /**< Discard empty p elements */ TidyFixComments, /**< Fix comments with adjacent hyphens */ TidyBreakBeforeBR, /**< Output newline before
or not? */ /* obsolete */ TidyBurstSlides, /**< Create slides on each h2 element */ TidyNumEntities, /**< Use numeric entities */ TidyQuoteMarks, /**< Output " marks as " */ TidyQuoteNbsp, /**< Output non-breaking space as entity */ TidyQuoteAmpersand, /**< Output naked ampersand as & */ TidyWrapAttVals, /**< Wrap within attribute values */ TidyWrapScriptlets, /**< Wrap within JavaScript string literals */ TidyWrapSection, /**< Wrap within section tags */ TidyWrapAsp, /**< Wrap within ASP pseudo elements */ TidyWrapJste, /**< Wrap within JSTE pseudo elements */ TidyWrapPhp, /**< Wrap within PHP pseudo elements */ TidyFixBackslash, /**< Fix URLs by replacing \ with / */ TidyIndentAttributes,/**< Newline+indent before each attribute */ TidyXmlPIs, /**< If set to yes PIs must end with ?> */ TidyXmlSpace, /**< If set to yes adds xml:space attr as needed */ TidyEncloseBodyText, /**< If yes text at body is wrapped in P's */ TidyEncloseBlockText,/**< If yes text in blocks is wrapped in P's */ TidyKeepFileTimes, /**< If yes last modied time is preserved */ TidyWord2000, /**< Draconian cleaning for Word2000 */ TidyMark, /**< Add meta element indicating tidied doc */ TidyEmacs, /**< If true format error output for GNU Emacs */ TidyEmacsFile, /**< Name of current Emacs file */ TidyLiteralAttribs, /**< If true attributes may use newlines */ TidyBodyOnly, /**< Output BODY content only */ TidyFixUri, /**< Applies URI encoding if necessary */ TidyLowerLiterals, /**< Folds known attribute values to lower case */ TidyHideComments, /**< Hides all (real) comments in output */ TidyIndentCdata, /**< Indent section */ TidyForceOutput, /**< Output document even if errors were found */ TidyShowErrors, /**< Number of errors to put out */ TidyAsciiChars, /**< Convert quotes and dashes to nearest ASCII char */ TidyJoinClasses, /**< Join multiple class attributes */ TidyJoinStyles, /**< Join multiple style attributes */ TidyEscapeCdata, /**< Replace sections with escaped text */ #if SUPPORT_ASIAN_ENCODINGS TidyLanguage, /**< Language property: not used for anything yet */ TidyNCR, /**< Allow numeric character references */ #else TidyLanguageNotUsed, TidyNCRNotUsed, #endif #if SUPPORT_UTF16_ENCODINGS TidyOutputBOM, /**< Output a Byte Order Mark (BOM) for UTF-16 encodings */ /**< auto: if input stream has BOM, we output a BOM */ #else TidyOutputBOMNotUsed, #endif TidyReplaceColor, /**< Replace hex color attribute values with names */ TidyCSSPrefix, /**< CSS class naming for -clean option */ TidyInlineTags, /**< Declared inline tags */ TidyBlockTags, /**< Declared block tags */ TidyEmptyTags, /**< Declared empty tags */ TidyPreTags, /**< Declared pre tags */ TidyAccessibilityCheckLevel, /**< Accessibility check level 0 (old style), or 1, 2, 3 */ TidyVertSpace, /**< degree to which markup is spread out vertically */ #if SUPPORT_ASIAN_ENCODINGS TidyPunctWrap, /**< consider punctuation and breaking spaces for wrapping */ #else TidyPunctWrapNotUsed, #endif TidyMergeEmphasis, /**< Merge nested B and I elements */ TidyMergeDivs, /**< Merge multiple DIVs */ TidyDecorateInferredUL, /**< Mark inferred UL elements with no indent CSS */ TidyPreserveEntities, /**< Preserve entities */ TidySortAttributes, /**< Sort attributes */ TidyMergeSpans, /**< Merge multiple SPANs */ TidyAnchorAsName, /**< Define anchors as name attributes */ TidyPPrintTabs, /**< Indent using tabs istead of spaces */ TidySkipNested, /**< Skip nested tags in script and style CDATA */ TidyStrictTagsAttr, /**< Ensure tags and attributes match output HTML version */ TidyEscapeScripts, /**< Escape items that look like closing tags in script tags */ TidyMetaCharset, /**< Adds/checks/fixes meta charset in the head, based on document type */ N_TIDY_OPTIONS /**< Must be last */ } TidyOptionId; /** Option data types */ typedef enum { TidyString, /**< String */ TidyInteger, /**< Integer or enumeration */ TidyBoolean /**< Boolean flag */ } TidyOptionType; /** AutoBool values used by ParseBool, ParseTriState, ParseIndent, ParseBOM */ typedef enum { TidyNoState, /**< maps to 'no' */ TidyYesState, /**< maps to 'yes' */ TidyAutoState /**< Automatic */ } TidyTriState; /** TidyNewline option values to control output line endings. */ typedef enum { TidyLF, /**< Use Unix style: LF */ TidyCRLF, /**< Use DOS/Windows style: CR+LF */ TidyCR /**< Use Macintosh style: CR */ } TidyLineEnding; /** Mode controlling treatment of doctype */ typedef enum { TidyDoctypeHtml5, /**< */ TidyDoctypeOmit, /**< Omit DOCTYPE altogether */ TidyDoctypeAuto, /**< Keep DOCTYPE in input. Set version to content */ TidyDoctypeStrict, /**< Convert document to HTML 4 strict content model */ TidyDoctypeLoose, /**< Convert document to HTML 4 transitional content model */ TidyDoctypeUser /**< Set DOCTYPE FPI explicitly */ } TidyDoctypeModes; /** Mode controlling treatment of duplicate Attributes */ typedef enum { TidyKeepFirst, TidyKeepLast } TidyDupAttrModes; /** Mode controlling treatment of sorting attributes */ typedef enum { TidySortAttrNone, TidySortAttrAlpha } TidyAttrSortStrategy; /* I/O and Message handling interface ** ** By default, Tidy will define, create and use ** instances of input and output handlers for ** standard C buffered I/O (i.e. FILE* stdin, ** FILE* stdout and FILE* stderr for content ** input, content output and diagnostic output, ** respectively. A FILE* cfgFile input handler ** will be used for config files. Command line ** options will just be set directly. */ /** Message severity level * These TidyReportLevel are used throughout libtidy, but don't * have associated localized strings to describe them because * TidyReportLevel is externally-facing, and changing the enum * starting int can break existing API's for poorly-written * applications using libtidy. See enum `TidyReportLevelKeys`. */ typedef enum { TidyInfo, /**< Information about markup usage */ TidyWarning, /**< Warning message */ TidyConfig, /**< Configuration error */ TidyAccess, /**< Accessibility message */ TidyError, /**< Error message - output suppressed */ TidyBadDocument, /**< I/O or file system error */ TidyFatal /**< Crash! */ } TidyReportLevel; /** Message severity level - string lookup keys * These TidyReportLevelKeys are used throughout libtidy, and * have associated localized strings to describe them. They * correspond to enum `TidyReportLevel`. */ typedef enum { TidyInfoString = 600, TidyWarningString, TidyConfigString, TidyAccessString, TidyErrorString, TidyBadDocumentString, TidyFatalString } TidyReportLevelKeys; /* Document tree traversal functions */ /** Node types */ typedef enum { TidyNode_Root, /**< Root */ TidyNode_DocType, /**< DOCTYPE */ TidyNode_Comment, /**< Comment */ TidyNode_ProcIns, /**< Processing Instruction */ TidyNode_Text, /**< Text */ TidyNode_Start, /**< Start Tag */ TidyNode_End, /**< End Tag */ TidyNode_StartEnd, /**< Start/End (empty) Tag */ TidyNode_CDATA, /**< Unparsed Text */ TidyNode_Section, /**< XML Section */ TidyNode_Asp, /**< ASP Source */ TidyNode_Jste, /**< JSTE Source */ TidyNode_Php, /**< PHP Source */ TidyNode_XmlDecl /**< XML Declaration */ } TidyNodeType; /** Known HTML element types */ typedef enum { TidyTag_UNKNOWN, /**< Unknown tag! */ TidyTag_A, /**< A */ TidyTag_ABBR, /**< ABBR */ TidyTag_ACRONYM, /**< ACRONYM */ TidyTag_ADDRESS, /**< ADDRESS */ TidyTag_ALIGN, /**< ALIGN */ TidyTag_APPLET, /**< APPLET */ TidyTag_AREA, /**< AREA */ TidyTag_B, /**< B */ TidyTag_BASE, /**< BASE */ TidyTag_BASEFONT, /**< BASEFONT */ TidyTag_BDO, /**< BDO */ TidyTag_BGSOUND, /**< BGSOUND */ TidyTag_BIG, /**< BIG */ TidyTag_BLINK, /**< BLINK */ TidyTag_BLOCKQUOTE, /**< BLOCKQUOTE */ TidyTag_BODY, /**< BODY */ TidyTag_BR, /**< BR */ TidyTag_BUTTON, /**< BUTTON */ TidyTag_CAPTION, /**< CAPTION */ TidyTag_CENTER, /**< CENTER */ TidyTag_CITE, /**< CITE */ TidyTag_CODE, /**< CODE */ TidyTag_COL, /**< COL */ TidyTag_COLGROUP, /**< COLGROUP */ TidyTag_COMMENT, /**< COMMENT */ TidyTag_DD, /**< DD */ TidyTag_DEL, /**< DEL */ TidyTag_DFN, /**< DFN */ TidyTag_DIR, /**< DIR */ TidyTag_DIV, /**< DIF */ TidyTag_DL, /**< DL */ TidyTag_DT, /**< DT */ TidyTag_EM, /**< EM */ TidyTag_EMBED, /**< EMBED */ TidyTag_FIELDSET, /**< FIELDSET */ TidyTag_FONT, /**< FONT */ TidyTag_FORM, /**< FORM */ TidyTag_FRAME, /**< FRAME */ TidyTag_FRAMESET, /**< FRAMESET */ TidyTag_H1, /**< H1 */ TidyTag_H2, /**< H2 */ TidyTag_H3, /**< H3 */ TidyTag_H4, /**< H4 */ TidyTag_H5, /**< H5 */ TidyTag_H6, /**< H6 */ TidyTag_HEAD, /**< HEAD */ TidyTag_HR, /**< HR */ TidyTag_HTML, /**< HTML */ TidyTag_I, /**< I */ TidyTag_IFRAME, /**< IFRAME */ TidyTag_ILAYER, /**< ILAYER */ TidyTag_IMG, /**< IMG */ TidyTag_INPUT, /**< INPUT */ TidyTag_INS, /**< INS */ TidyTag_ISINDEX, /**< ISINDEX */ TidyTag_KBD, /**< KBD */ TidyTag_KEYGEN, /**< KEYGEN */ TidyTag_LABEL, /**< LABEL */ TidyTag_LAYER, /**< LAYER */ TidyTag_LEGEND, /**< LEGEND */ TidyTag_LI, /**< LI */ TidyTag_LINK, /**< LINK */ TidyTag_LISTING, /**< LISTING */ TidyTag_MAP, /**< MAP */ TidyTag_MATHML, /**< MATH (HTML5) [i_a]2 MathML embedded in [X]HTML */ TidyTag_MARQUEE, /**< MARQUEE */ TidyTag_MENU, /**< MENU */ TidyTag_META, /**< META */ TidyTag_MULTICOL, /**< MULTICOL */ TidyTag_NOBR, /**< NOBR */ TidyTag_NOEMBED, /**< NOEMBED */ TidyTag_NOFRAMES, /**< NOFRAMES */ TidyTag_NOLAYER, /**< NOLAYER */ TidyTag_NOSAVE, /**< NOSAVE */ TidyTag_NOSCRIPT, /**< NOSCRIPT */ TidyTag_OBJECT, /**< OBJECT */ TidyTag_OL, /**< OL */ TidyTag_OPTGROUP, /**< OPTGROUP */ TidyTag_OPTION, /**< OPTION */ TidyTag_P, /**< P */ TidyTag_PARAM, /**< PARAM */ TidyTag_PICTURE, /**< PICTURE (HTML5) */ TidyTag_PLAINTEXT,/**< PLAINTEXT */ TidyTag_PRE, /**< PRE */ TidyTag_Q, /**< Q */ TidyTag_RB, /**< RB */ TidyTag_RBC, /**< RBC */ TidyTag_RP, /**< RP */ TidyTag_RT, /**< RT */ TidyTag_RTC, /**< RTC */ TidyTag_RUBY, /**< RUBY */ TidyTag_S, /**< S */ TidyTag_SAMP, /**< SAMP */ TidyTag_SCRIPT, /**< SCRIPT */ TidyTag_SELECT, /**< SELECT */ TidyTag_SERVER, /**< SERVER */ TidyTag_SERVLET, /**< SERVLET */ TidyTag_SMALL, /**< SMALL */ TidyTag_SPACER, /**< SPACER */ TidyTag_SPAN, /**< SPAN */ TidyTag_STRIKE, /**< STRIKE */ TidyTag_STRONG, /**< STRONG */ TidyTag_STYLE, /**< STYLE */ TidyTag_SUB, /**< SUB */ TidyTag_SUP, /**< SUP */ TidyTag_SVG, /**< SVG (HTML5) */ TidyTag_TABLE, /**< TABLE */ TidyTag_TBODY, /**< TBODY */ TidyTag_TD, /**< TD */ TidyTag_TEXTAREA, /**< TEXTAREA */ TidyTag_TFOOT, /**< TFOOT */ TidyTag_TH, /**< TH */ TidyTag_THEAD, /**< THEAD */ TidyTag_TITLE, /**< TITLE */ TidyTag_TR, /**< TR */ TidyTag_TT, /**< TT */ TidyTag_U, /**< U */ TidyTag_UL, /**< UL */ TidyTag_VAR, /**< VAR */ TidyTag_WBR, /**< WBR */ TidyTag_XMP, /**< XMP */ TidyTag_NEXTID, /**< NEXTID */ TidyTag_ARTICLE, TidyTag_ASIDE, TidyTag_AUDIO, TidyTag_BDI, TidyTag_CANVAS, TidyTag_COMMAND, TidyTag_DATALIST, TidyTag_DETAILS, TidyTag_DIALOG, TidyTag_FIGCAPTION, TidyTag_FIGURE, TidyTag_FOOTER, TidyTag_HEADER, TidyTag_HGROUP, TidyTag_MAIN, TidyTag_MARK, TidyTag_MENUITEM, TidyTag_METER, TidyTag_NAV, TidyTag_OUTPUT, TidyTag_PROGRESS, TidyTag_SECTION, TidyTag_SOURCE, TidyTag_SUMMARY, TidyTag_TEMPLATE, TidyTag_TIME, TidyTag_TRACK, TidyTag_VIDEO, N_TIDY_TAGS /**< Must be last */ } TidyTagId; /* Attribute interrogation */ /** Known HTML attributes */ typedef enum { TidyAttr_UNKNOWN, /**< UNKNOWN= */ TidyAttr_ABBR, /**< ABBR= */ TidyAttr_ACCEPT, /**< ACCEPT= */ TidyAttr_ACCEPT_CHARSET, /**< ACCEPT_CHARSET= */ TidyAttr_ACCESSKEY, /**< ACCESSKEY= */ TidyAttr_ACTION, /**< ACTION= */ TidyAttr_ADD_DATE, /**< ADD_DATE= */ TidyAttr_ALIGN, /**< ALIGN= */ TidyAttr_ALINK, /**< ALINK= */ TidyAttr_ALLOWFULLSCREEN, /**< ALLOWFULLSCREEN= */ TidyAttr_ALT, /**< ALT= */ TidyAttr_ARCHIVE, /**< ARCHIVE= */ TidyAttr_AXIS, /**< AXIS= */ TidyAttr_BACKGROUND, /**< BACKGROUND= */ TidyAttr_BGCOLOR, /**< BGCOLOR= */ TidyAttr_BGPROPERTIES, /**< BGPROPERTIES= */ TidyAttr_BORDER, /**< BORDER= */ TidyAttr_BORDERCOLOR, /**< BORDERCOLOR= */ TidyAttr_BOTTOMMARGIN, /**< BOTTOMMARGIN= */ TidyAttr_CELLPADDING, /**< CELLPADDING= */ TidyAttr_CELLSPACING, /**< CELLSPACING= */ TidyAttr_CHAR, /**< CHAR= */ TidyAttr_CHAROFF, /**< CHAROFF= */ TidyAttr_CHARSET, /**< CHARSET= */ TidyAttr_CHECKED, /**< CHECKED= */ TidyAttr_CITE, /**< CITE= */ TidyAttr_CLASS, /**< CLASS= */ TidyAttr_CLASSID, /**< CLASSID= */ TidyAttr_CLEAR, /**< CLEAR= */ TidyAttr_CODE, /**< CODE= */ TidyAttr_CODEBASE, /**< CODEBASE= */ TidyAttr_CODETYPE, /**< CODETYPE= */ TidyAttr_COLOR, /**< COLOR= */ TidyAttr_COLS, /**< COLS= */ TidyAttr_COLSPAN, /**< COLSPAN= */ TidyAttr_COMPACT, /**< COMPACT= */ TidyAttr_CONTENT, /**< CONTENT= */ TidyAttr_COORDS, /**< COORDS= */ TidyAttr_DATA, /**< DATA= */ TidyAttr_DATAFLD, /**< DATAFLD= */ TidyAttr_DATAFORMATAS, /**< DATAFORMATAS= */ TidyAttr_DATAPAGESIZE, /**< DATAPAGESIZE= */ TidyAttr_DATASRC, /**< DATASRC= */ TidyAttr_DATETIME, /**< DATETIME= */ TidyAttr_DECLARE, /**< DECLARE= */ TidyAttr_DEFER, /**< DEFER= */ TidyAttr_DIR, /**< DIR= */ TidyAttr_DISABLED, /**< DISABLED= */ TidyAttr_ENCODING, /**< ENCODING= */ TidyAttr_ENCTYPE, /**< ENCTYPE= */ TidyAttr_FACE, /**< FACE= */ TidyAttr_FOR, /**< FOR= */ TidyAttr_FRAME, /**< FRAME= */ TidyAttr_FRAMEBORDER, /**< FRAMEBORDER= */ TidyAttr_FRAMESPACING, /**< FRAMESPACING= */ TidyAttr_GRIDX, /**< GRIDX= */ TidyAttr_GRIDY, /**< GRIDY= */ TidyAttr_HEADERS, /**< HEADERS= */ TidyAttr_HEIGHT, /**< HEIGHT= */ TidyAttr_HREF, /**< HREF= */ TidyAttr_HREFLANG, /**< HREFLANG= */ TidyAttr_HSPACE, /**< HSPACE= */ TidyAttr_HTTP_EQUIV, /**< HTTP_EQUIV= */ TidyAttr_ID, /**< ID= */ TidyAttr_ISMAP, /**< ISMAP= */ TidyAttr_ITEMID, /**< ITEMID= */ TidyAttr_ITEMPROP, /**< ITEMPROP= */ TidyAttr_ITEMREF, /**< ITEMREF= */ TidyAttr_ITEMSCOPE, /**< ITEMSCOPE= */ TidyAttr_ITEMTYPE, /**< ITEMTYPE= */ TidyAttr_LABEL, /**< LABEL= */ TidyAttr_LANG, /**< LANG= */ TidyAttr_LANGUAGE, /**< LANGUAGE= */ TidyAttr_LAST_MODIFIED, /**< LAST_MODIFIED= */ TidyAttr_LAST_VISIT, /**< LAST_VISIT= */ TidyAttr_LEFTMARGIN, /**< LEFTMARGIN= */ TidyAttr_LINK, /**< LINK= */ TidyAttr_LONGDESC, /**< LONGDESC= */ TidyAttr_LOWSRC, /**< LOWSRC= */ TidyAttr_MARGINHEIGHT, /**< MARGINHEIGHT= */ TidyAttr_MARGINWIDTH, /**< MARGINWIDTH= */ TidyAttr_MAXLENGTH, /**< MAXLENGTH= */ TidyAttr_MEDIA, /**< MEDIA= */ TidyAttr_METHOD, /**< METHOD= */ TidyAttr_MULTIPLE, /**< MULTIPLE= */ TidyAttr_NAME, /**< NAME= */ TidyAttr_NOHREF, /**< NOHREF= */ TidyAttr_NORESIZE, /**< NORESIZE= */ TidyAttr_NOSHADE, /**< NOSHADE= */ TidyAttr_NOWRAP, /**< NOWRAP= */ TidyAttr_OBJECT, /**< OBJECT= */ TidyAttr_OnAFTERUPDATE, /**< OnAFTERUPDATE= */ TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUNLOAD, /**< OnBEFOREUNLOAD= */ TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUPDATE, /**< OnBEFOREUPDATE= */ TidyAttr_OnBLUR, /**< OnBLUR= */ TidyAttr_OnCHANGE, /**< OnCHANGE= */ TidyAttr_OnCLICK, /**< OnCLICK= */ TidyAttr_OnDATAAVAILABLE, /**< OnDATAAVAILABLE= */ TidyAttr_OnDATASETCHANGED, /**< OnDATASETCHANGED= */ TidyAttr_OnDATASETCOMPLETE, /**< OnDATASETCOMPLETE= */ TidyAttr_OnDBLCLICK, /**< OnDBLCLICK= */ TidyAttr_OnERRORUPDATE, /**< OnERRORUPDATE= */ TidyAttr_OnFOCUS, /**< OnFOCUS= */ TidyAttr_OnKEYDOWN, /**< OnKEYDOWN= */ TidyAttr_OnKEYPRESS, /**< OnKEYPRESS= */ TidyAttr_OnKEYUP, /**< OnKEYUP= */ TidyAttr_OnLOAD, /**< OnLOAD= */ TidyAttr_OnMOUSEDOWN, /**< OnMOUSEDOWN= */ TidyAttr_OnMOUSEMOVE, /**< OnMOUSEMOVE= */ TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOUT, /**< OnMOUSEOUT= */ TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOVER, /**< OnMOUSEOVER= */ TidyAttr_OnMOUSEUP, /**< OnMOUSEUP= */ TidyAttr_OnRESET, /**< OnRESET= */ TidyAttr_OnROWENTER, /**< OnROWENTER= */ TidyAttr_OnROWEXIT, /**< OnROWEXIT= */ TidyAttr_OnSELECT, /**< OnSELECT= */ TidyAttr_OnSUBMIT, /**< OnSUBMIT= */ TidyAttr_OnUNLOAD, /**< OnUNLOAD= */ TidyAttr_PROFILE, /**< PROFILE= */ TidyAttr_PROMPT, /**< PROMPT= */ TidyAttr_RBSPAN, /**< RBSPAN= */ TidyAttr_READONLY, /**< READONLY= */ TidyAttr_REL, /**< REL= */ TidyAttr_REV, /**< REV= */ TidyAttr_RIGHTMARGIN, /**< RIGHTMARGIN= */ TidyAttr_ROLE, /**< ROLE= */ TidyAttr_ROWS, /**< ROWS= */ TidyAttr_ROWSPAN, /**< ROWSPAN= */ TidyAttr_RULES, /**< RULES= */ TidyAttr_SCHEME, /**< SCHEME= */ TidyAttr_SCOPE, /**< SCOPE= */ TidyAttr_SCROLLING, /**< SCROLLING= */ TidyAttr_SELECTED, /**< SELECTED= */ TidyAttr_SHAPE, /**< SHAPE= */ TidyAttr_SHOWGRID, /**< SHOWGRID= */ TidyAttr_SHOWGRIDX, /**< SHOWGRIDX= */ TidyAttr_SHOWGRIDY, /**< SHOWGRIDY= */ TidyAttr_SIZE, /**< SIZE= */ TidyAttr_SPAN, /**< SPAN= */ TidyAttr_SRC, /**< SRC= */ TidyAttr_SRCSET, /**< SRCSET= (HTML5) */ TidyAttr_STANDBY, /**< STANDBY= */ TidyAttr_START, /**< START= */ TidyAttr_STYLE, /**< STYLE= */ TidyAttr_SUMMARY, /**< SUMMARY= */ TidyAttr_TABINDEX, /**< TABINDEX= */ TidyAttr_TARGET, /**< TARGET= */ TidyAttr_TEXT, /**< TEXT= */ TidyAttr_TITLE, /**< TITLE= */ TidyAttr_TOPMARGIN, /**< TOPMARGIN= */ TidyAttr_TRANSLATE, /**< TRANSLATE= */ TidyAttr_TYPE, /**< TYPE= */ TidyAttr_USEMAP, /**< USEMAP= */ TidyAttr_VALIGN, /**< VALIGN= */ TidyAttr_VALUE, /**< VALUE= */ TidyAttr_VALUETYPE, /**< VALUETYPE= */ TidyAttr_VERSION, /**< VERSION= */ TidyAttr_VLINK, /**< VLINK= */ TidyAttr_VSPACE, /**< VSPACE= */ TidyAttr_WIDTH, /**< WIDTH= */ TidyAttr_WRAP, /**< WRAP= */ TidyAttr_XML_LANG, /**< XML_LANG= */ TidyAttr_XML_SPACE, /**< XML_SPACE= */ TidyAttr_XMLNS, /**< XMLNS= */ TidyAttr_EVENT, /**< EVENT= */ TidyAttr_METHODS, /**< METHODS= */ TidyAttr_N, /**< N= */ TidyAttr_SDAFORM, /**< SDAFORM= */ TidyAttr_SDAPREF, /**< SDAPREF= */ TidyAttr_SDASUFF, /**< SDASUFF= */ TidyAttr_URN, /**< URN= */ TidyAttr_ASYNC, TidyAttr_AUTOCOMPLETE, TidyAttr_AUTOFOCUS, TidyAttr_AUTOPLAY, TidyAttr_CHALLENGE, TidyAttr_CONTENTEDITABLE, TidyAttr_CONTEXTMENU, TidyAttr_CONTROLS, TidyAttr_CROSSORIGIN, /**< CROSSORIGIN= */ TidyAttr_DEFAULT, TidyAttr_DIRNAME, TidyAttr_DRAGGABLE, TidyAttr_DROPZONE, TidyAttr_FORM, TidyAttr_FORMACTION, TidyAttr_FORMENCTYPE, TidyAttr_FORMMETHOD, TidyAttr_FORMNOVALIDATE, TidyAttr_FORMTARGET, TidyAttr_HIDDEN, TidyAttr_HIGH, TidyAttr_ICON, TidyAttr_KEYTYPE, TidyAttr_KIND, TidyAttr_LIST, TidyAttr_LOOP, TidyAttr_LOW, TidyAttr_MANIFEST, TidyAttr_MAX, TidyAttr_MEDIAGROUP, TidyAttr_MIN, TidyAttr_NOVALIDATE, TidyAttr_OPEN, TidyAttr_OPTIMUM, TidyAttr_OnABORT, TidyAttr_OnAFTERPRINT, TidyAttr_OnBEFOREPRINT, TidyAttr_OnCANPLAY, TidyAttr_OnCANPLAYTHROUGH, TidyAttr_OnCONTEXTMENU, TidyAttr_OnCUECHANGE, TidyAttr_OnDRAG, TidyAttr_OnDRAGEND, TidyAttr_OnDRAGENTER, TidyAttr_OnDRAGLEAVE, TidyAttr_OnDRAGOVER, TidyAttr_OnDRAGSTART, TidyAttr_OnDROP, TidyAttr_OnDURATIONCHANGE, TidyAttr_OnEMPTIED, TidyAttr_OnENDED, TidyAttr_OnERROR, TidyAttr_OnHASHCHANGE, TidyAttr_OnINPUT, TidyAttr_OnINVALID, TidyAttr_OnLOADEDDATA, TidyAttr_OnLOADEDMETADATA, TidyAttr_OnLOADSTART, TidyAttr_OnMESSAGE, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEWHEEL, TidyAttr_OnOFFLINE, TidyAttr_OnONLINE, TidyAttr_OnPAGEHIDE, TidyAttr_OnPAGESHOW, TidyAttr_OnPAUSE, TidyAttr_OnPLAY, TidyAttr_OnPLAYING, TidyAttr_OnPOPSTATE, TidyAttr_OnPROGRESS, TidyAttr_OnRATECHANGE, TidyAttr_OnREADYSTATECHANGE, TidyAttr_OnREDO, TidyAttr_OnRESIZE, TidyAttr_OnSCROLL, TidyAttr_OnSEEKED, TidyAttr_OnSEEKING, TidyAttr_OnSHOW, TidyAttr_OnSTALLED, TidyAttr_OnSTORAGE, TidyAttr_OnSUSPEND, TidyAttr_OnTIMEUPDATE, TidyAttr_OnUNDO, TidyAttr_OnVOLUMECHANGE, TidyAttr_OnWAITING, TidyAttr_PATTERN, TidyAttr_PLACEHOLDER, TidyAttr_POSTER, TidyAttr_PRELOAD, TidyAttr_PUBDATE, TidyAttr_RADIOGROUP, TidyAttr_REQUIRED, TidyAttr_REVERSED, TidyAttr_SANDBOX, TidyAttr_SCOPED, TidyAttr_SEAMLESS, TidyAttr_SIZES, TidyAttr_SPELLCHECK, TidyAttr_SRCDOC, TidyAttr_SRCLANG, TidyAttr_STEP, TidyAttr_ARIA_ACTIVEDESCENDANT, TidyAttr_ARIA_ATOMIC, TidyAttr_ARIA_AUTOCOMPLETE, TidyAttr_ARIA_BUSY, TidyAttr_ARIA_CHECKED, TidyAttr_ARIA_CONTROLS, TidyAttr_ARIA_DESCRIBEDBY, TidyAttr_ARIA_DISABLED, TidyAttr_ARIA_DROPEFFECT, TidyAttr_ARIA_EXPANDED, TidyAttr_ARIA_FLOWTO, TidyAttr_ARIA_GRABBED, TidyAttr_ARIA_HASPOPUP, TidyAttr_ARIA_HIDDEN, TidyAttr_ARIA_INVALID, TidyAttr_ARIA_LABEL, TidyAttr_ARIA_LABELLEDBY, TidyAttr_ARIA_LEVEL, TidyAttr_ARIA_LIVE, TidyAttr_ARIA_MULTILINE, TidyAttr_ARIA_MULTISELECTABLE, TidyAttr_ARIA_ORIENTATION, TidyAttr_ARIA_OWNS, TidyAttr_ARIA_POSINSET, TidyAttr_ARIA_PRESSED, TidyAttr_ARIA_READONLY, TidyAttr_ARIA_RELEVANT, TidyAttr_ARIA_REQUIRED, TidyAttr_ARIA_SELECTED, TidyAttr_ARIA_SETSIZE, TidyAttr_ARIA_SORT, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUEMAX, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUEMIN, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUENOW, TidyAttr_ARIA_VALUETEXT, /* SVG attributes (SVG 1.1) */ TidyAttr_X, /**< X= */ TidyAttr_Y, /**< Y= */ TidyAttr_VIEWBOX, /**< VIEWBOX= */ TidyAttr_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO, /**< PRESERVEASPECTRATIO= */ TidyAttr_ZOOMANDPAN, /**< ZOOMANDPAN= */ TidyAttr_BASEPROFILE, /**< BASEPROFILE= */ TidyAttr_CONTENTSCRIPTTYPE, /**< CONTENTSCRIPTTYPE= */ TidyAttr_CONTENTSTYLETYPE, /**< CONTENTSTYLETYPE= */ /* MathML attributes */ TidyAttr_DISPLAY, /**< DISPLAY= (html5) */ /* RDFa global attributes */ TidyAttr_ABOUT, /**< ABOUT= */ TidyAttr_DATATYPE, /**< DATATYPE= */ TidyAttr_INLIST, /**< INLIST= */ TidyAttr_PREFIX, /**< PREFIX= */ TidyAttr_PROPERTY, /**< PROPERTY= */ TidyAttr_RESOURCE, /**< RESOURCE= */ TidyAttr_TYPEOF, /**< TYPEOF= */ TidyAttr_VOCAB, /**< VOCAB= */ TidyAttr_INTEGRITY, /**< INTEGRITY= */ TidyAttr_AS, /**< AS= */ N_TIDY_ATTRIBS /**< Must be last */ } TidyAttrId; #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* __TIDYENUM_H__ */