HTML Tidy  0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef __TIDY_H__
00002 #define __TIDY_H__
00004 /** @file tidy.h - Defines HTML Tidy API implemented by tidy library.
00006   Public interface is const-correct and doesn't explicitly depend
00007   on any globals.  Thus, thread-safety may be introduced w/out
00008   changing the interface.
00010   Looking ahead to a C++ wrapper, C functions always pass 
00011   this-equivalent as 1st arg.
00014   Copyright (c) 1998-2008 World Wide Web Consortium
00015   (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research 
00016   Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University).
00017   All Rights Reserved.
00019   CVS Info :
00021     $Author: arnaud02 $ 
00022     $Date: 2008/04/22 11:00:42 $ 
00023     $Revision: 1.22 $ 
00025   Contributing Author(s):
00027      Dave Raggett <>
00029   The contributing author(s) would like to thank all those who
00030   helped with testing, bug fixes and suggestions for improvements. 
00031   This wouldn't have been possible without your help.
00035   This software and documentation is provided "as is," and
00036   the copyright holders and contributing author(s) make no
00037   representations or warranties, express or implied, including
00038   but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness
00039   for any particular purpose or that the use of the software or
00040   documentation will not infringe any third party patents,
00041   copyrights, trademarks or other rights. 
00043   The copyright holders and contributing author(s) will not be held
00044   liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages
00045   arising out of any use of the software or documentation, even if
00046   advised of the possibility of such damage.
00048   Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute
00049   this source code, or portions hereof, documentation and executables,
00050   for any purpose, without fee, subject to the following restrictions:
00052   1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented.
00053   2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must
00054      not be misrepresented as being the original source.
00055   3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any
00056      source or altered source distribution.
00058   The copyright holders and contributing author(s) specifically
00059   permit, without fee, and encourage the use of this source code
00060   as a component for supporting the Hypertext Markup Language in
00061   commercial products. If you use this source code in a product,
00062   acknowledgment is not required but would be appreciated.
00065   Created 2001-05-20 by Charles Reitzel
00066   Updated 2002-07-01 by Charles Reitzel - 1st Implementation
00068 */
00070 #include "platform.h"
00071 #include "tidyenum.h"
00073 #ifdef __cplusplus
00074 extern "C" {
00075 #endif
00077 /** @defgroup Opaque Opaque Types
00078 **
00079 ** Cast to implementation types within lib.
00080 ** Reduces inter-dependencies/conflicts w/ application code.
00081 ** @{
00082 */
00084 /** @struct TidyDoc
00085 **  Opaque document datatype
00086 */
00087 opaque_type( TidyDoc );
00089 /** @struct TidyOption
00090 **  Opaque option datatype
00091 */
00092 opaque_type( TidyOption );
00094 /** @struct TidyNode
00095 **  Opaque node datatype
00096 */
00097 opaque_type( TidyNode );
00099 /** @struct TidyAttr
00100 **  Opaque attribute datatype
00101 */
00102 opaque_type( TidyAttr );
00104 /** @} end Opaque group */
00106 TIDY_STRUCT struct _TidyBuffer;
00107 typedef struct _TidyBuffer TidyBuffer;
00110 /** @defgroup Memory  Memory Allocation
00111 **
00112 ** Tidy uses a user provided allocator for all
00113 ** memory allocations.  If this allocator is
00114 ** not provided, then a default allocator is
00115 ** used which simply wraps standard C malloc/free
00116 ** calls.  These wrappers call the panic function
00117 ** upon any failure.  The default panic function
00118 ** prints an out of memory message to stderr, and
00119 ** calls exit(2).
00120 **
00121 ** For applications in which it is unacceptable to
00122 ** abort in the case of memory allocation, then the
00123 ** panic function can be replaced with one which
00124 ** longjmps() out of the tidy code.  For this to
00125 ** clean up completely, you should be careful not
00126 ** to use any tidy methods that open files as these
00127 ** will not be closed before panic() is called.
00128 **
00129 ** TODO: associate file handles with tidyDoc and
00130 ** ensure that tidyDocRelease() can close them all.
00131 **
00132 ** Calling the withAllocator() family (
00133 ** tidyCreateWithAllocator, tidyBufInitWithAllocator,
00134 ** tidyBufAllocWithAllocator) allow settings custom
00135 ** allocators).
00136 **
00137 ** All parts of the document use the same allocator.
00138 ** Calls that require a user provided buffer can
00139 ** optionally use a different allocator.
00140 **
00141 ** For reference in designing a plug-in allocator,
00142 ** most allocations made by tidy are less than 100
00143 ** bytes, corresponding to attribute names/values, etc.
00144 **
00145 ** There is also an additional class of much larger
00146 ** allocations which are where most of the data from
00147 ** the lexer is stored.  (It is not currently possible
00148 ** to use a separate allocator for the lexer, this
00149 ** would be a useful extension).
00150 **
00151 ** In general, approximately 1/3rd of the memory
00152 ** used by tidy is freed during the parse, so if
00153 ** memory usage is an issue then an allocator that 
00154 ** can reuse this memory is a good idea.
00155 **
00156 ** @{
00157 */
00159 /** Prototype for the allocator's function table */
00160 struct _TidyAllocatorVtbl;
00161 /** The allocators function table */
00162 typedef struct _TidyAllocatorVtbl TidyAllocatorVtbl;
00164 /** Prototype for the allocator */
00165 struct _TidyAllocator;
00166 /** The allocator **/
00167 typedef struct _TidyAllocator TidyAllocator;
00169 /** An allocator's function table.  All functions here must
00170     be provided.
00171  */
00172 struct _TidyAllocatorVtbl {
00173     /** Called to allocate a block of nBytes of memory */
00174     void* (TIDY_CALL *alloc)( TidyAllocator *self, size_t nBytes );
00175     /** Called to resize (grow, in general) a block of memory.
00176         Must support being called with NULL.
00177     */
00178     void* (TIDY_CALL *realloc)( TidyAllocator *self, void *block, size_t nBytes );
00179     /** Called to free a previously allocated block of memory */
00180     void (TIDY_CALL *free)( TidyAllocator *self, void *block);
00181     /** Called when a panic condition is detected.  Must support
00182         block == NULL.  This function is not called if either alloc 
00183         or realloc fails; it is up to the allocator to do this.
00184         Currently this function can only be called if an error is
00185         detected in the tree integrity via the internal function
00186         CheckNodeIntegrity().  This is a situation that can
00187         only arise in the case of a programming error in tidylib.
00188         You can turn off node integrity checking by defining
00189         the constant NO_NODE_INTEGRITY_CHECK during the build.
00190     **/
00191     void (TIDY_CALL *panic)( TidyAllocator *self, ctmbstr msg );
00192 };
00194 /** An allocator.  To create your own allocator, do something like
00195     the following:
00197     typedef struct _MyAllocator {
00198        TidyAllocator base;
00199        ...other custom allocator state...
00200     } MyAllocator;
00202     void* MyAllocator_alloc(TidyAllocator *base, void *block, size_t nBytes)
00203     {
00204         MyAllocator *self = (MyAllocator*)base;
00205         ...
00206     }
00207     (etc)
00209     static const TidyAllocatorVtbl MyAllocatorVtbl = {
00210         MyAllocator_alloc,
00211         MyAllocator_realloc,
00212         MyAllocator_free,
00213         MyAllocator_panic
00214     };
00216     myAllocator allocator;
00217     TidyDoc doc;
00219     allocator.base.vtbl = &amp;MyAllocatorVtbl;
00220     ...initialise allocator specific state...
00221     doc = tidyCreateWithAllocator(&allocator);
00222     ...
00224     Although this looks slightly long winded, the advantage is that to create
00225     a custom allocator you simply need to set the vtbl pointer correctly.
00226     The vtbl itself can reside in static/global data, and hence does not
00227     need to be initialised each time an allocator is created, and furthermore
00228     the memory is shared amongst all created allocators.
00229 */
00230 struct _TidyAllocator {
00231     const TidyAllocatorVtbl *vtbl;
00232 };
00234 /** Callback for "malloc" replacement */
00235 typedef void* (TIDY_CALL *TidyMalloc)( size_t len );
00236 /** Callback for "realloc" replacement */
00237 typedef void* (TIDY_CALL *TidyRealloc)( void* buf, size_t len );
00238 /** Callback for "free" replacement */
00239 typedef void  (TIDY_CALL *TidyFree)( void* buf );
00240 /** Callback for "out of memory" panic state */
00241 typedef void  (TIDY_CALL *TidyPanic)( ctmbstr mssg );
00244 /** Give Tidy a malloc() replacement */
00245 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetMallocCall( TidyMalloc fmalloc );
00246 /** Give Tidy a realloc() replacement */
00247 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetReallocCall( TidyRealloc frealloc );
00248 /** Give Tidy a free() replacement */
00249 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetFreeCall( TidyFree ffree );
00250 /** Give Tidy an "out of memory" handler */
00251 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetPanicCall( TidyPanic fpanic );
00253 /** @} end Memory group */
00255 /** @defgroup Basic Basic Operations
00256 **
00257 ** Tidy public interface
00258 **
00259 ** Several functions return an integer document status:
00260 **
00261 ** <pre>
00262 ** 0    -> SUCCESS
00263 ** >0   -> 1 == TIDY WARNING, 2 == TIDY ERROR
00264 ** <0   -> SEVERE ERROR
00265 ** </pre>
00266 ** 
00267 The following is a short example program.
00269 <pre>
00270 #include &lt;tidy.h&gt;
00271 #include &lt;buffio.h&gt;
00272 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
00273 #include &lt;errno.h&gt;
00276 int main(int argc, char **argv )
00277 {
00278   const char* input = "&lt;title&gt;Foo&lt;/title&gt;&lt;p&gt;Foo!";
00279   TidyBuffer output;
00280   TidyBuffer errbuf;
00281   int rc = -1;
00282   Bool ok;
00284   TidyDoc tdoc = tidyCreate();                     // Initialize "document"
00285   tidyBufInit( &amp;output );
00286   tidyBufInit( &amp;errbuf );
00287   printf( "Tidying:\t\%s\\n", input );
00289   ok = tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyXhtmlOut, yes );  // Convert to XHTML
00290   if ( ok )
00291     rc = tidySetErrorBuffer( tdoc, &amp;errbuf );      // Capture diagnostics
00292   if ( rc &gt;= 0 )
00293     rc = tidyParseString( tdoc, input );           // Parse the input
00294   if ( rc &gt;= 0 )
00295     rc = tidyCleanAndRepair( tdoc );               // Tidy it up!
00296   if ( rc &gt;= 0 )
00297     rc = tidyRunDiagnostics( tdoc );               // Kvetch
00298   if ( rc &gt; 1 )                                    // If error, force output.
00299     rc = ( tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyForceOutput, yes) ? rc : -1 );
00300   if ( rc &gt;= 0 )
00301     rc = tidySaveBuffer( tdoc, &amp;output );          // Pretty Print
00303   if ( rc &gt;= 0 )
00304   {
00305     if ( rc &gt; 0 )
00306       printf( "\\nDiagnostics:\\n\\n\%s", errbuf.bp );
00307     printf( "\\nAnd here is the result:\\n\\n\%s", output.bp );
00308   }
00309   else
00310     printf( "A severe error (\%d) occurred.\\n", rc );
00312   tidyBufFree( &amp;output );
00313   tidyBufFree( &amp;errbuf );
00314   tidyRelease( tdoc );
00315   return rc;
00316 }
00317 </pre>
00318 ** @{
00319 */
00321 TIDY_EXPORT TidyDoc TIDY_CALL     tidyCreate(void);
00322 TIDY_EXPORT TidyDoc TIDY_CALL     tidyCreateWithAllocator( TidyAllocator *allocator );
00323 TIDY_EXPORT void TIDY_CALL        tidyRelease( TidyDoc tdoc );
00325 /** Let application store a chunk of data w/ each Tidy instance.
00326 **  Useful for callbacks.
00327 */
00328 TIDY_EXPORT void TIDY_CALL        tidySetAppData( TidyDoc tdoc, void* appData );
00330 /** Get application data set previously */
00331 TIDY_EXPORT void* TIDY_CALL       tidyGetAppData( TidyDoc tdoc );
00333 /** Get release date (version) for current library */
00334 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL     tidyReleaseDate(void);
00336 /* Diagnostics and Repair
00337 */
00339 /** Get status of current document. */
00340 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyStatus( TidyDoc tdoc );
00342 /** Detected HTML version: 0, 2, 3 or 4 */
00343 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyDetectedHtmlVersion( TidyDoc tdoc );
00345 /** Input is XHTML? */
00346 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL        tidyDetectedXhtml( TidyDoc tdoc );
00348 /** Input is generic XML (not HTML or XHTML)? */
00349 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL        tidyDetectedGenericXml( TidyDoc tdoc );
00351 /** Number of Tidy errors encountered.  If > 0, output is suppressed
00352 **  unless TidyForceOutput is set.
00353 */
00354 TIDY_EXPORT uint TIDY_CALL        tidyErrorCount( TidyDoc tdoc );
00356 /** Number of Tidy warnings encountered. */
00357 TIDY_EXPORT uint TIDY_CALL        tidyWarningCount( TidyDoc tdoc );
00359 /** Number of Tidy accessibility warnings encountered. */
00360 TIDY_EXPORT uint TIDY_CALL        tidyAccessWarningCount( TidyDoc tdoc );
00362 /** Number of Tidy configuration errors encountered. */
00363 TIDY_EXPORT uint TIDY_CALL        tidyConfigErrorCount( TidyDoc tdoc );
00365 /* Get/Set configuration options
00366 */
00367 /** Load an ASCII Tidy configuration file */
00368 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyLoadConfig( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr configFile );
00370 /** Load a Tidy configuration file with the specified character encoding */
00371 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyLoadConfigEnc( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr configFile,
00372                                                      ctmbstr charenc );
00374 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL        tidyFileExists( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr filename );
00377 /** Set the input/output character encoding for parsing markup.
00378 **  Values include: ascii, latin1, raw, utf8, iso2022, mac,
00379 **  win1252, utf16le, utf16be, utf16, big5 and shiftjis.  Case in-sensitive.
00380 */
00381 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidySetCharEncoding( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr encnam );
00383 /** Set the input encoding for parsing markup.
00384 ** As for tidySetCharEncoding but only affects the input encoding
00385 **/
00386 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidySetInCharEncoding( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr encnam );
00388 /** Set the output encoding.
00389 **/
00390 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidySetOutCharEncoding( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr encnam );
00392 /** @} end Basic group */
00395 /** @defgroup Configuration Configuration Options
00396 **
00397 ** Functions for getting and setting Tidy configuration options.
00398 ** @{
00399 */
00401 /** Applications using TidyLib may want to augment command-line and
00402 **  configuration file options.  Setting this callback allows an application 
00403 **  developer to examine command-line and configuration file options after
00404 **  TidyLib has examined them and failed to recognize them.
00405 **/
00407 typedef Bool (TIDY_CALL *TidyOptCallback)( ctmbstr option, ctmbstr value );
00409 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidySetOptionCallback( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptCallback pOptCallback );
00411 /** Get option ID by name */
00412 TIDY_EXPORT TidyOptionId TIDY_CALL  tidyOptGetIdForName( ctmbstr optnam );
00414 /** Get iterator for list of option */
00415 /** 
00416 Example:
00417 <pre>
00418 TidyIterator itOpt = tidyGetOptionList( tdoc );
00419 while ( itOpt )
00420 {
00421   TidyOption opt = tidyGetNextOption( tdoc, &itOpt );
00422   .. get/set option values ..
00423 }
00424 </pre>
00425 */
00427 TIDY_EXPORT TidyIterator TIDY_CALL  tidyGetOptionList( TidyDoc tdoc );
00428 /** Get next Option */
00429 TIDY_EXPORT TidyOption TIDY_CALL    tidyGetNextOption( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyIterator* pos );
00431 /** Lookup option by ID */
00432 TIDY_EXPORT TidyOption TIDY_CALL    tidyGetOption( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId );
00433 /** Lookup option by name */
00434 TIDY_EXPORT TidyOption TIDY_CALL    tidyGetOptionByName( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr optnam );
00436 /** Get ID of given Option */
00437 TIDY_EXPORT TidyOptionId TIDY_CALL  tidyOptGetId( TidyOption opt );
00439 /** Get name of given Option */
00440 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL       tidyOptGetName( TidyOption opt );
00442 /** Get datatype of given Option */
00443 TIDY_EXPORT TidyOptionType TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetType( TidyOption opt );
00445 /** Is Option read-only? */
00446 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptIsReadOnly( TidyOption opt );
00448 /** Get category of given Option */
00449 TIDY_EXPORT TidyConfigCategory TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetCategory( TidyOption opt );
00451 /** Get default value of given Option as a string */
00452 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL       tidyOptGetDefault( TidyOption opt );
00454 /** Get default value of given Option as an unsigned integer */
00455 TIDY_EXPORT ulong TIDY_CALL         tidyOptGetDefaultInt( TidyOption opt );
00457 /** Get default value of given Option as a Boolean value */
00458 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptGetDefaultBool( TidyOption opt );
00460 /** Iterate over Option "pick list" */
00461 TIDY_EXPORT TidyIterator TIDY_CALL  tidyOptGetPickList( TidyOption opt );
00462 /** Get next string value of Option "pick list" */
00463 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL       tidyOptGetNextPick( TidyOption opt, TidyIterator* pos );
00465 /** Get current Option value as a string */
00466 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL       tidyOptGetValue( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId );
00467 /** Set Option value as a string */
00468 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptSetValue( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId, ctmbstr val );
00469 /** Set named Option value as a string.  Good if not sure of type. */
00470 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptParseValue( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr optnam, ctmbstr val );
00472 /** Get current Option value as an integer */
00473 TIDY_EXPORT ulong TIDY_CALL         tidyOptGetInt( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId );
00474 /** Set Option value as an integer */
00475 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptSetInt( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId, ulong val );
00477 /** Get current Option value as a Boolean flag */
00478 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptGetBool( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId );
00479 /** Set Option value as a Boolean flag */
00480 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptSetBool( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId, Bool val );
00482 /** Reset option to default value by ID */
00483 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptResetToDefault( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId opt );
00484 /** Reset all options to their default values */
00485 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptResetAllToDefault( TidyDoc tdoc );
00487 /** Take a snapshot of current config settings */
00488 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptSnapshot( TidyDoc tdoc );
00489 /** Reset config settings to snapshot (after document processing) */
00490 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptResetToSnapshot( TidyDoc tdoc );
00492 /** Any settings different than default? */
00493 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptDiffThanDefault( TidyDoc tdoc );
00494 /** Any settings different than snapshot? */
00495 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptDiffThanSnapshot( TidyDoc tdoc );
00497 /** Copy current configuration settings from one document to another */
00498 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL          tidyOptCopyConfig( TidyDoc tdocTo, TidyDoc tdocFrom );
00500 /** Get character encoding name.  Used with TidyCharEncoding,
00501 **  TidyOutCharEncoding, TidyInCharEncoding */
00502 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL       tidyOptGetEncName( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId );
00504 /** Get current pick list value for option by ID.  Useful for enum types. */
00505 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL       tidyOptGetCurrPick( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId);
00507 /** Iterate over user declared tags */
00508 TIDY_EXPORT TidyIterator TIDY_CALL  tidyOptGetDeclTagList( TidyDoc tdoc );
00509 /** Get next declared tag of specified type: TidyInlineTags, TidyBlockTags,
00510 **  TidyEmptyTags, TidyPreTags */
00511 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL       tidyOptGetNextDeclTag( TidyDoc tdoc, 
00512                                                           TidyOptionId optId,
00513                                                           TidyIterator* iter );
00514 /** Get option description */
00515 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL       tidyOptGetDoc( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOption opt );
00517 /** Iterate over a list of related options */
00518 TIDY_EXPORT TidyIterator TIDY_CALL  tidyOptGetDocLinksList( TidyDoc tdoc,
00519                                                   TidyOption opt );
00520 /** Get next related option */
00521 TIDY_EXPORT TidyOption TIDY_CALL    tidyOptGetNextDocLinks( TidyDoc tdoc,
00522                                                   TidyIterator* pos );
00524 /** @} end Configuration group */
00526 /** @defgroup IO  I/O and Messages
00527 **
00528 ** By default, Tidy will define, create and use 
00529 ** instances of input and output handlers for 
00530 ** standard C buffered I/O (i.e. FILE* stdin,
00531 ** FILE* stdout and FILE* stderr for content
00532 ** input, content output and diagnostic output,
00533 ** respectively.  A FILE* cfgFile input handler
00534 ** will be used for config files.  Command line
00535 ** options will just be set directly.
00536 **
00537 ** @{
00538 */
00540 /*****************
00541    Input Source
00542 *****************/
00543 /** Input Callback: get next byte of input */
00544 typedef int  (TIDY_CALL *TidyGetByteFunc)( void* sourceData );
00546 /** Input Callback: unget a byte of input */
00547 typedef void (TIDY_CALL *TidyUngetByteFunc)( void* sourceData, byte bt );
00549 /** Input Callback: is end of input? */
00550 typedef Bool (TIDY_CALL *TidyEOFFunc)( void* sourceData );
00552 /** End of input "character" */
00553 #define EndOfStream (~0u)
00555 /** TidyInputSource - Delivers raw bytes of input
00556 */
00558 typedef struct _TidyInputSource
00559 {
00560   /* Instance data */
00561   void*               sourceData;  /**< Input context.  Passed to callbacks */
00563   /* Methods */
00564   TidyGetByteFunc     getByte;     /**< Pointer to "get byte" callback */
00565   TidyUngetByteFunc   ungetByte;   /**< Pointer to "unget" callback */
00566   TidyEOFFunc         eof;         /**< Pointer to "eof" callback */
00567 } TidyInputSource;
00569 /** Facilitates user defined source by providing
00570 **  an entry point to marshal pointers-to-functions.
00571 **  Needed by .NET and possibly other language bindings.
00572 */
00573 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyInitSource( TidyInputSource*  source,
00574                                           void*             srcData,
00575                                           TidyGetByteFunc   gbFunc,
00576                                           TidyUngetByteFunc ugbFunc,
00577                                           TidyEOFFunc       endFunc );
00579 /** Helper: get next byte from input source */
00580 TIDY_EXPORT uint TIDY_CALL tidyGetByte( TidyInputSource* source );
00582 /** Helper: unget byte back to input source */
00583 TIDY_EXPORT void TIDY_CALL tidyUngetByte( TidyInputSource* source, uint byteValue );
00585 /** Helper: check if input source at end */
00586 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyIsEOF( TidyInputSource* source );
00589 /****************
00590    Output Sink
00591 ****************/
00592 /** Output callback: send a byte to output */
00593 typedef void (TIDY_CALL *TidyPutByteFunc)( void* sinkData, byte bt );
00596 /** TidyOutputSink - accepts raw bytes of output
00597 */
00599 typedef struct _TidyOutputSink
00600 {
00601   /* Instance data */
00602   void*               sinkData;  /**< Output context.  Passed to callbacks */
00604   /* Methods */
00605   TidyPutByteFunc     putByte;   /**< Pointer to "put byte" callback */
00606 } TidyOutputSink;
00608 /** Facilitates user defined sinks by providing
00609 **  an entry point to marshal pointers-to-functions.
00610 **  Needed by .NET and possibly other language bindings.
00611 */
00612 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyInitSink( TidyOutputSink* sink, 
00613                                         void*           snkData,
00614                                         TidyPutByteFunc pbFunc );
00616 /** Helper: send a byte to output */
00617 TIDY_EXPORT void TIDY_CALL tidyPutByte( TidyOutputSink* sink, uint byteValue );
00620 /** Callback to filter messages by diagnostic level:
00621 **  info, warning, etc.  Just set diagnostic output 
00622 **  handler to redirect all diagnostics output.  Return true
00623 **  to proceed with output, false to cancel.
00624 */
00625 typedef Bool (TIDY_CALL *TidyReportFilter)( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportLevel lvl,
00626                                            uint line, uint col, ctmbstr mssg );
00628 /** Give Tidy a filter callback to use */
00629 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL    tidySetReportFilter( TidyDoc tdoc,
00630                                                   TidyReportFilter filtCallback );
00632 /** Set error sink to named file */
00633 TIDY_EXPORT FILE* TIDY_CALL   tidySetErrorFile( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr errfilnam );
00634 /** Set error sink to given buffer */
00635 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL     tidySetErrorBuffer( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyBuffer* errbuf );
00636 /** Set error sink to given generic sink */
00637 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL     tidySetErrorSink( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOutputSink* sink );
00639 /** @} end IO group */
00641 /* TODO: Catalog all messages for easy translation
00642 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr     tidyLookupMessage( int errorNo );
00643 */
00647 /** @defgroup Parse Document Parse
00648 **
00649 ** Parse markup from a given input source.  String and filename 
00650 ** functions added for convenience.  HTML/XHTML version determined
00651 ** from input.
00652 ** @{
00653 */
00655 /** Parse markup in named file */
00656 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyParseFile( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr filename );
00658 /** Parse markup from the standard input */
00659 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyParseStdin( TidyDoc tdoc );
00661 /** Parse markup in given string */
00662 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyParseString( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr content );
00664 /** Parse markup in given buffer */
00665 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyParseBuffer( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyBuffer* buf );
00667 /** Parse markup in given generic input source */
00668 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyParseSource( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyInputSource* source);
00670 /** @} End Parse group */
00673 /** @defgroup Clean Diagnostics and Repair
00674 **
00675 ** @{
00676 */
00677 /** Execute configured cleanup and repair operations on parsed markup */
00678 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyCleanAndRepair( TidyDoc tdoc );
00680 /** Run configured diagnostics on parsed and repaired markup. 
00681 **  Must call tidyCleanAndRepair() first.
00682 */
00683 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyRunDiagnostics( TidyDoc tdoc );
00685 /** @} end Clean group */
00688 /** @defgroup Save Document Save Functions
00689 **
00690 ** Save currently parsed document to the given output sink.  File name
00691 ** and string/buffer functions provided for convenience.
00692 ** @{
00693 */
00695 /** Save to named file */
00696 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidySaveFile( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr filename );
00698 /** Save to standard output (FILE*) */
00699 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidySaveStdout( TidyDoc tdoc );
00701 /** Save to given TidyBuffer object */
00702 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidySaveBuffer( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyBuffer* buf );
00704 /** Save document to application buffer.  If buffer is not big enough,
00705 **  ENOMEM will be returned and the necessary buffer size will be placed
00706 **  in *buflen.
00707 */
00708 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidySaveString( TidyDoc tdoc,
00709                                                  tmbstr buffer, uint* buflen );
00711 /** Save to given generic output sink */
00712 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidySaveSink( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOutputSink* sink );
00714 /** @} end Save group */
00717 /** @addtogroup Basic
00718 ** @{
00719 */
00720 /** Save current settings to named file.
00721     Only non-default values are written. */
00722 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyOptSaveFile( TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr cfgfil );
00724 /** Save current settings to given output sink.
00725     Only non-default values are written. */
00726 TIDY_EXPORT int TIDY_CALL         tidyOptSaveSink( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOutputSink* sink );
00729 /* Error reporting functions 
00730 */
00732 /** Write more complete information about errors to current error sink. */
00733 TIDY_EXPORT void TIDY_CALL        tidyErrorSummary( TidyDoc tdoc );
00735 /** Write more general information about markup to current error sink. */
00736 TIDY_EXPORT void TIDY_CALL        tidyGeneralInfo( TidyDoc tdoc );
00738 /** @} end Basic group (again) */
00741 /** @defgroup Tree Document Tree
00742 **
00743 ** A parsed and, optionally, repaired document is
00744 ** represented by Tidy as a Tree, much like a W3C DOM.
00745 ** This tree may be traversed using these functions.
00746 ** The following snippet gives a basic idea how these
00747 ** functions can be used.
00748 **
00749 <pre>
00750 void dumpNode( TidyNode tnod, int indent )
00751 {
00752   TidyNode child;
00754   for ( child = tidyGetChild(tnod); child; child = tidyGetNext(child) )
00755   {
00756     ctmbstr name;
00757     switch ( tidyNodeGetType(child) )
00758     {
00759     case TidyNode_Root:       name = "Root";                    break;
00760     case TidyNode_DocType:    name = "DOCTYPE";                 break;
00761     case TidyNode_Comment:    name = "Comment";                 break;
00762     case TidyNode_ProcIns:    name = "Processing Instruction";  break;
00763     case TidyNode_Text:       name = "Text";                    break;
00764     case TidyNode_CDATA:      name = "CDATA";                   break;
00765     case TidyNode_Section:    name = "XML Section";             break;
00766     case TidyNode_Asp:        name = "ASP";                     break;
00767     case TidyNode_Jste:       name = "JSTE";                    break;
00768     case TidyNode_Php:        name = "PHP";                     break;
00769     case TidyNode_XmlDecl:    name = "XML Declaration";         break;
00771     case TidyNode_Start:
00772     case TidyNode_End:
00773     case TidyNode_StartEnd:
00774     default:
00775       name = tidyNodeGetName( child );
00776       break;
00777     }
00778     assert( name != NULL );
00779     printf( "\%*.*sNode: \%s\\n", indent, indent, " ", name );
00780     dumpNode( child, indent + 4 );
00781   }
00782 }
00784 void dumpDoc( TidyDoc tdoc )
00785 {
00786   dumpNode( tidyGetRoot(tdoc), 0 );
00787 }
00789 void dumpBody( TidyDoc tdoc )
00790 {
00791   dumpNode( tidyGetBody(tdoc), 0 );
00792 }
00793 </pre>
00795 @{
00797 */
00799 TIDY_EXPORT TidyNode TIDY_CALL    tidyGetRoot( TidyDoc tdoc );
00800 TIDY_EXPORT TidyNode TIDY_CALL    tidyGetHtml( TidyDoc tdoc );
00801 TIDY_EXPORT TidyNode TIDY_CALL    tidyGetHead( TidyDoc tdoc );
00802 TIDY_EXPORT TidyNode TIDY_CALL    tidyGetBody( TidyDoc tdoc );
00804 /* parent / child */
00805 TIDY_EXPORT TidyNode TIDY_CALL    tidyGetParent( TidyNode tnod );
00806 TIDY_EXPORT TidyNode TIDY_CALL    tidyGetChild( TidyNode tnod );
00808 /* siblings */
00809 TIDY_EXPORT TidyNode TIDY_CALL    tidyGetNext( TidyNode tnod );
00810 TIDY_EXPORT TidyNode TIDY_CALL    tidyGetPrev( TidyNode tnod );
00812 /* Null for non-element nodes and all pure HTML
00813 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr     tidyNodeNsLocal( TidyNode tnod );
00814 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr     tidyNodeNsPrefix( TidyNode tnod );
00815 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr     tidyNodeNsUri( TidyNode tnod );
00816 */
00818 /* Iterate over attribute values */
00819 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL    tidyAttrFirst( TidyNode tnod );
00820 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL    tidyAttrNext( TidyAttr tattr );
00822 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL     tidyAttrName( TidyAttr tattr );
00823 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL     tidyAttrValue( TidyAttr tattr );
00825 /* Null for pure HTML
00826 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr     tidyAttrNsLocal( TidyAttr tattr );
00827 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr     tidyAttrNsPrefix( TidyAttr tattr );
00828 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr     tidyAttrNsUri( TidyAttr tattr );
00829 */
00831 /** @} end Tree group */
00834 /** @defgroup NodeAsk Node Interrogation
00835 **
00836 ** Get information about any givent node.
00837 ** @{
00838 */
00840 /* Node info */
00841 TIDY_EXPORT TidyNodeType TIDY_CALL tidyNodeGetType( TidyNode tnod );
00842 TIDY_EXPORT ctmbstr TIDY_CALL     tidyNodeGetName( TidyNode tnod );
00844 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsText( TidyNode tnod );
00845 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsProp( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod );
00846 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsHeader( TidyNode tnod ); /* h1, h2, ... */
00848 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeHasText( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod );
00849 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeGetText( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod, TidyBuffer* buf );
00851 /* Copy the unescaped value of this node into the given TidyBuffer as UTF-8 */
00852 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeGetValue( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod, TidyBuffer* buf );
00854 TIDY_EXPORT TidyTagId TIDY_CALL tidyNodeGetId( TidyNode tnod );
00856 TIDY_EXPORT uint TIDY_CALL tidyNodeLine( TidyNode tnod );
00857 TIDY_EXPORT uint TIDY_CALL tidyNodeColumn( TidyNode tnod );
00859 /** @defgroup NodeIsElementName Deprecated node interrogation per TagId
00860 **
00861 ** @deprecated The functions tidyNodeIs{ElementName} are deprecated and 
00862 ** should be replaced by tidyNodeGetId.
00863 ** @{
00864 */
00865 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsHTML( TidyNode tnod );
00866 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsHEAD( TidyNode tnod );
00867 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsTITLE( TidyNode tnod );
00868 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsBASE( TidyNode tnod );
00869 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsMETA( TidyNode tnod );
00870 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsBODY( TidyNode tnod );
00871 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsFRAMESET( TidyNode tnod );
00872 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsFRAME( TidyNode tnod );
00873 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsIFRAME( TidyNode tnod );
00874 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsNOFRAMES( TidyNode tnod );
00875 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsHR( TidyNode tnod );
00876 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsH1( TidyNode tnod );
00877 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsH2( TidyNode tnod );
00878 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsPRE( TidyNode tnod );
00879 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsLISTING( TidyNode tnod );
00880 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsP( TidyNode tnod );
00881 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsUL( TidyNode tnod );
00882 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsOL( TidyNode tnod );
00883 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsDL( TidyNode tnod );
00884 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsDIR( TidyNode tnod );
00885 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsLI( TidyNode tnod );
00886 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsDT( TidyNode tnod );
00887 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsDD( TidyNode tnod );
00888 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsTABLE( TidyNode tnod );
00889 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsCAPTION( TidyNode tnod );
00890 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsTD( TidyNode tnod );
00891 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsTH( TidyNode tnod );
00892 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsTR( TidyNode tnod );
00893 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsCOL( TidyNode tnod );
00894 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsCOLGROUP( TidyNode tnod );
00895 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsBR( TidyNode tnod );
00896 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsA( TidyNode tnod );
00897 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsLINK( TidyNode tnod );
00898 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsB( TidyNode tnod );
00899 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsI( TidyNode tnod );
00900 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsSTRONG( TidyNode tnod );
00901 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsEM( TidyNode tnod );
00902 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsBIG( TidyNode tnod );
00903 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsSMALL( TidyNode tnod );
00904 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsPARAM( TidyNode tnod );
00905 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsOPTION( TidyNode tnod );
00906 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsOPTGROUP( TidyNode tnod );
00907 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsIMG( TidyNode tnod );
00908 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsMAP( TidyNode tnod );
00909 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsAREA( TidyNode tnod );
00910 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsNOBR( TidyNode tnod );
00911 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsWBR( TidyNode tnod );
00912 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsFONT( TidyNode tnod );
00913 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsLAYER( TidyNode tnod );
00914 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsSPACER( TidyNode tnod );
00915 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsCENTER( TidyNode tnod );
00916 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsSTYLE( TidyNode tnod );
00917 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsSCRIPT( TidyNode tnod );
00918 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsNOSCRIPT( TidyNode tnod );
00919 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsFORM( TidyNode tnod );
00920 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsTEXTAREA( TidyNode tnod );
00921 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsBLOCKQUOTE( TidyNode tnod );
00922 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsAPPLET( TidyNode tnod );
00923 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsOBJECT( TidyNode tnod );
00924 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsDIV( TidyNode tnod );
00925 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsSPAN( TidyNode tnod );
00926 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsINPUT( TidyNode tnod );
00927 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsQ( TidyNode tnod );
00928 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsLABEL( TidyNode tnod );
00929 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsH3( TidyNode tnod );
00930 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsH4( TidyNode tnod );
00931 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsH5( TidyNode tnod );
00932 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsH6( TidyNode tnod );
00933 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsADDRESS( TidyNode tnod );
00934 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsXMP( TidyNode tnod );
00935 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsSELECT( TidyNode tnod );
00936 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsBLINK( TidyNode tnod );
00937 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsMARQUEE( TidyNode tnod );
00938 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsEMBED( TidyNode tnod );
00939 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsBASEFONT( TidyNode tnod );
00940 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsISINDEX( TidyNode tnod );
00941 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsS( TidyNode tnod );
00942 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsSTRIKE( TidyNode tnod );
00943 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsU( TidyNode tnod );
00944 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsMENU( TidyNode tnod );
00946 /** @} End NodeIsElementName group */
00948 /** @} End NodeAsk group */
00951 /** @defgroup Attribute Attribute Interrogation
00952 **
00953 ** Get information about any given attribute.
00954 ** @{
00955 */
00957 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttrId TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetId( TidyAttr tattr );
00958 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsEvent( TidyAttr tattr );
00959 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsProp( TidyAttr tattr );
00961 /** @defgroup AttrIsAttributeName Deprecated attribute interrogation per AttrId
00962 **
00963 ** @deprecated The functions  tidyAttrIs{AttributeName} are deprecated and 
00964 ** should be replaced by tidyAttrGetId.
00965 ** @{
00966 */
00967 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsHREF( TidyAttr tattr );
00968 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsSRC( TidyAttr tattr );
00969 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsID( TidyAttr tattr );
00970 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsNAME( TidyAttr tattr );
00971 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsSUMMARY( TidyAttr tattr );
00972 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsALT( TidyAttr tattr );
00973 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsLONGDESC( TidyAttr tattr );
00974 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsUSEMAP( TidyAttr tattr );
00975 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsISMAP( TidyAttr tattr );
00976 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsLANGUAGE( TidyAttr tattr );
00977 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsTYPE( TidyAttr tattr );
00978 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsVALUE( TidyAttr tattr );
00979 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsCONTENT( TidyAttr tattr );
00980 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsTITLE( TidyAttr tattr );
00981 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsXMLNS( TidyAttr tattr );
00982 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsDATAFLD( TidyAttr tattr );
00983 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsWIDTH( TidyAttr tattr );
00984 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsHEIGHT( TidyAttr tattr );
00985 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsFOR( TidyAttr tattr );
00986 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsSELECTED( TidyAttr tattr );
00987 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsCHECKED( TidyAttr tattr );
00988 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsLANG( TidyAttr tattr );
00989 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsTARGET( TidyAttr tattr );
00990 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsHTTP_EQUIV( TidyAttr tattr );
00991 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsREL( TidyAttr tattr );
00992 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsOnMOUSEMOVE( TidyAttr tattr );
00993 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsOnMOUSEDOWN( TidyAttr tattr );
00994 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsOnMOUSEUP( TidyAttr tattr );
00995 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsOnCLICK( TidyAttr tattr );
00996 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsOnMOUSEOVER( TidyAttr tattr );
00997 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsOnMOUSEOUT( TidyAttr tattr );
00998 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsOnKEYDOWN( TidyAttr tattr );
00999 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsOnKEYUP( TidyAttr tattr );
01000 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsOnKEYPRESS( TidyAttr tattr );
01001 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsOnFOCUS( TidyAttr tattr );
01002 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsOnBLUR( TidyAttr tattr );
01003 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsBGCOLOR( TidyAttr tattr );
01004 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsLINK( TidyAttr tattr );
01005 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsALINK( TidyAttr tattr );
01006 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsVLINK( TidyAttr tattr );
01007 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsTEXT( TidyAttr tattr );
01008 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsSTYLE( TidyAttr tattr );
01009 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsABBR( TidyAttr tattr );
01010 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsCOLSPAN( TidyAttr tattr );
01011 TIDY_EXPORT Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsROWSPAN( TidyAttr tattr );
01013 /** @} End AttrIsAttributeName group */
01015 /** @} end AttrAsk group */
01018 /** @defgroup AttrGet Attribute Retrieval
01019 **
01020 ** Lookup an attribute from a given node
01021 ** @{
01022 */
01024 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetById( TidyNode tnod, TidyAttrId attId );
01026 /** @defgroup AttrGetAttributeName Deprecated attribute retrieval per AttrId
01027 **
01028 ** @deprecated The functions tidyAttrGet{AttributeName} are deprecated and 
01029 ** should be replaced by tidyAttrGetById.
01030 ** For instance, tidyAttrGetID( TidyNode tnod ) can be replaced by 
01031 ** tidyAttrGetById( TidyNode tnod, TidyAttr_ID ). This avoids a potential
01032 ** name clash with tidyAttrGetId for case-insensitive languages.
01033 ** @{
01034 */
01035 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetHREF( TidyNode tnod );
01036 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetSRC( TidyNode tnod );
01037 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetID( TidyNode tnod );
01038 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetNAME( TidyNode tnod );
01039 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetSUMMARY( TidyNode tnod );
01040 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetALT( TidyNode tnod );
01041 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetLONGDESC( TidyNode tnod );
01042 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetUSEMAP( TidyNode tnod );
01043 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetISMAP( TidyNode tnod );
01044 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetLANGUAGE( TidyNode tnod );
01045 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetTYPE( TidyNode tnod );
01046 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetVALUE( TidyNode tnod );
01047 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetCONTENT( TidyNode tnod );
01048 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetTITLE( TidyNode tnod );
01049 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetXMLNS( TidyNode tnod );
01050 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetDATAFLD( TidyNode tnod );
01051 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetWIDTH( TidyNode tnod );
01052 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetHEIGHT( TidyNode tnod );
01053 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetFOR( TidyNode tnod );
01054 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetSELECTED( TidyNode tnod );
01055 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetCHECKED( TidyNode tnod );
01056 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetLANG( TidyNode tnod );
01057 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetTARGET( TidyNode tnod );
01058 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetHTTP_EQUIV( TidyNode tnod );
01059 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetREL( TidyNode tnod );
01060 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetOnMOUSEMOVE( TidyNode tnod );
01061 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetOnMOUSEDOWN( TidyNode tnod );
01062 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetOnMOUSEUP( TidyNode tnod );
01063 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetOnCLICK( TidyNode tnod );
01064 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetOnMOUSEOVER( TidyNode tnod );
01065 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetOnMOUSEOUT( TidyNode tnod );
01066 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetOnKEYDOWN( TidyNode tnod );
01067 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetOnKEYUP( TidyNode tnod );
01068 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetOnKEYPRESS( TidyNode tnod );
01069 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetOnFOCUS( TidyNode tnod );
01070 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetOnBLUR( TidyNode tnod );
01071 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetBGCOLOR( TidyNode tnod );
01072 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetLINK( TidyNode tnod );
01073 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetALINK( TidyNode tnod );
01074 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetVLINK( TidyNode tnod );
01075 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetTEXT( TidyNode tnod );
01076 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetSTYLE( TidyNode tnod );
01077 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetABBR( TidyNode tnod );
01078 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetCOLSPAN( TidyNode tnod );
01079 TIDY_EXPORT TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetROWSPAN( TidyNode tnod );
01081 /** @} End AttrGetAttributeName group */
01083 /** @} end AttrGet group */
01085 #ifdef __cplusplus
01086 }  /* extern "C" */
01087 #endif
01088 #endif /* __TIDY_H__ */
01090 /*
01091  * local variables:
01092  * mode: c
01093  * indent-tabs-mode: nil
01094  * c-basic-offset: 4
01095  * eval: (c-set-offset 'substatement-open 0)
01096  * end:
01097  */