# CMakeLists.txt - 20140801 - for github tidy cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) project (tidy5) # ### NOTE: *** Adjust when required *** set( TIDY_MAJOR_VERSION 1 ) set( TIDY_MINOR_VERSION 0 ) set( TIDY_MICRO_VERSION 0 ) set( LIBTIDY_VERSION "${TIDY_MAJOR_VERSION}.${TIDY_MINOR_VERSION}.${TIDY_MICRO_VERSION}" ) # establish version date set( tidy_YEAR 2014 ) set( tidy_MONTH 08 ) set( tidy_DAY 03 ) # Allow developer to select is Dynamic or static library built set( LIB_TYPE STATIC ) # set default static option( BUILD_SHARED_LIB "Build Shared Library" OFF ) if (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) message(STATUS "*** Have SIZEOF void * = 8, so 64-bit") set( IS_64_BIT 1 ) else () message(STATUS "*** SIZEOF void * != 8, so not 64-bit") endif () # to distinguish between debug and release lib in windows if (WIN32) set( CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "d" ) # little effect in unix endif (WIN32) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) set( WARNING_FLAGS -Wall ) endif(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") set( WARNING_FLAGS "-Wall -Wno-overloaded-virtual" ) endif() if(WIN32 AND MSVC) # turn off various warnings set(WARNING_FLAGS "${WARNING_FLAGS} /wd4996") # C4090: 'function' : different 'const' qualifiers # C4244: '=' : conversion from '__int64' to 'uint', possible loss of data # C4267: 'function' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'uint', possible loss of data # foreach(warning 4244 4251 4267 4275 4290 4786 4305) foreach(warning 4090 4244 4267) set(WARNING_FLAGS "${WARNING_FLAGS} /wd${warning}") endforeach() set( MSVC_FLAGS "-DNOMINMAX -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D__CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS" ) if (IS_64_BIT) set( MSVC_FLAGS "${MSVC_FLAGS} -DWIN64" ) endif () # if (${MSVC_VERSION} EQUAL 1600) # set( MSVC_LD_FLAGS "/FORCE:MULTIPLE" ) # endif (${MSVC_VERSION} EQUAL 1600) set( NOMINMAX 1 ) else() # add any gcc flags endif() set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${WARNING_FLAGS} ${MSVC_FLAGS} -D_REENTRANT" ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${WARNING_FLAGS} ${MSVC_FLAGS} -D_REENTRANT" ) set( CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${MSVC_LD_FLAGS}" ) add_definitions ( -DHAVE_CONFIG_H ) add_definitions ( -DSUPPORT_UTF16_ENCODINGS=1 ) add_definitions ( -DSUPPORT_ASIAN_ENCODINGS=1 ) add_definitions ( -DSUPPORT_ACCESSIBILITY_CHECKS=1 ) add_definitions ( -DRELEASE_DATE="${tidy_YEAR}/${tidy_MONTH}/${tidy_DAY}" ) # to distinguish between debug and release lib if (WIN32) set( CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "d" ) endif(WIN32) if(BUILD_SHARED_LIB) set(LIB_TYPE SHARED) message("*** Building DLL library ${LIB_TYPE}") else(BUILD_SHARED_LIB) message("*** Building static library ${LIB_TYPE}") endif(BUILD_SHARED_LIB) include_directories ( "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src" ) ############################################################################## ### tidy library # file locations set ( SRCDIR src ) set ( INCDIR include ) # file lists set ( CFILES ${SRCDIR}/access.c ${SRCDIR}/attrs.c ${SRCDIR}/istack.c ${SRCDIR}/parser.c ${SRCDIR}/tags.c ${SRCDIR}/entities.c ${SRCDIR}/lexer.c ${SRCDIR}/pprint.c ${SRCDIR}/charsets.c ${SRCDIR}/clean.c ${SRCDIR}/localize.c ${SRCDIR}/config.c ${SRCDIR}/alloc.c ${SRCDIR}/attrask.c ${SRCDIR}/attrdict.c ${SRCDIR}/attrget.c ${SRCDIR}/buffio.c ${SRCDIR}/fileio.c ${SRCDIR}/streamio.c ${SRCDIR}/tagask.c ${SRCDIR}/tmbstr.c ${SRCDIR}/utf8.c ${SRCDIR}/tidylib.c ${SRCDIR}/mappedio.c ${SRCDIR}/gdoc.c ) set ( HFILES ${INCDIR}/platform.h ${INCDIR}/tidy.h ${INCDIR}/tidyenum.h ${INCDIR}/buffio.h ) set ( LIBHFILES ${SRCDIR}/access.h ${SRCDIR}/attrs.h ${SRCDIR}/attrdict.h ${SRCDIR}/charsets.h ${SRCDIR}/clean.h ${SRCDIR}/config.h ${SRCDIR}/entities.h ${SRCDIR}/fileio.h ${SRCDIR}/forward.h ${SRCDIR}/lexer.h ${SRCDIR}/mappedio.h ${SRCDIR}/message.h ${SRCDIR}/parser.h ${SRCDIR}/pprint.h ${SRCDIR}/streamio.h ${SRCDIR}/tags.h ${SRCDIR}/tmbstr.h ${SRCDIR}/utf8.h ${SRCDIR}/tidy-int.h ${SRCDIR}/version.h ${SRCDIR}/gdoc.h ) if (MSVC) list(APPEND CFILES ${SRCDIR}/sprtf.c) list(APPEND LIBHFILES ${SRCDIR}/sprtf.h) endif () if (BUILD_SHARED_LIB) set(name tidy-shared) else () set(name tidy-static) endif () add_library ( ${name} ${LIB_TYPE} ${CFILES} ${HFILES} ${LIBHFILES} ) list ( APPEND add_LIBS ${name} ) if (NOT MSVC) set_target_properties( ${name} PROPERTIES VERSION ${LIBTIDY_VERSION} SOVERSION ${TIDY_MAJOR_VERSION} ) endif () install(TARGETS ${name} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ) install( FILES ${HFILES} DESTINATION include ) ########################################################## ### main executable set(name tidy5) set ( BINDIR console ) add_executable( ${name} ${BINDIR}/tidy.c ) target_link_libraries( ${name} ${add_LIBS} ) if (MSVC) set_target_properties( ${name} PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d ) endif () install (TARGETS ${name} DESTINATION bin) set(name tab2space) add_executable( ${name} ${BINDIR}/tab2space.c ) if (MSVC) set_target_properties( ${name} PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d ) endif () # no INSTALL of this 'lcoal' tool # eof