The Compact E.O.S. is composed of two integrated modules: the well
known Agfa daylight system and the Agfa Classic E.O.S. film
processor. The small footprint enables it to be installed even in
restricted spaces. The Compact E.O.S. can be extended at the back
with a table for film processing from a darkroom.
capacity: up to 240 films per hour (medium format)
- cassette cycle time: 15 s
- film formats: 18 x24cm to 35 x 43cm
- film storage magazines that can be used: Curix, Scopix
- loading and unloading module with 7 dispensers
- integrated time switch for automatically switching on and off
at preselected times
- stand-by circuit
- water economy circuit for the integrated film
- film surface scanning for optimum regeneration depending on the
film throughput
- infrared cold air drier offers reduced power consumption with
lower heat dissipation
- interactive operating display that shows operating state and
possible service messages