# Localize HTML Tidy HTML Tidy is used worldwide but is not very friendly to non-English speakers. The latest versions of HTML Tidy and `libtidy` now support other languages and regional variations, but we need your help to make it accessible to these users by using your knowledge of other languages to make Tidy better. Help us translate HTML Tidy into another language and as part of our project team you will certainly earn the admiration of fellow Tidy users worldwide. ## How to Contribute All READMEs (including [instructions][2] on how to localize Tidy) and related materials can be found in [localize][1]. [1]: https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5/tree/master/localize [2]:https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5/blob/master/localize/README.md