#ifndef __TAGS_H__ #define __TAGS_H__ /* tags.h -- recognize HTML tags (c) 1998-2006 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University See tidy.h for the copyright notice. CVS Info : $Author: arnaud02 $ $Date: 2006/12/15 10:17:55 $ $Revision: 1.20 $ The HTML tags are stored as 8 bit ASCII strings. Use lookupw() to find a tag given a wide char string. */ #include "forward.h" #include "attrdict.h" typedef void (Parser)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, GetTokenMode mode ); typedef void (CheckAttribs)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node ); /* Tag dictionary node */ /* types of tags that the user can define */ typedef enum { tagtype_null = 0, tagtype_empty = 1, tagtype_inline = 2, tagtype_block = 4, tagtype_pre = 8 } UserTagType; struct _Dict { TidyTagId id; tmbstr name; uint versions; AttrVersion const * attrvers; uint model; Parser* parser; CheckAttribs* chkattrs; Dict* next; }; #if !defined(ELEMENT_HASH_LOOKUP) #define ELEMENT_HASH_LOOKUP 1 #endif #if ELEMENT_HASH_LOOKUP enum { ELEMENT_HASH_SIZE=178u }; struct _DictHash { Dict const* tag; struct _DictHash* next; }; typedef struct _DictHash DictHash; #endif struct _TidyTagImpl { Dict* xml_tags; /* placeholder for all xml tags */ Dict* declared_tag_list; /* User declared tags */ #if ELEMENT_HASH_LOOKUP DictHash* hashtab[ELEMENT_HASH_SIZE]; #endif }; typedef struct _TidyTagImpl TidyTagImpl; /* interface for finding tag by name */ const Dict* TY_(LookupTagDef)( TidyTagId tid ); Bool TY_(FindTag)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node ); Parser* TY_(FindParser)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node ); void TY_(DefineTag)( TidyDocImpl* doc, UserTagType tagType, ctmbstr name ); void TY_(FreeDeclaredTags)( TidyDocImpl* doc, UserTagType tagType ); /* tagtype_null to free all */ TidyIterator TY_(GetDeclaredTagList)( TidyDocImpl* doc ); ctmbstr TY_(GetNextDeclaredTag)( TidyDocImpl* doc, UserTagType tagType, TidyIterator* iter ); void TY_(InitTags)( TidyDocImpl* doc ); void TY_(FreeTags)( TidyDocImpl* doc ); /* Parser methods for tags */ Parser TY_(ParseHTML); Parser TY_(ParseHead); Parser TY_(ParseTitle); Parser TY_(ParseScript); Parser TY_(ParseFrameSet); Parser TY_(ParseNoFrames); Parser TY_(ParseBody); Parser TY_(ParsePre); Parser TY_(ParseList); Parser TY_(ParseDefList); Parser TY_(ParseBlock); Parser TY_(ParseInline); Parser TY_(ParseEmpty); Parser TY_(ParseTableTag); Parser TY_(ParseColGroup); Parser TY_(ParseRowGroup); Parser TY_(ParseRow); Parser TY_(ParseSelect); Parser TY_(ParseOptGroup); Parser TY_(ParseText); CheckAttribs TY_(CheckAttributes); /* 0 == TidyTag_UNKNOWN */ #define TagId(node) ((node) && (node)->tag ? (node)->tag->id : TidyTag_UNKNOWN) #define TagIsId(node, tid) ((node) && (node)->tag && (node)->tag->id == tid) Bool TY_(nodeIsText)( Node* node ); Bool TY_(nodeIsElement)( Node* node ); Bool TY_(nodeHasText)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node ); #if 0 /* Compare & result to operand. If equal, then all bits ** requested are set. */ Bool nodeMatchCM( Node* node, uint contentModel ); #endif /* True if any of the bits requested are set. */ Bool TY_(nodeHasCM)( Node* node, uint contentModel ); Bool TY_(nodeCMIsBlock)( Node* node ); Bool TY_(nodeCMIsInline)( Node* node ); Bool TY_(nodeCMIsEmpty)( Node* node ); Bool TY_(nodeIsHeader)( Node* node ); /* H1, H2, ..., H6 */ uint TY_(nodeHeaderLevel)( Node* node ); /* 1, 2, ..., 6 */ #define nodeIsHTML( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_HTML ) #define nodeIsHEAD( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_HEAD ) #define nodeIsTITLE( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_TITLE ) #define nodeIsBASE( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_BASE ) #define nodeIsMETA( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_META ) #define nodeIsBODY( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_BODY ) #define nodeIsFRAMESET( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_FRAMESET ) #define nodeIsFRAME( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_FRAME ) #define nodeIsIFRAME( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_IFRAME ) #define nodeIsNOFRAMES( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_NOFRAMES ) #define nodeIsHR( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_HR ) #define nodeIsH1( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_H1 ) #define nodeIsH2( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_H2 ) #define nodeIsPRE( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_PRE ) #define nodeIsLISTING( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_LISTING ) #define nodeIsP( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_P ) #define nodeIsUL( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_UL ) #define nodeIsOL( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_OL ) #define nodeIsDL( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_DL ) #define nodeIsDIR( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_DIR ) #define nodeIsLI( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_LI ) #define nodeIsDT( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_DT ) #define nodeIsDD( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_DD ) #define nodeIsTABLE( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_TABLE ) #define nodeIsCAPTION( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_CAPTION ) #define nodeIsTD( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_TD ) #define nodeIsTH( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_TH ) #define nodeIsTR( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_TR ) #define nodeIsCOL( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_COL ) #define nodeIsCOLGROUP( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_COLGROUP ) #define nodeIsBR( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_BR ) #define nodeIsA( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_A ) #define nodeIsLINK( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_LINK ) #define nodeIsB( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_B ) #define nodeIsI( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_I ) #define nodeIsSTRONG( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_STRONG ) #define nodeIsEM( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_EM ) #define nodeIsBIG( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_BIG ) #define nodeIsSMALL( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_SMALL ) #define nodeIsPARAM( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_PARAM ) #define nodeIsOPTION( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_OPTION ) #define nodeIsOPTGROUP( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_OPTGROUP ) #define nodeIsIMG( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_IMG ) #define nodeIsMAP( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_MAP ) #define nodeIsAREA( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_AREA ) #define nodeIsNOBR( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_NOBR ) #define nodeIsWBR( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_WBR ) #define nodeIsFONT( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_FONT ) #define nodeIsLAYER( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_LAYER ) #define nodeIsSPACER( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_SPACER ) #define nodeIsCENTER( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_CENTER ) #define nodeIsSTYLE( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_STYLE ) #define nodeIsSCRIPT( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_SCRIPT ) #define nodeIsNOSCRIPT( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_NOSCRIPT ) #define nodeIsFORM( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_FORM ) #define nodeIsTEXTAREA( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_TEXTAREA ) #define nodeIsBLOCKQUOTE( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_BLOCKQUOTE ) #define nodeIsAPPLET( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_APPLET ) #define nodeIsOBJECT( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_OBJECT ) #define nodeIsDIV( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_DIV ) #define nodeIsSPAN( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_SPAN ) #define nodeIsINPUT( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_INPUT ) #define nodeIsQ( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_Q ) #define nodeIsLABEL( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_LABEL ) #define nodeIsH3( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_H3 ) #define nodeIsH4( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_H4 ) #define nodeIsH5( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_H5 ) #define nodeIsH6( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_H6 ) #define nodeIsADDRESS( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_ADDRESS ) #define nodeIsXMP( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_XMP ) #define nodeIsSELECT( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_SELECT ) #define nodeIsBLINK( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_BLINK ) #define nodeIsMARQUEE( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_MARQUEE ) #define nodeIsEMBED( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_EMBED ) #define nodeIsBASEFONT( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_BASEFONT ) #define nodeIsISINDEX( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_ISINDEX ) #define nodeIsS( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_S ) #define nodeIsSTRIKE( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_STRIKE ) #define nodeIsSUB( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_SUB ) #define nodeIsSUP( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_SUP ) #define nodeIsU( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_U ) #define nodeIsMENU( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_MENU ) #define nodeIsBUTTON( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_BUTTON ) #define nodeIsCANVAS( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_CANVAS ) #define nodeIsPROGRESS( node ) TagIsId( node, TidyTag_CANVAS ) #endif /* __TAGS_H__ */