@setlocal @set TMPEXE=..\..\..\build\cmake\Release\tidy5.exe @if NOT EXIST %TMPEXE% goto NOEXE @set TMPINP=temphtml4.cfg @set TMPDIR=tempout @%TMPEXE% -h > nul @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto NOEXE @if EXIST %TMPDIR%\nul goto GOTOUT @echo Will create the folder %TMPDIR% for output... @pause @md %TMPDIR% @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto NOOUT @if NOT EXIST %TMPDIR%\nul goto NODIR :GOTOUT @REM This option would be nice, but at present it is FARRRR TOOOOO agressive, @REM dropping <html>, <body>, etc... because they are marked CM_OPT @REM which causes WARNINGS when tidy is run on the tidied file!!! @REM echo omit-optional-tags: yes >> %TMPINP% @if EXIST %TMPINP% goto GOTINP @echo Creating a CONFIG file %TMPINP% @pause @echo wrap: 99 > %TMPINP% @echo tidy-mark: no >> %TMPINP% @echo indent: yes >> %TMPINP% @echo break-before-br: yes >> %TMPINP% @echo indent-attributes: yes >> %TMPINP% @echo vertical-space: yes >> %TMPINP% @echo indent-spaces: 1 >> %TMPINP% @echo indent-cdata: no >> %TMPINP% @echo wrap-asp: no >> %TMPINP% @echo wrap-attributes: no >> %TMPINP% @echo wrap-jste: no >> %TMPINP% @echo wrap-php: no >> %TMPINP% @echo wrap-script-literals: no >> %TMPINP% @echo wrap-sections: no >> %TMPINP% @echo tab-size: 4 >> %TMPINP% @echo show-info: no >> %TMPINP% @echo doctype: html5 >> %TMPINP% @if NOT EXIST %TMPINP% goto NOINP :GOTINP @set TMPCNT1=0 @set TMPCNT2=0 @set TMPCNT3=0 @for %%i in (*4.html) do @(call :CNTIT %%i) @echo. @echo Will process %TMPCNT1% files found, using the config file %TMPINP%, which contains a directive doctype: html5, @echo forcing tidy5 to assume they are HTML5 files. All output is to %TMPDIR% folder... @echo. @echo *** ALL *** should exit with WARNINGS and/or ERRORS, since they contain tags no longer used in HTML5 @echo. @echo *** CONTINUE? *** Only Ctlr+C aborts... all other keys continue... @echo. @pause @echo. @for %%i in (*4.html) do @(call :DOONE %%i) @echo. @echo Done %TMPCNT2% files. See message and tidied output in the %TMPDIR% folder... @echo. @if "%TMPCNT3%x" == "0x" ( @echo ALL exited With WARNINGS and/or ERRORS! This is a *** SUCCESS *** ) ELSE ( @echo However have %TMPCNT3% with NO WARNINGS or ERRORS! This is a *** FAILURE *** ) @echo. @goto END :CNTIT @if "%~1x" == "x" goto :EOF @set /A TMPCNT1+=1 @goto :EOF :DOONE @if "%~1x" == "x" goto :EOF @set /A TMPCNT2+=1 @echo %TMPCNT2% of %TMPCNT1%: %1 @set TMPOUT=%TMPDIR%\%~nx1 @set TMPMSG=%TMPOUT%.txt @if EXIST %TMPOUT% @del %TMPOUT% > nul @if EXIST %TMPMSG% @del %TMPMSG% > nul @%TMPEXE% -f %TMPMSG% -config %TMPINP% -o %TMPOUT% %1 @if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :EOF :FAILED @echo The test of %1 FAILED! @set /A TMPCNT3+=1 @pause @goto :EOF :NODIR :NOOUT @echo Error: Unable to create %TMPDIR%! @goto END :NOEXE @echo Unable to find/run exe %TMPEXE%! *** FIX ME *** @echo Set the name of the 'tidy' executable to use... @goto END :NOINP @echo Error: Unable to create config file %TMPINP%! @goto END :END