################################################################################ # Build Release Packages for Major Platforms # # - Builds release packages on multiple operating systems. # # - Some packages may have to be supplmented with manually-built releases # to account for code-signing and/or notorization requirements. # ################################################################################ name: Build and Publish Packages on: release: types: [published] jobs: build_packages: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: ############################################################ # Ubuntu latest is a normal build. # Package building requires rpm in order to generate # .rpm packages. The runner already includes this by # default. ############################################################ - os: ubuntu-latest name: Standard cmake_command: "cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" build_command: "cmake --build . --config Release --target package" sha_command: "sha256sum" stat_command: "stat" artifacts: "tidy-%s-Linux-64bit.deb tidy-%s-Linux-64bit.rpm" ############################################################ # On macOS, we'll build both architectures. # Package building has all prerequisites install already. ############################################################ - os: macOS-latest name: X86_64 & Arm64 cmake_command: "cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release '-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64;arm64'" build_command: "cmake --build . --config Release --target package" sha_command: "shasum -a 256" stat_command: "gstat" artifacts: "tidy-%s-macOS-x86_64+arm64.pkg" ############################################################ # The standard Windows build is using MSVC 19 as of now. # Package building requires nsis and wixtoolset, both of # which can be installed via choco, which is already # installed. Note: looks like xictoolset is already # installed. ############################################################ - os: windows-latest name: MSVC cmake_command: "cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" build_command: "cmake --build . --config Release --target package" sha_command: "sha256sum" stat_command: "stat" artifacts: "tidy-%s-win64.exe tidy-%s-win64.msi tidy-%s-win64.zip" steps: ############################################################ # Install Windows Pre-Requisites ############################################################ - name: Install Windows Requirements if: ${{matrix.os == 'windows-latest'}} run: | choco install nsis -y ############################################################ # Install macOS Pre-Requisites ############################################################ - name: Install macOS Requirements if: ${{matrix.os == 'macOS-latest'}} run: | brew install coreutils ############################################################ # Checkput the repository. ############################################################ - name: Checkout Self uses: actions/checkout@v2 ############################################################ # Get the version number. The output isn't available until # we exit this step. ############################################################ - name: Get Tidy Version id: getversion working-directory: ${{github.workspace}} shell: bash run: | echo "::set-output name=version::$(head -1 version.txt)" ############################################################ # Print the version number, which is now available from # the previous step. ############################################################ - name: Print Tidy Version shell: bash run: | echo "Tidy version is ${{ steps.getversion.outputs.version }}." ############################################################ # Configure and Build ############################################################ - name: Configure and Build working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/build/cmake shell: bash run: | ${{matrix.cmake_command}} ${{matrix.build_command}} ############################################################ # Move Files and Make Checksums ############################################################ - name: Move Files and Make Checksums working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/build/cmake shell: bash run: | ls -al mkdir artifacts array="${{matrix.artifacts}}" for i in ${array[@]}; do filename=$(printf "$i\n" ${{ steps.getversion.outputs.version }}) ${{matrix.sha_command}} "$filename" > "artifacts/${filename}.sha256" mv "$filename" "artifacts/" done ############################################################ # Build Manifest Partials for binaries.html-tidy.org ############################################################ - name: Build Manifest Partials working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/build/cmake/artifacts shell: bash run: | ls -al manifest="../binaries-partial.yml" touch "${manifest}" for filename in *.*[^sha256]; do filesize=$(numfmt --to=si --suffix=B $(wc -c < ${filename})) modified=$(${{matrix.stat_command}} -c %y "${filename}" | cut -d'.' -f1) modified="${modified//-/\/}" sha256=$(${{matrix.sha_command}} "${filename}" | awk '{print $1}') echo " - filename: ${filename}" >> "${manifest}" echo " filesize: ${filesize}" >> "${manifest}" echo " modified: ${modified}" >> "${manifest}" echo " describe: ''" >> "${manifest}" echo " sha256: ${sha256}" >> "${manifest}" echo "" >> "${manifest}" done; cat "${manifest}" ############################################################ # Release the artifacts. ############################################################ - name: Release uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: #name: "New Draft Release" #tag_name: "v1.2.7" #draft: true #prerelease: true files: "${{github.workspace}}/build/cmake/artifacts/*" ############################################################ # Post the manifest to the run results. ############################################################ - name: Post the Manifest uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: "partials_for_website-${{matrix.os}}.yml" path: ${{github.workspace}}/build/cmake/binaries-partial.yml