HTML Tidy  0.1
00001 #ifndef __TIDYENUM_H__
00002 #define __TIDYENUM_H__
00004 /* @file tidyenum.h -- Split public enums into separate header
00006   Simplifies enum re-use in various wrappers.  e.g. SWIG
00007   generated wrappers and COM IDL files.
00009   Copyright (c) 1998-2008 World Wide Web Consortium
00010   (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research 
00011   Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University).
00012   All Rights Reserved.
00014   CVS Info :
00016     $Author: arnaud02 $ 
00017     $Date: 2008/06/18 20:18:54 $ 
00018     $Revision: 1.18 $ 
00020   Contributing Author(s):
00022      Dave Raggett <>
00024   The contributing author(s) would like to thank all those who
00025   helped with testing, bug fixes and suggestions for improvements. 
00026   This wouldn't have been possible without your help.
00030   This software and documentation is provided "as is," and
00031   the copyright holders and contributing author(s) make no
00032   representations or warranties, express or implied, including
00033   but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness
00034   for any particular purpose or that the use of the software or
00035   documentation will not infringe any third party patents,
00036   copyrights, trademarks or other rights. 
00038   The copyright holders and contributing author(s) will not be held
00039   liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages
00040   arising out of any use of the software or documentation, even if
00041   advised of the possibility of such damage.
00043   Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute
00044   this source code, or portions hereof, documentation and executables,
00045   for any purpose, without fee, subject to the following restrictions:
00047   1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented.
00048   2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must
00049      not be misrepresented as being the original source.
00050   3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any
00051      source or altered source distribution.
00053   The copyright holders and contributing author(s) specifically
00054   permit, without fee, and encourage the use of this source code
00055   as a component for supporting the Hypertext Markup Language in
00056   commercial products. If you use this source code in a product,
00057   acknowledgment is not required but would be appreciated.
00060   Created 2001-05-20 by Charles Reitzel
00061   Updated 2002-07-01 by Charles Reitzel - 1st Implementation
00063 */
00065 #ifdef __cplusplus
00066 extern "C" {
00067 #endif
00069 /* Enumerate configuration options
00070 */
00072 /** Categories of Tidy configuration options
00073 */
00074 typedef enum
00075 {
00076   TidyMarkup,          /**< Markup options: (X)HTML version, etc */
00077   TidyDiagnostics,     /**< Diagnostics */
00078   TidyPrettyPrint,     /**< Output layout */
00079   TidyEncoding,        /**< Character encodings */
00080   TidyMiscellaneous    /**< File handling, message format, etc. */
00081 } TidyConfigCategory;
00084 /** Option IDs Used to get/set option values.
00085 */
00086 typedef enum
00087 {
00088   TidyUnknownOption,   /**< Unknown option! */
00089   TidyIndentSpaces,    /**< Indentation n spaces */
00090   TidyWrapLen,         /**< Wrap margin */
00091   TidyTabSize,         /**< Expand tabs to n spaces */
00093   TidyCharEncoding,    /**< In/out character encoding */
00094   TidyInCharEncoding,  /**< Input character encoding (if different) */
00095   TidyOutCharEncoding, /**< Output character encoding (if different) */    
00096   TidyNewline,         /**< Output line ending (default to platform) */
00098   TidyDoctypeMode,     /**< See doctype property */
00099   TidyDoctype,         /**< User specified doctype */
00101   TidyDuplicateAttrs,  /**< Keep first or last duplicate attribute */
00102   TidyAltText,         /**< Default text for alt attribute */
00104   /* obsolete */
00105   TidySlideStyle,      /**< Style sheet for slides: not used for anything yet */
00107   TidyErrFile,         /**< File name to write errors to */
00108   TidyOutFile,         /**< File name to write markup to */
00109   TidyWriteBack,       /**< If true then output tidied markup */
00110   TidyShowMarkup,      /**< If false, normal output is suppressed */
00111   TidyShowInfo,        /**< If true, info-level messages are shown */
00112   TidyShowWarnings,    /**< However errors are always shown */
00113   TidyQuiet,           /**< No 'Parsing X', guessed DTD or summary */
00114   TidyIndentContent,   /**< Indent content of appropriate tags */
00115                        /**< "auto" does text/block level content indentation */
00116   TidyCoerceEndTags,   /**< Coerce end tags from start tags where probably intended */
00117   TidyOmitOptionalTags,/**< Suppress optional start tags and end tags */
00118   TidyHideEndTags,     /**< Legacy name for TidyOmitOptionalTags */
00119   TidyXmlTags,         /**< Treat input as XML */
00120   TidyXmlOut,          /**< Create output as XML */
00121   TidyXhtmlOut,        /**< Output extensible HTML */
00122   TidyHtmlOut,         /**< Output plain HTML, even for XHTML input.
00123                            Yes means set explicitly. */
00124   TidyXmlDecl,         /**< Add <?xml?> for XML docs */
00125   TidyUpperCaseTags,   /**< Output tags in upper not lower case */
00126   TidyUpperCaseAttrs,  /**< Output attributes in upper not lower case */
00127   TidyMakeBare,        /**< Make bare HTML: remove Microsoft cruft */
00128   TidyMakeClean,       /**< Replace presentational clutter by style rules */
00129   TidyGDocClean,       /**< Clean up HTML exported from Google Docs */
00130   TidyLogicalEmphasis, /**< Replace i by em and b by strong */
00131   TidyDropPropAttrs,   /**< Discard proprietary attributes */
00132   TidyDropFontTags,    /**< Discard presentation tags */
00133   TidyDropEmptyElems,  /**< Discard empty elements */
00134   TidyDropEmptyParas,  /**< Discard empty p elements */
00135   TidyFixComments,     /**< Fix comments with adjacent hyphens */
00136   TidyBreakBeforeBR,   /**< Output newline before <br> or not? */
00138   /* obsolete */
00139   TidyBurstSlides,     /**< Create slides on each h2 element */
00141   TidyNumEntities,     /**< Use numeric entities */
00142   TidyQuoteMarks,      /**< Output " marks as &quot; */
00143   TidyQuoteNbsp,       /**< Output non-breaking space as entity */
00144   TidyQuoteAmpersand,  /**< Output naked ampersand as &amp; */
00145   TidyWrapAttVals,     /**< Wrap within attribute values */
00146   TidyWrapScriptlets,  /**< Wrap within JavaScript string literals */
00147   TidyWrapSection,     /**< Wrap within <![ ... ]> section tags */
00148   TidyWrapAsp,         /**< Wrap within ASP pseudo elements */
00149   TidyWrapJste,        /**< Wrap within JSTE pseudo elements */
00150   TidyWrapPhp,         /**< Wrap within PHP pseudo elements */
00151   TidyFixBackslash,    /**< Fix URLs by replacing \ with / */
00152   TidyIndentAttributes,/**< Newline+indent before each attribute */
00153   TidyXmlPIs,          /**< If set to yes PIs must end with ?> */
00154   TidyXmlSpace,        /**< If set to yes adds xml:space attr as needed */
00155   TidyEncloseBodyText, /**< If yes text at body is wrapped in P's */
00156   TidyEncloseBlockText,/**< If yes text in blocks is wrapped in P's */
00157   TidyKeepFileTimes,   /**< If yes last modied time is preserved */
00158   TidyWord2000,        /**< Draconian cleaning for Word2000 */
00159   TidyMark,            /**< Add meta element indicating tidied doc */
00160   TidyEmacs,           /**< If true format error output for GNU Emacs */
00161   TidyEmacsFile,       /**< Name of current Emacs file */
00162   TidyLiteralAttribs,  /**< If true attributes may use newlines */
00163   TidyBodyOnly,        /**< Output BODY content only */
00164   TidyFixUri,          /**< Applies URI encoding if necessary */
00165   TidyLowerLiterals,   /**< Folds known attribute values to lower case */
00166   TidyHideComments,    /**< Hides all (real) comments in output */
00167   TidyIndentCdata,     /**< Indent <!CDATA[ ... ]]> section */
00168   TidyForceOutput,     /**< Output document even if errors were found */
00169   TidyShowErrors,      /**< Number of errors to put out */
00170   TidyAsciiChars,      /**< Convert quotes and dashes to nearest ASCII char */
00171   TidyJoinClasses,     /**< Join multiple class attributes */
00172   TidyJoinStyles,      /**< Join multiple style attributes */
00173   TidyEscapeCdata,     /**< Replace <![CDATA[]]> sections with escaped text */
00176   TidyLanguage,        /**< Language property: not used for anything yet */
00177   TidyNCR,             /**< Allow numeric character references */
00178 #else
00179   TidyLanguageNotUsed,
00180   TidyNCRNotUsed,
00181 #endif
00183   TidyOutputBOM,      /**< Output a Byte Order Mark (BOM) for UTF-16 encodings */
00184                       /**< auto: if input stream has BOM, we output a BOM */
00185 #else
00186   TidyOutputBOMNotUsed,
00187 #endif
00189   TidyReplaceColor,    /**< Replace hex color attribute values with names */
00190   TidyCSSPrefix,       /**< CSS class naming for -clean option */
00192   TidyInlineTags,      /**< Declared inline tags */
00193   TidyBlockTags,       /**< Declared block tags */
00194   TidyEmptyTags,       /**< Declared empty tags */
00195   TidyPreTags,         /**< Declared pre tags */
00197   TidyAccessibilityCheckLevel, /**< Accessibility check level 
00198                                    0 (old style), or 1, 2, 3 */
00200   TidyVertSpace,       /**< degree to which markup is spread out vertically */
00202   TidyPunctWrap,       /**< consider punctuation and breaking spaces for wrapping */
00203 #else
00204   TidyPunctWrapNotUsed,
00205 #endif
00206   TidyMergeEmphasis,       /**< Merge nested B and I elements */
00207   TidyMergeDivs,       /**< Merge multiple DIVs */
00208   TidyDecorateInferredUL,  /**< Mark inferred UL elements with no indent CSS */
00209   TidyPreserveEntities,    /**< Preserve entities */
00210   TidySortAttributes,      /**< Sort attributes */
00211   TidyMergeSpans,       /**< Merge multiple SPANs */
00212   TidyAnchorAsName,    /**< Define anchors as name attributes */
00213   N_TIDY_OPTIONS       /**< Must be last */
00214 } TidyOptionId;
00216 /** Option data types
00217 */
00218 typedef enum
00219 {
00220   TidyString,          /**< String */
00221   TidyInteger,         /**< Integer or enumeration */
00222   TidyBoolean          /**< Boolean flag */
00223 } TidyOptionType;
00226 /** AutoBool values used by ParseBool, ParseTriState, ParseIndent, ParseBOM
00227 */
00228 typedef enum
00229 {
00230    TidyNoState,     /**< maps to 'no' */
00231    TidyYesState,    /**< maps to 'yes' */
00232    TidyAutoState    /**< Automatic */
00233 } TidyTriState;
00235 /** TidyNewline option values to control output line endings.
00236 */
00237 typedef enum
00238 {
00239     TidyLF,         /**< Use Unix style: LF */
00240     TidyCRLF,       /**< Use DOS/Windows style: CR+LF */
00241     TidyCR          /**< Use Macintosh style: CR */
00242 } TidyLineEnding;
00245 /** Mode controlling treatment of doctype
00246 */
00247 typedef enum
00248 {
00249     TidyDoctypeHtml5,   /**< <!DOCTYPE html> */
00250     TidyDoctypeOmit,    /**< Omit DOCTYPE altogether */
00251     TidyDoctypeAuto,    /**< Keep DOCTYPE in input.  Set version to content */
00252     TidyDoctypeStrict,  /**< Convert document to HTML 4 strict content model */
00253     TidyDoctypeLoose,   /**< Convert document to HTML 4 transitional
00254                              content model */
00255     TidyDoctypeUser     /**< Set DOCTYPE FPI explicitly */
00256 } TidyDoctypeModes;
00258 /** Mode controlling treatment of duplicate Attributes
00259 */
00260 typedef enum
00261 {
00262     TidyKeepFirst,
00263     TidyKeepLast
00264 } TidyDupAttrModes;
00266 /** Mode controlling treatment of sorting attributes
00267 */
00268 typedef enum
00269 {
00270     TidySortAttrNone,
00271     TidySortAttrAlpha
00272 } TidyAttrSortStrategy;
00274 /* I/O and Message handling interface
00275 **
00276 ** By default, Tidy will define, create and use 
00277 ** instances of input and output handlers for 
00278 ** standard C buffered I/O (i.e. FILE* stdin,
00279 ** FILE* stdout and FILE* stderr for content
00280 ** input, content output and diagnostic output,
00281 ** respectively.  A FILE* cfgFile input handler
00282 ** will be used for config files.  Command line
00283 ** options will just be set directly.
00284 */
00286 /** Message severity level
00287 */
00288 typedef enum 
00289 {
00290   TidyInfo,             /**< Information about markup usage */
00291   TidyWarning,          /**< Warning message */
00292   TidyConfig,           /**< Configuration error */
00293   TidyAccess,           /**< Accessibility message */
00294   TidyError,            /**< Error message - output suppressed */
00295   TidyBadDocument,      /**< I/O or file system error */
00296   TidyFatal             /**< Crash! */
00297 } TidyReportLevel;
00300 /* Document tree traversal functions
00301 */
00303 /** Node types
00304 */
00305 typedef enum 
00306 {
00307   TidyNode_Root,        /**< Root */
00308   TidyNode_DocType,     /**< DOCTYPE */
00309   TidyNode_Comment,     /**< Comment */
00310   TidyNode_ProcIns,     /**< Processing Instruction */
00311   TidyNode_Text,        /**< Text */
00312   TidyNode_Start,       /**< Start Tag */
00313   TidyNode_End,         /**< End Tag */
00314   TidyNode_StartEnd,    /**< Start/End (empty) Tag */
00315   TidyNode_CDATA,       /**< Unparsed Text */
00316   TidyNode_Section,     /**< XML Section */
00317   TidyNode_Asp,         /**< ASP Source */
00318   TidyNode_Jste,        /**< JSTE Source */
00319   TidyNode_Php,         /**< PHP Source */
00320   TidyNode_XmlDecl      /**< XML Declaration */
00321 } TidyNodeType;
00324 /** Known HTML element types
00325 */
00326 typedef enum
00327 {
00328   TidyTag_UNKNOWN,  /**< Unknown tag! */
00329   TidyTag_A,        /**< A */
00330   TidyTag_ABBR,     /**< ABBR */
00331   TidyTag_ACRONYM,  /**< ACRONYM */
00332   TidyTag_ADDRESS,  /**< ADDRESS */
00333   TidyTag_ALIGN,    /**< ALIGN */
00334   TidyTag_APPLET,   /**< APPLET */
00335   TidyTag_AREA,     /**< AREA */
00336   TidyTag_B,        /**< B */
00337   TidyTag_BASE,     /**< BASE */
00338   TidyTag_BASEFONT, /**< BASEFONT */
00339   TidyTag_BDO,      /**< BDO */
00340   TidyTag_BGSOUND,  /**< BGSOUND */
00341   TidyTag_BIG,      /**< BIG */
00342   TidyTag_BLINK,    /**< BLINK */
00343   TidyTag_BLOCKQUOTE,   /**< BLOCKQUOTE */
00344   TidyTag_BODY,     /**< BODY */
00345   TidyTag_BR,       /**< BR */
00346   TidyTag_BUTTON,   /**< BUTTON */
00347   TidyTag_CAPTION,  /**< CAPTION */
00348   TidyTag_CENTER,   /**< CENTER */
00349   TidyTag_CITE,     /**< CITE */
00350   TidyTag_CODE,     /**< CODE */
00351   TidyTag_COL,      /**< COL */
00352   TidyTag_COLGROUP, /**< COLGROUP */
00353   TidyTag_COMMENT,  /**< COMMENT */
00354   TidyTag_DD,       /**< DD */
00355   TidyTag_DEL,      /**< DEL */
00356   TidyTag_DFN,      /**< DFN */
00357   TidyTag_DIR,      /**< DIR */
00358   TidyTag_DIV,      /**< DIF */
00359   TidyTag_DL,       /**< DL */
00360   TidyTag_DT,       /**< DT */
00361   TidyTag_EM,       /**< EM */
00362   TidyTag_EMBED,    /**< EMBED */
00363   TidyTag_FIELDSET, /**< FIELDSET */
00364   TidyTag_FONT,     /**< FONT */
00365   TidyTag_FORM,     /**< FORM */
00366   TidyTag_FRAME,    /**< FRAME */
00367   TidyTag_FRAMESET, /**< FRAMESET */
00368   TidyTag_H1,       /**< H1 */
00369   TidyTag_H2,       /**< H2 */
00370   TidyTag_H3,       /**< H3 */
00371   TidyTag_H4,       /**< H4 */
00372   TidyTag_H5,       /**< H5 */
00373   TidyTag_H6,       /**< H6 */
00374   TidyTag_HEAD,     /**< HEAD */
00375   TidyTag_HR,       /**< HR */
00376   TidyTag_HTML,     /**< HTML */
00377   TidyTag_I,        /**< I */
00378   TidyTag_IFRAME,   /**< IFRAME */
00379   TidyTag_ILAYER,   /**< ILAYER */
00380   TidyTag_IMG,      /**< IMG */
00381   TidyTag_INPUT,    /**< INPUT */
00382   TidyTag_INS,      /**< INS */
00383   TidyTag_ISINDEX,  /**< ISINDEX */
00384   TidyTag_KBD,      /**< KBD */
00385   TidyTag_KEYGEN,   /**< KEYGEN */
00386   TidyTag_LABEL,    /**< LABEL */
00387   TidyTag_LAYER,    /**< LAYER */
00388   TidyTag_LEGEND,   /**< LEGEND */
00389   TidyTag_LI,       /**< LI */
00390   TidyTag_LINK,     /**< LINK */
00391   TidyTag_LISTING,  /**< LISTING */
00392   TidyTag_MAP,      /**< MAP */
00393   TidyTag_MARQUEE,  /**< MARQUEE */
00394   TidyTag_MENU,     /**< MENU */
00395   TidyTag_META,     /**< META */
00396   TidyTag_MULTICOL, /**< MULTICOL */
00397   TidyTag_NOBR,     /**< NOBR */
00398   TidyTag_NOEMBED,  /**< NOEMBED */
00399   TidyTag_NOFRAMES, /**< NOFRAMES */
00400   TidyTag_NOLAYER,  /**< NOLAYER */
00401   TidyTag_NOSAVE,   /**< NOSAVE */
00402   TidyTag_NOSCRIPT, /**< NOSCRIPT */
00403   TidyTag_OBJECT,   /**< OBJECT */
00404   TidyTag_OL,       /**< OL */
00405   TidyTag_OPTGROUP, /**< OPTGROUP */
00406   TidyTag_OPTION,   /**< OPTION */
00407   TidyTag_P,        /**< P */
00408   TidyTag_PARAM,    /**< PARAM */
00409   TidyTag_PLAINTEXT,/**< PLAINTEXT */
00410   TidyTag_PRE,      /**< PRE */
00411   TidyTag_Q,        /**< Q */
00412   TidyTag_RB,       /**< RB */
00413   TidyTag_RBC,      /**< RBC */
00414   TidyTag_RP,       /**< RP */
00415   TidyTag_RT,       /**< RT */
00416   TidyTag_RTC,      /**< RTC */
00417   TidyTag_RUBY,     /**< RUBY */
00418   TidyTag_S,        /**< S */
00419   TidyTag_SAMP,     /**< SAMP */
00420   TidyTag_SCRIPT,   /**< SCRIPT */
00421   TidyTag_SELECT,   /**< SELECT */
00422   TidyTag_SERVER,   /**< SERVER */
00423   TidyTag_SERVLET,  /**< SERVLET */
00424   TidyTag_SMALL,    /**< SMALL */
00425   TidyTag_SPACER,   /**< SPACER */
00426   TidyTag_SPAN,     /**< SPAN */
00427   TidyTag_STRIKE,   /**< STRIKE */
00428   TidyTag_STRONG,   /**< STRONG */
00429   TidyTag_STYLE,    /**< STYLE */
00430   TidyTag_SUB,      /**< SUB */
00431   TidyTag_SUP,      /**< SUP */
00432   TidyTag_TABLE,    /**< TABLE */
00433   TidyTag_TBODY,    /**< TBODY */
00434   TidyTag_TD,       /**< TD */
00435   TidyTag_TEXTAREA, /**< TEXTAREA */
00436   TidyTag_TFOOT,    /**< TFOOT */
00437   TidyTag_TH,       /**< TH */
00438   TidyTag_THEAD,    /**< THEAD */
00439   TidyTag_TITLE,    /**< TITLE */
00440   TidyTag_TR,       /**< TR */
00441   TidyTag_TT,       /**< TT */
00442   TidyTag_U,        /**< U */
00443   TidyTag_UL,       /**< UL */
00444   TidyTag_VAR,      /**< VAR */
00445   TidyTag_WBR,      /**< WBR */
00446   TidyTag_XMP,      /**< XMP */
00447   TidyTag_NEXTID,   /**< NEXTID */
00449   TidyTag_ARTICLE,
00450   TidyTag_ASIDE,
00451   TidyTag_AUDIO,
00452   TidyTag_CANVAS,
00453   TidyTag_COMMAND,
00454   TidyTag_DATALIST,
00455   TidyTag_DETAILS,
00456   TidyTag_FIGCAPTION,
00457   TidyTag_FIGURE,
00458   TidyTag_FOOTER,
00459   TidyTag_HEADER,
00460   TidyTag_HGROUP,
00461   TidyTag_MARK,
00462   TidyTag_METER,
00463   TidyTag_NAV,
00464   TidyTag_OUTPUT,
00465   TidyTag_PROGRESS,
00466   TidyTag_SECTION,
00467   TidyTag_SOURCE,
00468   TidyTag_SUMMARY,
00469   TidyTag_TIME,
00470   TidyTag_TRACK,
00471   TidyTag_VIDEO,
00473   N_TIDY_TAGS       /**< Must be last */
00474 } TidyTagId;
00476 /* Attribute interrogation
00477 */
00479 /** Known HTML attributes
00480 */
00481 typedef enum
00482 {
00483   TidyAttr_UNKNOWN,           /**< UNKNOWN= */
00484   TidyAttr_ABBR,              /**< ABBR= */
00485   TidyAttr_ACCEPT,            /**< ACCEPT= */
00486   TidyAttr_ACCEPT_CHARSET,    /**< ACCEPT_CHARSET= */
00487   TidyAttr_ACCESSKEY,         /**< ACCESSKEY= */
00488   TidyAttr_ACTION,            /**< ACTION= */
00489   TidyAttr_ADD_DATE,          /**< ADD_DATE= */
00490   TidyAttr_ALIGN,             /**< ALIGN= */
00491   TidyAttr_ALINK,             /**< ALINK= */
00492   TidyAttr_ALT,               /**< ALT= */
00493   TidyAttr_ARCHIVE,           /**< ARCHIVE= */
00494   TidyAttr_AXIS,              /**< AXIS= */
00495   TidyAttr_BACKGROUND,        /**< BACKGROUND= */
00496   TidyAttr_BGCOLOR,           /**< BGCOLOR= */
00497   TidyAttr_BGPROPERTIES,      /**< BGPROPERTIES= */
00498   TidyAttr_BORDER,            /**< BORDER= */
00499   TidyAttr_BORDERCOLOR,       /**< BORDERCOLOR= */
00500   TidyAttr_BOTTOMMARGIN,      /**< BOTTOMMARGIN= */
00501   TidyAttr_CELLPADDING,       /**< CELLPADDING= */
00502   TidyAttr_CELLSPACING,       /**< CELLSPACING= */
00503   TidyAttr_CHAR,              /**< CHAR= */
00504   TidyAttr_CHAROFF,           /**< CHAROFF= */
00505   TidyAttr_CHARSET,           /**< CHARSET= */
00506   TidyAttr_CHECKED,           /**< CHECKED= */
00507   TidyAttr_CITE,              /**< CITE= */
00508   TidyAttr_CLASS,             /**< CLASS= */
00509   TidyAttr_CLASSID,           /**< CLASSID= */
00510   TidyAttr_CLEAR,             /**< CLEAR= */
00511   TidyAttr_CODE,              /**< CODE= */
00512   TidyAttr_CODEBASE,          /**< CODEBASE= */
00513   TidyAttr_CODETYPE,          /**< CODETYPE= */
00514   TidyAttr_COLOR,             /**< COLOR= */
00515   TidyAttr_COLS,              /**< COLS= */
00516   TidyAttr_COLSPAN,           /**< COLSPAN= */
00517   TidyAttr_COMPACT,           /**< COMPACT= */
00518   TidyAttr_CONTENT,           /**< CONTENT= */
00519   TidyAttr_COORDS,            /**< COORDS= */
00520   TidyAttr_DATA,              /**< DATA= */
00521   TidyAttr_DATAFLD,           /**< DATAFLD= */
00522   TidyAttr_DATAFORMATAS,      /**< DATAFORMATAS= */
00523   TidyAttr_DATAPAGESIZE,      /**< DATAPAGESIZE= */
00524   TidyAttr_DATASRC,           /**< DATASRC= */
00525   TidyAttr_DATETIME,          /**< DATETIME= */
00526   TidyAttr_DECLARE,           /**< DECLARE= */
00527   TidyAttr_DEFER,             /**< DEFER= */
00528   TidyAttr_DIR,               /**< DIR= */
00529   TidyAttr_DISABLED,          /**< DISABLED= */
00530   TidyAttr_ENCODING,          /**< ENCODING= */
00531   TidyAttr_ENCTYPE,           /**< ENCTYPE= */
00532   TidyAttr_FACE,              /**< FACE= */
00533   TidyAttr_FOR,               /**< FOR= */
00534   TidyAttr_FRAME,             /**< FRAME= */
00535   TidyAttr_FRAMEBORDER,       /**< FRAMEBORDER= */
00536   TidyAttr_FRAMESPACING,      /**< FRAMESPACING= */
00537   TidyAttr_GRIDX,             /**< GRIDX= */
00538   TidyAttr_GRIDY,             /**< GRIDY= */
00539   TidyAttr_HEADERS,           /**< HEADERS= */
00540   TidyAttr_HEIGHT,            /**< HEIGHT= */
00541   TidyAttr_HREF,              /**< HREF= */
00542   TidyAttr_HREFLANG,          /**< HREFLANG= */
00543   TidyAttr_HSPACE,            /**< HSPACE= */
00544   TidyAttr_HTTP_EQUIV,        /**< HTTP_EQUIV= */
00545   TidyAttr_ID,                /**< ID= */
00546   TidyAttr_ISMAP,             /**< ISMAP= */
00547   TidyAttr_ITEMPROP,          /**< ITEMPROP= */
00548   TidyAttr_LABEL,             /**< LABEL= */
00549   TidyAttr_LANG,              /**< LANG= */
00550   TidyAttr_LANGUAGE,          /**< LANGUAGE= */
00551   TidyAttr_LAST_MODIFIED,     /**< LAST_MODIFIED= */
00552   TidyAttr_LAST_VISIT,        /**< LAST_VISIT= */
00553   TidyAttr_LEFTMARGIN,        /**< LEFTMARGIN= */
00554   TidyAttr_LINK,              /**< LINK= */
00555   TidyAttr_LONGDESC,          /**< LONGDESC= */
00556   TidyAttr_LOWSRC,            /**< LOWSRC= */
00557   TidyAttr_MARGINHEIGHT,      /**< MARGINHEIGHT= */
00558   TidyAttr_MARGINWIDTH,       /**< MARGINWIDTH= */
00559   TidyAttr_MAXLENGTH,         /**< MAXLENGTH= */
00560   TidyAttr_MEDIA,             /**< MEDIA= */
00561   TidyAttr_METHOD,            /**< METHOD= */
00562   TidyAttr_MULTIPLE,          /**< MULTIPLE= */
00563   TidyAttr_NAME,              /**< NAME= */
00564   TidyAttr_NOHREF,            /**< NOHREF= */
00565   TidyAttr_NORESIZE,          /**< NORESIZE= */
00566   TidyAttr_NOSHADE,           /**< NOSHADE= */
00567   TidyAttr_NOWRAP,            /**< NOWRAP= */
00568   TidyAttr_OBJECT,            /**< OBJECT= */
00569   TidyAttr_OnAFTERUPDATE,     /**< OnAFTERUPDATE= */
00570   TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUNLOAD,    /**< OnBEFOREUNLOAD= */
00571   TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUPDATE,    /**< OnBEFOREUPDATE= */
00572   TidyAttr_OnBLUR,            /**< OnBLUR= */
00573   TidyAttr_OnCHANGE,          /**< OnCHANGE= */
00574   TidyAttr_OnCLICK,           /**< OnCLICK= */
00575   TidyAttr_OnDATAAVAILABLE,   /**< OnDATAAVAILABLE= */
00578   TidyAttr_OnDBLCLICK,        /**< OnDBLCLICK= */
00579   TidyAttr_OnERRORUPDATE,     /**< OnERRORUPDATE= */
00580   TidyAttr_OnFOCUS,           /**< OnFOCUS= */
00581   TidyAttr_OnKEYDOWN,         /**< OnKEYDOWN= */
00582   TidyAttr_OnKEYPRESS,        /**< OnKEYPRESS= */
00583   TidyAttr_OnKEYUP,           /**< OnKEYUP= */
00584   TidyAttr_OnLOAD,            /**< OnLOAD= */
00585   TidyAttr_OnMOUSEDOWN,       /**< OnMOUSEDOWN= */
00586   TidyAttr_OnMOUSEMOVE,       /**< OnMOUSEMOVE= */
00587   TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOUT,        /**< OnMOUSEOUT= */
00588   TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOVER,       /**< OnMOUSEOVER= */
00589   TidyAttr_OnMOUSEUP,         /**< OnMOUSEUP= */
00590   TidyAttr_OnRESET,           /**< OnRESET= */
00591   TidyAttr_OnROWENTER,        /**< OnROWENTER= */
00592   TidyAttr_OnROWEXIT,         /**< OnROWEXIT= */
00593   TidyAttr_OnSELECT,          /**< OnSELECT= */
00594   TidyAttr_OnSUBMIT,          /**< OnSUBMIT= */
00595   TidyAttr_OnUNLOAD,          /**< OnUNLOAD= */
00596   TidyAttr_PROFILE,           /**< PROFILE= */
00597   TidyAttr_PROMPT,            /**< PROMPT= */
00598   TidyAttr_RBSPAN,            /**< RBSPAN= */
00599   TidyAttr_READONLY,          /**< READONLY= */
00600   TidyAttr_REL,               /**< REL= */
00601   TidyAttr_REV,               /**< REV= */
00602   TidyAttr_RIGHTMARGIN,       /**< RIGHTMARGIN= */
00603   TidyAttr_ROWS,              /**< ROWS= */
00604   TidyAttr_ROWSPAN,           /**< ROWSPAN= */
00605   TidyAttr_RULES,             /**< RULES= */
00606   TidyAttr_SCHEME,            /**< SCHEME= */
00607   TidyAttr_SCOPE,             /**< SCOPE= */
00608   TidyAttr_SCROLLING,         /**< SCROLLING= */
00609   TidyAttr_SELECTED,          /**< SELECTED= */
00610   TidyAttr_SHAPE,             /**< SHAPE= */
00611   TidyAttr_SHOWGRID,          /**< SHOWGRID= */
00612   TidyAttr_SHOWGRIDX,         /**< SHOWGRIDX= */
00613   TidyAttr_SHOWGRIDY,         /**< SHOWGRIDY= */
00614   TidyAttr_SIZE,              /**< SIZE= */
00615   TidyAttr_SPAN,              /**< SPAN= */
00616   TidyAttr_SRC,               /**< SRC= */
00617   TidyAttr_STANDBY,           /**< STANDBY= */
00618   TidyAttr_START,             /**< START= */
00619   TidyAttr_STYLE,             /**< STYLE= */
00620   TidyAttr_SUMMARY,           /**< SUMMARY= */
00621   TidyAttr_TABINDEX,          /**< TABINDEX= */
00622   TidyAttr_TARGET,            /**< TARGET= */
00623   TidyAttr_TEXT,              /**< TEXT= */
00624   TidyAttr_TITLE,             /**< TITLE= */
00625   TidyAttr_TOPMARGIN,         /**< TOPMARGIN= */
00626   TidyAttr_TYPE,              /**< TYPE= */
00627   TidyAttr_USEMAP,            /**< USEMAP= */
00628   TidyAttr_VALIGN,            /**< VALIGN= */
00629   TidyAttr_VALUE,             /**< VALUE= */
00630   TidyAttr_VALUETYPE,         /**< VALUETYPE= */
00631   TidyAttr_VERSION,           /**< VERSION= */
00632   TidyAttr_VLINK,             /**< VLINK= */
00633   TidyAttr_VSPACE,            /**< VSPACE= */
00634   TidyAttr_WIDTH,             /**< WIDTH= */
00635   TidyAttr_WRAP,              /**< WRAP= */
00636   TidyAttr_XML_LANG,          /**< XML_LANG= */
00637   TidyAttr_XML_SPACE,         /**< XML_SPACE= */
00638   TidyAttr_XMLNS,             /**< XMLNS= */
00640   TidyAttr_EVENT,             /**< EVENT= */
00641   TidyAttr_METHODS,           /**< METHODS= */
00642   TidyAttr_N,                 /**< N= */
00643   TidyAttr_SDAFORM,           /**< SDAFORM= */
00644   TidyAttr_SDAPREF,           /**< SDAPREF= */
00645   TidyAttr_SDASUFF,           /**< SDASUFF= */
00646   TidyAttr_URN,               /**< URN= */
00648   TidyAttr_ASYNC,
00649   TidyAttr_AUTOCOMPLETE,
00650   TidyAttr_AUTOFOCUS,
00651   TidyAttr_AUTOPLAY,
00652   TidyAttr_CHALLENGE,
00654   TidyAttr_CONTEXTMENU,
00655   TidyAttr_CONTROLS,
00656   TidyAttr_DEFAULT,
00657   TidyAttr_DIRNAME,
00658   TidyAttr_DRAGGABLE,
00659   TidyAttr_DROPZONE,
00660   TidyAttr_FORM,
00661   TidyAttr_FORMACTION,
00662   TidyAttr_FORMENCTYPE,
00663   TidyAttr_FORMMETHOD,
00664   TidyAttr_FORMNOVALIDATE,
00665   TidyAttr_FORMTARGET,
00666   TidyAttr_HIDDEN,
00667   TidyAttr_HIGH,
00668   TidyAttr_ICON,
00669   TidyAttr_KEYTYPE,
00670   TidyAttr_KIND,
00671   TidyAttr_LIST,
00672   TidyAttr_LOOP,
00673   TidyAttr_LOW,
00674   TidyAttr_MANIFEST,
00675   TidyAttr_MAX,
00676   TidyAttr_MEDIAGROUP,
00677   TidyAttr_MIN,
00678   TidyAttr_NOVALIDATE,
00679   TidyAttr_OPEN,
00680   TidyAttr_OPTIMUM,
00681   TidyAttr_OnABORT,
00682   TidyAttr_OnAFTERPRINT,
00683   TidyAttr_OnBEFOREPRINT,
00684   TidyAttr_OnCANPLAY,
00685   TidyAttr_OnCANPLAYTHROUGH,
00686   TidyAttr_OnCONTEXTMENU,
00687   TidyAttr_OnCUECHANGE,
00688   TidyAttr_OnDRAG,
00689   TidyAttr_OnDRAGEND,
00690   TidyAttr_OnDRAGENTER,
00691   TidyAttr_OnDRAGLEAVE,
00692   TidyAttr_OnDRAGOVER,
00693   TidyAttr_OnDRAGSTART,
00694   TidyAttr_OnDROP,
00695   TidyAttr_OnDURATIONCHANGE,
00696   TidyAttr_OnEMPTIED,
00697   TidyAttr_OnENDED,
00698   TidyAttr_OnERROR,
00699   TidyAttr_OnHASHCHANGE,
00700   TidyAttr_OnINPUT,
00701   TidyAttr_OnINVALID,
00702   TidyAttr_OnLOADEDDATA,
00703   TidyAttr_OnLOADEDMETADATA,
00704   TidyAttr_OnLOADSTART,
00705   TidyAttr_OnMESSAGE,
00706   TidyAttr_OnMOUSEWHEEL,
00707   TidyAttr_OnOFFLINE,
00708   TidyAttr_OnONLINE,
00709   TidyAttr_OnPAGEHIDE,
00710   TidyAttr_OnPAGESHOW,
00711   TidyAttr_OnPAUSE,
00712   TidyAttr_OnPLAY,
00713   TidyAttr_OnPLAYING,
00714   TidyAttr_OnPOPSTATE,
00715   TidyAttr_OnPROGRESS,
00716   TidyAttr_OnRATECHANGE,
00718   TidyAttr_OnREDO,
00719   TidyAttr_OnRESIZE,
00720   TidyAttr_OnSCROLL,
00721   TidyAttr_OnSEEKED,
00722   TidyAttr_OnSEEKING,
00723   TidyAttr_OnSHOW,
00724   TidyAttr_OnSTALLED,
00725   TidyAttr_OnSTORAGE,
00726   TidyAttr_OnSUSPEND,
00727   TidyAttr_OnTIMEUPDATE,
00728   TidyAttr_OnUNDO,
00729   TidyAttr_OnVOLUMECHANGE,
00730   TidyAttr_OnWAITING,
00731   TidyAttr_PATTERN,
00732   TidyAttr_PLACEHOLDER,
00733   TidyAttr_POSTER,
00734   TidyAttr_PRELOAD,
00735   TidyAttr_PUBDATE,
00736   TidyAttr_RADIOGROUP,
00737   TidyAttr_REQUIRED,
00738   TidyAttr_REVERSED,
00739   TidyAttr_SANDBOX,
00740   TidyAttr_SCOPED,
00741   TidyAttr_SEAMLESS,
00742   TidyAttr_SIZES,
00743   TidyAttr_SPELLCHECK,
00744   TidyAttr_SRCDOC,
00745   TidyAttr_SRCLANG,
00746   TidyAttr_STEP,
00749   N_TIDY_ATTRIBS              /**< Must be last */
00750 } TidyAttrId;
00752 #ifdef __cplusplus
00753 }  /* extern "C" */
00754 #endif
00755 #endif /* __TIDYENUM_H__ */