/*\ * 20150206 - Test app for Issue #71 * * A simple API example of getting the body text, first as html, * and then as a raw stream. * * Note: This simple test app has no error checking * \*/ #include #include "buffio.h" #include "tidy.h" static const char *sample = "\n" "\n" "\n" "Test app for Issue #71\n" "something & escaped\n" ""; int main() { printf("\nSimple example of HTML Tidy API use.\n"); TidyDoc tdoc = tidyCreate(); TidyBuffer buff; tidyBufInit(&buff); tidyBufAppend(&buff, (void *)sample, strlen(sample)); tidyParseBuffer(tdoc, &buff); TidyNode body = tidyGetBody(tdoc); TidyNode text_node = tidyGetChild(body); TidyBuffer buff2; tidyBufInit(&buff2); printf("This is the 'escaped' text, from tidyNodeGetText(...), suitable for html use...\n"); tidyNodeGetText(tdoc, text_node, &buff2); fwrite(buff2.bp, buff2.size, 1, stdout); printf("This is the 'raw' lexer values, from tidyNodeGetValue(...).\n"); tidyNodeGetValue(tdoc, text_node, &buff2); fwrite(buff2.bp, buff2.size, 1, stdout); printf("\n"); return 0; } // eof