@setlocal @echo off @REM xmltest.cmd - execute all XML test cases @REM @REM (c) 1998-2003 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University @REM See tidy.c for the copyright notice. @REM @REM @REM @set TIDY=..\build\cmake\Release\tidy5.exe @if NOT EXIST %TIDY% goto NOEXE @if NOT EXIST xmlcases.txt goto NOXML @REM set OUTPUT folder @set TIDYOUT=tmp @if EXIST %TIDYOUT%\nul goto DOTEST @md tmp :DOTEST @set TMPTEST=temptest.txt @if EXIST %TMPTEST% @del %TMPTEST% @echo Commencing xml tests from xmlcases.txt @for /F "tokens=1*" %%i in (xmlcases.txt) do @(call onetest.cmd %%i %%j) @echo Full output written to %TMPTEST% @goto END :NOXML @echo Error: Can NOT locate xmlcases.txt! *** FIX ME *** @goto END :NOEXE @echo Can NOT locate %TIDY% executable! *** FIX ME *** @goto END :END